73 research outputs found

    A Pseudorandom-Function Mode Based on Lesamnta-LW and the MDP Domain Extension and Its Applications

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    This paper discusses a mode for pseudorandom functions (PRFs) based on the hashing mode of Lesamnta-LW and the domain extension called Merkle-Damgård with permutation (MDP). The hashing mode of Lesamnta-LW is a plain Merkle-Damgård iteration of a block cipher with its key size half of its block size. First, a PRF mode is presented which produces multiple independent PRFs with multiple permutations and initialization vectors if the underlying block cipher is a PRP. Then, two applications of the PRF mode are presented. One is a PRF with minimum padding. Here, padding is said to be minimum if the produced message blocks do not include message blocks only with the padded sequence for any non-empty input message. The other is a vector-input PRF using the PRFs with minimum padding.This work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI GrantNumber JP16H02828.IEICE Transactions Online TOP (https://search.ieice.org/

    Authenticated Encryption: How Reordering can Impact Performance

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    In this work, we look at authenticated encryption schemes from a new perspective. As opposed to focusing solely on the {\em ``security\u27\u27} implications of the different methods for constructing authenticated encryption schemes, we investigate the effect of the method used to construct an authenticated encryption scheme on the {\em ``performance\u27\u27} of the construction. We show that, as opposed to the current NIST standard, by performing the authentication operation before the encryption operation, the computational efficiency of the construction can be increased, without affecting the security of the overall construction. In fact, we show that the proposed construction is even more secure than standard authentication based on universal hashing in the sense that the hashing key is resilient to key recovery attacks

    Design and Analysis of Multi-Block-Length Hash Functions

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    Cryptographic hash functions are used in many cryptographic applications, and the design of provably secure hash functions (relative to various security notions) is an active area of research. Most of the currently existing hash functions use the Merkle-Damgård paradigm, where by appropriate iteration the hash function inherits its collision and preimage resistance from the underlying compression function. Compression functions can either be constructed from scratch or be built using well-known cryptographic primitives such as a blockcipher. One classic type of primitive-based compression functions is single-block-length : It contains designs that have an output size matching the output length n of the underlying primitive. The single-block-length setting is well-understood. Yet even for the optimally secure constructions, the (time) complexity of collision- and preimage-finding attacks is at most 2n/2, respectively 2n ; when n = 128 (e.g., Advanced Encryption Standard) the resulting bounds have been deemed unacceptable for current practice. As a remedy, multi-block-length primitive-based compression functions, which output more than n bits, have been proposed. This output expansion is typically achieved by calling the primitive multiple times and then combining the resulting primitive outputs in some clever way. In this thesis, we study the collision and preimage resistance of certain types of multi-call multi-block-length primitive-based compression (and the corresponding Merkle-Damgård iterated hash) functions : Our contribution is three-fold. First, we provide a novel framework for blockcipher-based compression functions that compress 3n bits to 2n bits and that use two calls to a 2n-bit key blockcipher with block-length n. We restrict ourselves to two parallel calls and analyze the sufficient conditions to obtain close-to-optimal collision resistance, either in the compression function or in the Merkle-Damgård iteration. Second, we present a new compression function h: {0,1}3n → {0,1}2n ; it uses two parallel calls to an ideal primitive (public random function) from 2n to n bits. This is similar to MDC-2 or the recently proposed MJH by Lee and Stam (CT-RSA'11). However, unlike these constructions, already in the compression function we achieve that an adversary limited (asymptotically in n) to O (22n(1-δ)/3) queries (for any δ > 0) has a disappearing advantage to find collisions. This is the first construction of this type offering collision resistance beyond 2n/2 queries. Our final contribution is the (re)analysis of the preimage and collision resistance of the Knudsen-Preneel compression functions in the setting of public random functions. Knudsen-Preneel compression functions utilize an [r,k,d] linear error-correcting code over 𝔽2e (for e > 1) to build a compression function from underlying blockciphers operating in the Davies-Meyer mode. Knudsen and Preneel show, in the complexity-theoretic setting, that finding collisions takes time at least 2(d-1)n2. Preimage resistance, however, is conjectured to be the square of the collision resistance. Our results show that both the collision resistance proof and the preimage resistance conjecture of Knudsen and Preneel are incorrect : With the exception of two of the proposed parameters, the Knudsen-Preneel compression functions do not achieve the security level they were designed for

    More Rounds, Less Security?

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    This paper focuses on a surprising class of cryptanalysis results for symmetric-key primitives: when the number of rounds of the primitive is increased, the complexity of the cryptanalysis result decreases. Our primary target will be primitives that consist of identical round functions, such as PBKDF1, the Unix password hashing algorithm, and the Chaskey MAC function. However, some of our results also apply to constructions with non-identical rounds, such as the PRIDE block cipher. First, we construct distinguishers for which the data complexity decreases when the number of rounds is increased. They are based on two well-known observations: iterating a random permutation increases the expected number of fixed points, and iterating a random function decreases the expected number of image points. We explain that these effects also apply to components of cryptographic primitives, such as a round of a block cipher. Second, we introduce a class of key-recovery and preimage-finding techniques that correspond to exhaustive search, however on a smaller part (e.g. one round) of the primitive. As the time complexity of a cryptanalysis result is usually measured by the number of full-round evaluations of the primitive, increasing the number of rounds will lower the time complexity. None of the observations in this paper result in more than a small speed-up over exhaustive search. Therefore, for lightweight applications, implementation advantages may outweigh the presence of these observations

    MergeMAC:A MAC for Authentication with Strict Time Constraints and Limited Bandwidth

