243 research outputs found

    Towards Compositional Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Scheduling in Open Systems

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    Although many cyber-physical systems are both mixed-criticality system and compositional system, there are little work on intersection of mixed-criticality system and compositional system. We propose novel concepts for task-level criticality mode and reconsider temporal isolation in terms of compositional mixed-criticality scheduling

    Compositional Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    This tutorial is concerned with various aspects of component-based design and compositional analysis of real-time embedded systems. It will first give an overview of component-based frameworks and their underlying principles. It will then go in-depth into abstraction methods for real-time components and techniques for computing their optimal interfaces, for both systems implemented on uniprocessor and multiprocessor platforms, as well as extensions to multi-mode systems. Besides theoretical aspects, the tutorial will also present an implementation of the compositional analysis framework on Xen virtualization and a demonstration of the CARTS toolset with several examples seeing the techniques in action. It will also include two case studies highlighting the utility of the framework, including the ARINC-653 avionics software and a smart-phone application. We will conclude the tutorial with a number of open challenges and research opportunities in this domain

    MorphoSys: efficient colocation of QoS-constrained workloads in the cloud

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    In hosting environments such as IaaS clouds, desirable application performance is usually guaranteed through the use of Service Level Agreements (SLAs), which specify minimal fractions of resource capacities that must be allocated for unencumbered use for proper operation. Arbitrary colocation of applications with different SLAs on a single host may result in inefficient utilization of the host’s resources. In this paper, we propose that periodic resource allocation and consumption models -- often used to characterize real-time workloads -- be used for a more granular expression of SLAs. Our proposed SLA model has the salient feature that it exposes flexibilities that enable the infrastructure provider to safely transform SLAs from one form to another for the purpose of achieving more efficient colocation. Towards that goal, we present MORPHOSYS: a framework for a service that allows the manipulation of SLAs to enable efficient colocation of arbitrary workloads in a dynamic setting. We present results from extensive trace-driven simulations of colocated Video-on-Demand servers in a cloud setting. These results show that potentially-significant reduction in wasted resources (by as much as 60%) are possible using MORPHOSYS.National Science Foundation (0720604, 0735974, 0820138, 0952145, 1012798

    Distributed Control for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Networked Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are fundamentally constrained by the tight coupling and closed-loop control and actuation of physical processes. To address actuation in such closed-loop wireless control systems there is a strong need to re-think the communication architectures and protocols for maintaining stability and performance in the presence of disturbances to the network, environment and overall system objectives. We review the current state of network control efforts for CPS and present two complementary approaches for robust, optimal and composable control over networks. We first introduce a computer systems approach with Embedded Virtual Machines (EVM), a programming abstraction where controller tasks, with their control and timing properties, are maintained across physical node boundaries. Controller functionality is decoupled from the physical substrate and is capable of runtime migration to the most competent set of physical controllers to maintain stability in the presence of changes to nodes, links and network topology. We then view the problem from a control theoretic perspective to deliver fully distributed control over networks with Wireless Control Networks (WCN). As opposed to traditional networked control schemes where the nodes simply route information to and from a dedicated controller, our approach treats the network itself as the controller. In other words, the computation of the control law is done in a fully distributed way inside the network. In this approach, at each time-step, each node updates its internal state to be a linear combination of the states of the nodes in its neighborhood. This causes the entire network to behave as a linear dynamical system, with sparsity constraints imposed by the network topology. This eliminates the need for routing between “sensor → channel → dedicated controller/estimator → channel → actuator”, allows for simple transmission scheduling, is operational on resource constrained low-power nodes and allows for composition of additional control loops and plants. We demonstrate the potential of such distributed controllers to be robust to a high degree of link failures and to maintain stability even in cases of node failures

    Safe Schedulability of Bounded-Rate Multi-Mode Systems

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    Bounded-rate multi-mode systems (BMMS) are hybrid systems that can switch freely among a finite set of modes, and whose dynamics is specified by a finite number of real-valued variables with mode-dependent rates that can vary within given bounded sets. The schedulability problem for BMMS is defined as an infinite-round game between two players---the scheduler and the environment---where in each round the scheduler proposes a time and a mode while the environment chooses an allowable rate for that mode, and the state of the system changes linearly in the direction of the rate vector. The goal of the scheduler is to keep the state of the system within a pre-specified safe set using a non-Zeno schedule, while the goal of the environment is the opposite. Green scheduling under uncertainty is a paradigmatic example of BMMS where a winning strategy of the scheduler corresponds to a robust energy-optimal policy. We present an algorithm to decide whether the scheduler has a winning strategy from an arbitrary starting state, and give an algorithm to compute such a winning strategy, if it exists. We show that the schedulability problem for BMMS is co-NP complete in general, but for two variables it is in PTIME. We also study the discrete schedulability problem where the environment has only finitely many choices of rate vectors in each mode and the scheduler can make decisions only at multiples of a given clock period, and show it to be EXPTIME-complete.Comment: Technical report for a paper presented at HSCC 201

    Heterogeneous models and analyses in the design of real-time embedded systems - an avionic case-study

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    The development of embedded systems according to Model-Driven Development relies on two complementary activities: system mod- eling on the one hand and analysis of the non-functional properties, such as timing properties, on the other hand. Yet, the coupling be- tween models and analyses remains largely disregarded so far: e.g. how to apply an analysis on a model? How to manage the analysis process? This paper presents an application of our research on this topic. In particular, we show that our approach makes it possible to combine heterogeneous models and analyses in the design of an avionic system. We use two languages to model the system at di erent levels of abstraction: the industry standard AADL (Ar- chitecture Analysis and Design Language) and the more recent implementation-oriented CPAL language (Cyber-Physical Action Language). We then combine di erent real-time scheduling analy- ses so as to gradually de ne the task and network parameters and nally validate the schedulability of all activities of the system
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