433 research outputs found

    Compressed Online Dictionary Learning for Fast fMRI Decomposition

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    We present a method for fast resting-state fMRI spatial decomposi-tions of very large datasets, based on the reduction of the temporal dimension before applying dictionary learning on concatenated individual records from groups of subjects. Introducing a measure of correspondence between spatial decompositions of rest fMRI, we demonstrates that time-reduced dictionary learning produces result as reliable as non-reduced decompositions. We also show that this reduction significantly improves computational scalability

    Dependent Nonparametric Bayesian Group Dictionary Learning for online reconstruction of Dynamic MR images

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    In this paper, we introduce a dictionary learning based approach applied to the problem of real-time reconstruction of MR image sequences that are highly undersampled in k-space. Unlike traditional dictionary learning, our method integrates both global and patch-wise (local) sparsity information and incorporates some priori information into the reconstruction process. Moreover, we use a Dependent Hierarchical Beta-process as the prior for the group-based dictionary learning, which adaptively infers the dictionary size and the sparsity of each patch; and also ensures that similar patches are manifested in terms of similar dictionary atoms. An efficient numerical algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is also presented. Through extensive experimental results we show that our proposed method achieves superior reconstruction quality, compared to the other state-of-the- art DL-based methods

    Tensor Decompositions for Signal Processing Applications From Two-way to Multiway Component Analysis

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    The widespread use of multi-sensor technology and the emergence of big datasets has highlighted the limitations of standard flat-view matrix models and the necessity to move towards more versatile data analysis tools. We show that higher-order tensors (i.e., multiway arrays) enable such a fundamental paradigm shift towards models that are essentially polynomial and whose uniqueness, unlike the matrix methods, is guaranteed under verymild and natural conditions. Benefiting fromthe power ofmultilinear algebra as theirmathematical backbone, data analysis techniques using tensor decompositions are shown to have great flexibility in the choice of constraints that match data properties, and to find more general latent components in the data than matrix-based methods. A comprehensive introduction to tensor decompositions is provided from a signal processing perspective, starting from the algebraic foundations, via basic Canonical Polyadic and Tucker models, through to advanced cause-effect and multi-view data analysis schemes. We show that tensor decompositions enable natural generalizations of some commonly used signal processing paradigms, such as canonical correlation and subspace techniques, signal separation, linear regression, feature extraction and classification. We also cover computational aspects, and point out how ideas from compressed sensing and scientific computing may be used for addressing the otherwise unmanageable storage and manipulation problems associated with big datasets. The concepts are supported by illustrative real world case studies illuminating the benefits of the tensor framework, as efficient and promising tools for modern signal processing, data analysis and machine learning applications; these benefits also extend to vector/matrix data through tensorization. Keywords: ICA, NMF, CPD, Tucker decomposition, HOSVD, tensor networks, Tensor Train

    Sparse machine learning methods with applications in multivariate signal processing

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    This thesis details theoretical and empirical work that draws from two main subject areas: Machine Learning (ML) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP). A unified general framework is given for the application of sparse machine learning methods to multivariate signal processing. In particular, methods that enforce sparsity will be employed for reasons of computational efficiency, regularisation, and compressibility. The methods presented can be seen as modular building blocks that can be applied to a variety of applications. Application specific prior knowledge can be used in various ways, resulting in a flexible and powerful set of tools. The motivation for the methods is to be able to learn and generalise from a set of multivariate signals. In addition to testing on benchmark datasets, a series of empirical evaluations on real world datasets were carried out. These included: the classification of musical genre from polyphonic audio files; a study of how the sampling rate in a digital radar can be reduced through the use of Compressed Sensing (CS); analysis of human perception of different modulations of musical key from Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings; classification of genre of musical pieces to which a listener is attending from Magnetoencephalography (MEG) brain recordings. These applications demonstrate the efficacy of the framework and highlight interesting directions of future research