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    This paper presents MergeMAC, a MAC that is particularly suitable for environments with strict time requirements and extremely limited bandwidth. MergeMAC computes the MAC by splitting the message into two parts. We use a pseudorandom function (PRF) to map messages to random bit strings and then merge them with a very efficient keyless function. The advantage of this approach is that the outputs of the PRF can be cached for frequently needed message parts. We demonstrate the merits of MergeMAC for authenticating messages on the CAN bus where bandwidth is extremely limited and caching can be used to recover parts of the message counter instead of transmitting it. We recommend an instantiation of the merging function MERGE and analyze the security of our construction. Requirements for a merging function are formally defined and the resulting EUF-CMA security of MergeMAC is proven

    Neeva: A Lightweight Hash Function

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    RFID technology is one of the major applications of lightweight cryptography where security and cost both are equally essential or we may say that cost friendly cryptographic tools have given more weightage. In this paper, we propose a lightweight hash, \textit{Neeva-hash} satisfying the very basic idea of lightweight cryptography. Neeva-hash is based on sponge mode of iteration with software friendly permutation which provides great efficiency and required security in RFID technology. The proposed hash can be used for many application based purposes

    State of the Art in Lightweight Symmetric Cryptography

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    Lightweight cryptography has been one of the hot topics in symmetric cryptography in the recent years. A huge number of lightweight algorithms have been published, standardized and/or used in commercial products. In this paper, we discuss the different implementation constraints that a lightweight algorithm is usually designed to satisfy in both the software and the hardware case. We also present an extensive survey of all lightweight symmetric primitives we are aware of. It covers designs from the academic community, from government agencies and proprietary algorithms which were reverse-engineered or leaked. Relevant national (NIST...) and international (ISO/IEC...) standards are listed. We identified several trends in the design of lightweight algorithms, such as the designers\u27 preference for ARX-based and bitsliced-S-Box-based designs or simpler key schedules. We also discuss more general trade-offs facing the authors of such algorithms and suggest a clearer distinction between two subsets of lightweight cryptography. The first, ultra-lightweight cryptography, deals with primitives fulfilling a unique purpose while satisfying specific and narrow constraints. The second is ubiquitous cryptography and it encompasses more versatile algorithms both in terms of functionality and in terms of implementation trade-offs

    Duplexing the sponge: single-pass authenticated encryption and other applications

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    This paper proposes a novel construction, called duplex, closely related to the sponge construction, that accepts message blocks to be hashed and, at no extra cost, provides digests on the input blocks received so far. It can be proven equivalent to a cascade of sponge functions and hence inherits its security against single-stage generic attacks. The main application proposed here is an authenticated encryption mode based on the duplex construction. This mode is efficient, namely, enciphering and authenticating together require only a single call to the underlying permutation per block, and is readily usable in, e.g., key wrapping. Furthermore, it is the first mode of this kind to be directly based on a permutation instead of a block cipher and to natively support intermediate tags. The duplex construction can be used to efficiently realize other modes, such as a reseedable pseudo-random bit sequence generators and a sponge variant that overwrites part of the state with the input block rather than to XOR it in

    Diving Deep into the Preimage Security of AES-like Hashing

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    Since the seminal works by Sasaki and Aoki, Meet-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks are recognized as an effective technique for preimage and collision attacks on hash functions. At Eurocrypt 2021, Bao et al. automated MITM attacks on AES-like hashing and improved upon the best manual result. The attack framework has been furnished by subsequent works, yet far from complete. This paper elucidates three key contributions dedicated in further generalizing the idea of MITM and refining the automatic model on AES-like hashing. (1) We introduce S-box linearization to MITM pseudo-preimage attacks on AES-like hashing. The technique suits perfectly with superposition states to preserve information after S-box with an affordable cost. (2) We propose distributed initial structures, an extension on the original concept of initial states, that selects initial degrees of freedom in a more versatile manner to enlarge the search space. (3) We exploit the structural similarities between encryption and key schedule in constructions (e.g. Whirlpool and Streebog) to model propagations more accurately and avoid repeated costs. Weaponed with these innovative techniques, we further empower the MITM framework and improve the attack results on AES-like designs for preimage and collision. We obtain the first preimage attacks on 10-round AES-192, 10-round Rijndael-192/256, and 7.75-round Whirlpool, reduced time and/or memory complexities for preimage attacks on 5-, 6-round Whirlpool and 7.5-, 8.5-round Streebog, as well as improved collision attacks on 6- and 6.5-round Whirlpool

    Exercice de style

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    We present the construction and implementation of an 8-bit S-box with a differential and linear branch number of 3. We show an application by designing FLY, a simple block cipher based on bitsliced evaluations of the S-box and bit rotations that targets the same platforms as PRIDE, and which can be seen as a variant of PRESENT with 8-bit S-boxes. It achieves the same performance as PRIDE on 8-bit microcontrollers (in terms of number of instructions per round) while having 1.5 times more equivalent active S-boxes. The S-box also has an efficient implementation with SIMD instructions, a low implementation cost in hardware and it can be masked efficiently thanks to its sparing use of non-linear gates.Cette note présente la construction et l'implémentation d'une boîte S sur 8 bits qui a un branchement linéaire et différentiel de 3.Nous montrons une application en construisant un chiffre par bloc sur 64 bits dont la structure est très simple et est basée sur l'évaluationen tranches (bitsliced) de la boîte S et des rotations sur mots de 8 bits et qui peut être vu comme une variante de PRESENT avec une boîte S de 8 bits. La fonction de tour de ce chiffre peut s'implémenter avec le même nombred'instructions que celle de PRIDE sur micro-controleurs 8-bits, tout en ayant 1,5 fois plus de boîtes S actives (relativement).Cette boîte S peut aussi s'implémenter efficacement avec des instructions SIMD, a un coût faible en matériel etpeut se masquer efficacement grâce au peu de portes non-linéaires nécessaires