5 research outputs found

    Diameter and Broadcast Time of the Knödel graph

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    Efficient dissemination of information remains a central challenge for all types of networks. There are two ways to handle this issue. One way is to compress the amount of data being transferred and the second way is to minimize the delay of information distribution. Well-received approaches used in the second way either design efficient algorithms or implement reliable network architectures with optimal dissemination time. Among the well-known network architectures, the Knödel graph can be considered a suitable candidate for the problem of information dissemination. The Knödel graph W_(d, n) is a regular graph, of an even order n and degree d, 1 ≤ d ≤ floor(log n). The Knödel graph was introduced by W. Knödel almost four decades ago as network architecture with good properties in terms of broadcasting and gossiping in interconnected networks. Although the Knödel graph has a highly symmetric structure, its diameter is only known for W_(d, 2^d). Recently, the general upper and lower bounds on diameter and broadcast time of the Knödel graph have been presented. In this thesis, our motivation is to find the diameter, the number of vertices at a particular distance and the broadcast time of the Knödel graph. Theoretically, we succeed to prove the diameter and the broadcast time of the Knödel graph W_(3, n). We also claim that the Knödel graph W_(3, n) for n = 4 mod 4 and n > 16, is a diametral broadcast graph. We present that W_(3, 22) is a broadcast graph. Experimentally, however, we obtain the following results; (a) the diameter of some specific Knödel graphs, and (b) the propositions on the number of vertices at a particular distance. We also construct a new graph, denoted as HW_(d,2^d), by connecting Knödel graph W_(d-1,2^(d-1)) to hypercube H_(d-1) and experimentally show that HW_(d,2^d) has even a smaller diameter than Knödel graph W_(d,2^d)

    Improved upper bounds and lower bounds on broadcast function

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    Given a graph G=(V,E) and an originator vertex v, broadcasting is an information disseminating process of transmitting a message from vertex v to all vertices of graph G as quickly as possible. A graph G on n vertices is called broadcast graph if the broadcasting from any vertex in the graph can be accomplished in \lceil log n\rceil time. A broadcast graph with the minimum number of edges is called minimum broadcast graph. The number of edges in a minimum broadcast graph on n vertices is denoted by B(n). A long sequence of papers present different techniques to construct broadcast graphs and to obtain upper bounds on B(n). In this thesis, we study the compounding and the vertex addition broadcast graph constructions, which improve the upper bound on B(n). We also present the first nontrivial general lower bound on B(n)

    Optimal broadcasting in treelike graphs

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    Broadcasting is an information dissemination problem in a connected network, in which one node, called the originator , disseminates a message to all other nodes by placing a series of calls along the communication lines of the network. Once informed, the nodes aid the originator in distributing the message. Finding the broadcast time of a vertex in an arbitrary graph is NP-complete. The problem is solved polynomially only for a few classes of graphs. In this thesis we study the broadcast problem in different classes of graphs which have various similarities to trees. The unicyclic graph is the simplest graph family after trees, it is a connected graph with only one cycle in it. We provide a linear time solution for the broadcast problem in unicyclic graphs. We also studied graphs with increasing number of cycles and complexity and provide again polynomial time solutions. These graph families are: tree of cycles, necklace graphs, and 2-restricted cactus graphs. We also define the fully connected tree graphs and provide a polynomial solution and use these results to obtain polynomial solution for the broadcast problem in tree of cliques and a constant approximation algorithm for the hierarchical tree cluster networks

    Compound Constructions of Broadcast Networks

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    Compound methods have been shown to be very e#ective in the construction of broadcast graphs. Compound methods generate a large broadcast graph by combining multiple copies of a broadcast graph G using the structure of another broadcast graph H . Node deletion is also allowed in some of these methods. The subset of connecting nodes of G has been de#ned as solid h-cover by Bermond, Fraigniaud and Peters, and center node set by Weng and Ventura. This article shows that the two concepts are equivalent. We also provide new properties for center node sets, including bounds on the minimum size of a center node set, show how to reduce the number of center nodes of a broadcast graph generated by a compound method, and propose an iterative compounding algorithm that generates the sparsest known broadcast graphs in many cases. ? 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved