2 research outputs found

    Compositional Compiler Verification for a Multi-Language World

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    Verified compilers are typically proved correct under severe restrictions on what the compiler\u27s output may be linked with, from no linking at all to linking only with code compiled from the same source language. Such assumptions contradict the reality of how we use these compilers since most software systems today are comprised of components written in different languages compiled by different compilers to a common target, as well as low-level libraries that may be handwritten in the target language. The key challenge in verifying compilers for today\u27s world of multi-language software is how to formally state a compiler correctness theorem that is compositional along two dimensions. First, the theorem must guarantee correct compilation of components while allowing compiled code to be composed (linked) with target-language components of arbitrary provenance, including those compiled from other languages. Second, the theorem must support verification of multi-pass compilers by composing correctness proofs for individual passes. In this talk, I will describe a methodology for verifying compositional compiler correctness for a higher-order typed language and discuss the challenges that lie ahead. I will argue that compositional compiler correctness is, in essence, a language interoperability problem: for viable solutions in the long term, high-level languages must be equipped with principled foreign-function interfaces that specify safe interoperability between high-level and low-level components, and between more precisely and less precisely typed code

    Overcoming Restraint: Composing Verification of Foreign Functions with Cogent

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    Cogent is a restricted functional language designed to reduce the cost of developing verified systems code. Because of its sometimes-onerous restrictions, such as the lack of support for recursion and its strict uniqueness type system, Cogent provides an escape hatch in the form of a foreign function interface (FFI) to C code. This poses a problem when verifying Cogent programs, as imported C components do not enjoy the same level of static guarantees that Cogent does. Previous verification of file systems implemented in Cogent merely assumed that their C components were correct and that they preserved the invariants of Cogent's type system. In this paper, we instead prove such obligations. We demonstrate how they smoothly compose with existing Cogent theorems, and result in a correctness theorem of the overall Cogent-C system. The Cogent FFI constraints ensure that key invariants of Cogent's type system are maintained even when calling C code. We verify reusable higher-order and polymorphic functions including a generic loop combinator and array iterators and demonstrate their application to several examples including binary search and the BilbyFs file system. We demonstrate the feasibility of verification of mixed Cogent-C systems, and provide some insight into verification of software comprised of code in multiple languages with differing levels of static guarantees