9 research outputs found

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    Composition of Tree Series Transformations

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    Tree series transformations computed by bottom-up and top-down tree series transducers are called bottom-up and top-down tree series transformations, respectively. (Functional) compositions of such transformations are investigated. It turns out that the class of bottomup tree series transformations over a commutative and complete semiring is closed under left-composition with linear bottom-up tree series transformations and right-composition with boolean deterministic bottom-up tree series transformations. Moreover, it is shown that the class of top-down tree series transformations over a commutative and complete semiring is closed under right-composition with linear, nondeleting top-down tree series transformations. Finally, the composition of a boolean, deterministic, total top-down tree series transformation with a linear top-down tree series transformation is shown to be a top-down tree series transformation

    Pure and O-Substitution

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    The basic properties of distributivity and deletion of pure and o-substitution are investigated. The obtained results are applied to show preservation of recognizability in a number of surprising cases. It is proved that linear and recognizable tree series are closed under o-substitution provided that the underlying semiring is commutative, continuous, and additively idempotent. It is known that, in general, pure substitution does not preserve recognizability (not even for linear target tree series), but it is shown that recognizable linear probability distributions (represented as tree series) are closed under pure substitution

    Multioperator Weighted Monadic Datalog

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    In this thesis we will introduce multioperator weighted monadic datalog (mwmd), a formal model for specifying tree series, tree transformations, and tree languages. This model combines aspects of multioperator weighted tree automata (wmta), weighted monadic datalog (wmd), and monadic datalog tree transducers (mdtt). In order to develop a rich theory we will define multiple versions of semantics for mwmd and compare their expressiveness. We will study normal forms and decidability results of mwmd and show (by employing particular semantic domains) that the theory of mwmd subsumes the theory of both wmd and mdtt. We conclude this thesis by showing that mwmd even contain wmta as a syntactic subclass and present results concerning this subclass

    Weighted Tree Automata -- May it be a little more?

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    This is a book on weighted tree automata. We present the basic definitions and some of the important results in a coherent form with full proofs. The concept of weighted tree automata is part of Automata Theory and it touches the area of Universal Algebra. It originated from two sources: weighted string automata and finite-state tree automata

    Compositions of Tree Series Transformations

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    Tree series transformations computed by bottom-up and top-down tree series transducers are called bottom-up and top-down tree series transformations, respectively. (Functional) compositions of such transformations are investigated. It turns out that the class of bottomup tree series transformations over a commutative and complete semiring is closed under left-composition with linear bottom-up tree series transformations and right-composition with boolean deterministic bottom-up tree series transformations. Moreover, it is shown that the class of top-down tree series transformations over a commutative and complete semiring is closed under right-composition with linear, nondeleting top-down tree series transformations. Finally, the composition of a boolean, deterministic, total top-down tree series transformation with a linear top-down tree series transformation is shown to be a top-down tree series transformation

    Compositions of tree series transformations

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    Abstract Tree series transformations computed by bottom-up and top-down tree series transducers are called bottom-up and top-down tree series transformations, respectively. (Functional) compositions of such transformations are investigated. It turns out that the class of bottomup tree series transformations over a commutative and complete semiring is closed under left-composition with linear bottom-up tree series transformations and right-composition with boolean deterministic bottom-up tree series transformations. Moreover, it is shown that the class of top-down tree series transformations over a commutative and complete semiring is closed under right-composition with linear, nondeleting top-down tree series transformations. Finally, the composition of a boolean, deterministic, total top-down tree series transformation with a linear top-down tree series transformation is shown to be a top-down tree series transformation. 1 Introduction Tree series transducers [21, 10, 15] were introduced as the transducing devices corresponding toweighted tree automata [2, 19, 4]. So far, the latter are applied in code selection and tree pattern matching [13, 3]. Weighted transducers on strings are applied in image manipulation [see, e. g., 8],where the images are coded as weighted string automata, and speech processing [see, e. g., 24]. Since natural language processing features many transformations on parse trees, which come equippedwith a degree of certainty, it seems natural to consider finite-state devices capable of transforming weighted trees. For natural language processing, the potential of tree series transducers over thesemiring of the positive real numbers was recently discovered [17]

    Compositions of Tree Series Transformations ⋆ Abstract

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    Tree series transformations computed by bottom-up and top-down tree series transducers are called bottom-up and top-down tree series transformations, respectively. (Functional) compositions of such transformations are investigated. It turns out that the class of bottom-up tree series transformations over a commutative and complete semiring is closed under left-composition with linear bottom-up tree series transformations and right-composition with boolean deterministic bottom-up tree series transformations. Moreover, it is shown that the class of top-down tree series transformations over a commutative and complete semiring is closed under right-composition with linear, nondeleting top-down tree series transformations. Finally, the composition of a boolean, deterministic, total top-down tree series transformation with a linear top-down tree series transformation is shown to be a top-down tree series transformation. Key words: tree series transformation, semiring, composition, tree transducer