36 research outputs found

    An evaluation of compression and streaming techniques for efficient transfer of XML documents with Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

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    Masteroppgave i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi 2003 - Høgskolen i Agder, GrimstadIn SOAP, the entire XML object is generated on the server before it is returned to the client. This puts unnecessary strain on server systems in terms of both memory and CPU. The objectives are to find why SOAP does not allow streaming of responses, possible solutions to the problem and outline alternative transfer methods. Furthermore, compression techniques for a streaming SOAP environment are evaluated, as well as performance of streaming versus an alternative method of data retrieval. The feasibility study concluded that SOAP itself allows streaming of responses, but the HTTP binding does not. This binding specifies the issue of a HTTP fault code in case of a SOAP processing error, meaning the processing must be completed before a HTTP code can legally be issued. One alternative to streaming is using a Request/N-Response message pattern, and dividing the data over several responses. As HTTP only supports a Request/Response message pattern, implementing this is not possible. Either the HTTP binding must be rewritten to allow streaming of responses while processing a request or HTTP must be replaced with for example DIME as the transfer protocol for SOAP to overcome these problems. Tests are set up to find the most suitable compressor technique and to verify that streaming SOAP responses utilize server resources better then alternative transfer methods. Results show that bzip2 is the most suitable compressor technique. And that streaming utilizes memory considerably more efficient, especially with multiple clients connecting

    SIQXC: Schema Independent Queryable XML Compression for Smartphones

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    The explosive growth of XML use over the last decade has led to a lot of research on how to best store and access it. This growth has resulted in XML being described as a de facto standard for storage and exchange of data over the web. However, XML has high redundancy because of its self-­‐ describing nature making it verbose. The verbose nature of XML poses a storage problem. This has led to much research devoted to XML compression. It has become of more interest since the use of resource constrained devices is also on the rise. These devices are limited in storage space, processing power and also have finite energy. Therefore, these devices cannot cope with storing and processing large XML documents. XML queryable compression methods could be a solution but none of them has a query processor that runs on such devices. Currently, wireless connections are used to alleviate the problem but they have adverse effects on the battery life. They are therefore not a sustainable solution. This thesis describes an attempt to address this problem by proposing a queryable compressor (SIQXC) with a query processor that runs in a resource constrained environment thereby lowering wireless connection dependency yet alleviating the storage problem. It applies a novel simple 2 tuple integer encoding system, clustering and gzip. SIQXC achieves an average compression ratio of 70% which is higher than most queryable XML compressors and also supports a wide range of XPATH operators making it competitive approach. It was tested through a practical implementation evaluated against the real data that is usually used for XML benchmarking. The evaluation covered the compression ratio, compression time and query evaluation accuracy and response time. SIQXC allows users to some extent locally store and manipulate the otherwise verbose XML on their Smartphones

    Optimizing XML Compression

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    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) provides a powerful and flexible means of encoding and exchanging data. As it turns out, its main advantage as an encoding format (namely, its requirement that all open and close markup tags are present and properly balanced) yield also one of its main disadvantages: verbosity. XML-conscious compression techniques seek to overcome this drawback. Many of these techniques first separate XML structure from the document content, and then compress each independently. Further compression gains can be realized by identifying and compressing together document content that is highly similar, thereby amortizing the storage costs of auxiliary information required by the chosen compression algorithm. Additionally, the proper choice of compression algorithm is an important factor not only for the achievable compression gain, but also for access performance. Hence, choosing a compression configuration that optimizes compression gain requires one to determine (1) a partitioning strategy for document content, and (2) the best available compression algorithm to apply to each set within this partition. In this paper, we show that finding an optimal compression configuration with respect to compression gain is an NP-hard optimization problem. This problem remains intractable even if one considers a single compression algorithm for all content. We also describe an approximation algorithm for selecting a partitioning strategy for document content based on the branch-and-bound paradigm.Comment: 16 pages, extended version of paper accepted for XSym 200

    On the performance of markup language compression

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    Data compression is used in our everyday life to improve computer interaction or simply for storage purposes. Lossless data compression refers to those techniques that are able to compress a file in such ways that the decompressed format is the replica of the original. These techniques, which differ from the lossy data compression, are necessary and heavily used in order to reduce resource usage and improve storage and transmission speeds. Prior research led to huge improvements in compression performance and efficiency for general purpose tools which are mainly based on statistical and dictionary encoding techniques. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is based on redundant data which is parsed as normal text by general-purpose compressors. Several tools for compressing XML data have been developed, resulting in improvements for compression size and speed using different compression techniques. These tools are mostly based on algorithms that rely on variable length encoding. XML Schema is a language used to define the structure and data types of an XML document. As a result of this, it provides XML compression tools additional information that can be used to improve compression efficiency. In addition, XML Schema is also used for validating XML data. For document compression there is a need to generate the schema dynamically for each XML file. This solution can be applied to improve the efficiency of XML compressors. This research investigates a dynamic approach to compress XML data using a hybrid compression tool. This model allows the compression of XML data using variable and fixed length encoding techniques when their best use cases are triggered. The aim of this research is to investigate the use of fixed length encoding techniques to support general-purpose XML compressors. The results demonstrate the possibility of improving on compression size when a fixed length encoder is used to compressed most XML data types

    Compression of Probabilistic XML documents

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    Probabilistic XML (PXML) files resulting from data integration can become extremely large, which is undesired. For XML there are several techniques available to compress the document and since probabilistic XML is in fact (a special form of) XML, it might benefit from these methods even more. In this research we search for compression mechanisms that are available for XML and implement one of them to customize it with respect to the properties of probabilistic XML. Experiments show that there is no significant improvement for combinations of traditional mechanisms with techniques that are specially designed for probabilistic XML