15 research outputs found

    Proving the TLS Handshake Secure (As It Is)

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    International audienceThe TLS Internet Standard features a mixed bag of cryptographic algorithms and constructions, letting clients and servers negotiate their use for each run of the handshake. Although many ciphersuites are now well-understood in isolation, their composition remains problematic, and yet it is critical to obtain practical security guarantees for TLS, as all mainstream implementations support multiple related runs of the handshake and share keys between algorithms.We study the provable security of the TLS handshake, as it is implemented and deployed. To capture the details of the standard and its main extensions, we rely on miTLS, a verified reference implementation of the protocol. We propose new agile security definitions and assumptions for the signatures, key encapsulation mechanisms (KEM), and key derivation algorithms used by the TLS handshake. To validate our model of key encapsulation, we prove that both RSA and Diffie-Hellman ciphersuites satisfy our definition for the KEM. In particular, we formalize the use of PKCS#1v1.5 and build a 3,000-line EasyCrypt proof of the security of the resulting KEM against replayable chosen-ciphertext attacks under the assumption that ciphertexts are hard to re-randomize.Based on our new agile definitions, we construct a modular proof of security for the miTLS reference implementation of the handshake, including ciphersuite negotiation, key exchange, renegotiation, and resumption, treated as a detailed 3,600-line executable model. We present our main definitions, constructions, and proofs for an abstract model of the protocol, featuring series of related runs of the handshake with different ciphersuites. We also describe its refinement to account for the whole reference implementation, based on automated verification tools

    Composition theorems without pre-established session identifiers

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    Canetti’s universal composition theorem and the joint state com-position theorems by Canetti and Rabin are useful and widely em-ployed tools for the modular design and analysis of cryptographic protocols. However, these theorems assume that parties participat-ing in a protocol session have pre-established a unique session ID (SID). While the use of such SIDs is a good design principle, exist-ing protocols, in particular real-world security protocols, typically do not use pre-established SIDs, at least not explicitly and not in the particular way stipulated by the theorems. As a result, the com-position theorems cannot be applied for analyzing such protocols in a modular and faithful way. In this paper, we therefore present universal and joint state com-position theorems which do not assume pre-established SIDs. In our joint state composition theorem, the joint state is an ideal func-tionality which supports several cryptographic operations, includ-ing public-key encryption, (authenticated and unauthenticated) symmetric encryption, MACs, digital signatures, and key deriva-tion. This functionality has recently been proposed by Küsters and Tuengerthal and has been shown to be realizable under standard cryptographic assumptions and for a reasonable class of environ-ments. We demonstrate the usefulness of our composition theorems by several case studies on real-world security protocols, including IEEE 802.11i, SSL/TLS, SSH, IPsec, and EAP-PSK. While our applications focus on real-world security protocols, our theorems, models, and techniques should be useful beyond this domain

    Composition Theorems for CryptoVerif and Application to TLS 1.3

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    International audienceWe present composition theorems for security protocols , to compose a key exchange protocol and a symmetric-key protocol that uses the exchanged key. Our results rely on the computational model of cryptography and are stated in the framework of the tool CryptoVerif. They support key exchange protocols that guarantee injective or non-injective authentication. They also allow random oracles shared between the composed protocols. To our knowledge, they are the first composition theorems for key exchange stated for a computational protocol verification tool, and also the first to allow such flexibility. As a case study, we apply our composition theorems to a proof of TLS 1.3 Draft-18. This work fills a gap in a previous paper that informally claims a compositional proof of TLS 1.3, without formally justifying it

    Structure Preserving CCA Secure Encryption and Its Application to Oblivious Third Parties

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    In this paper we present the first public key encryption scheme that is structure preserving, i.e., our encryption scheme uses only algebraic operations. In particular it does not use hash-functions or interpret group elements as bit-strings. This makes our scheme a perfect building block for cryptographic protocols where parties for instance want to prove, to each other, properties about ciphertexts or jointly compute ciphertexts. Our scheme is also very efficient and is secure against \dkg adaptive\blk{} chosen ciphertext attacks. We also provide a few example protocols for our scheme. For instance, a joint computation of a ciphertext\dkg, generated from two secret plaintexts from each party respectively\blk, where in the end, only one of the parties learns the ciphertext. This latter protocol serves as a building block for our second contribution which is a set of protocols that implement the concept of oblivious trusted third parties. This concept has been proposed before, but no concrete realization was known

    Bare PAKE: Universally Composable Key Exchange from just Passwords

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    In the past three decades, an impressive body of knowledge has been built around secure and private password authentication. In particular, secure password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols require only minimal overhead over a classical Diffie-Hellman key exchange. PAKEs are also known to fulfill strong composable security guarantees that capture many password-specific concerns such as password correlations or password mistyping, to name only a few. However, to enjoy both round-optimality and strong security, applications of PAKE protocols must provide unique session and participant identifiers. If such identifiers are not readily available, they must be agreed upon at the cost of additional communication flows, a fact which has been met with incomprehension among practitioners, and which hindered the adoption of provably secure password authentication in practice. In this work, we resolve this issue by proposing a new paradigm for truly password-only yet securely composable PAKE, called bare PAKE. We formally prove that two prominent PAKE protocols, namely CPace and EKE, can be cast as bare PAKEs and hence do not require pre-agreement of anything else than a password. Our bare PAKE modeling further allows us to investigate a novel reusability property of PAKEs, i.e., whether n2n^2 pairwise keys can be exchanged from only nn messages, just as the Diffie-Hellman non-interactive key exchange can do in a public-key setting. As a side contribution, this add-on property of bare PAKEs leads us to observe that some previous PAKE constructions relied on unnecessarily strong, reusable building blocks. By showing that ``non-reusable\u27\u27 tools suffice for standard PAKE, we open a new path towards round-optimal post-quantum secure password-authenticated key exchange

    A Framework for Universally Composable Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

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    The analysis of real-world protocols, in particular key exchange protocols and protocols building on these protocols, is a very complex, error-prone, and tedious task. Besides the complexity of the protocols itself, one important reason for this is that the security of the protocols has to be reduced to the security of the underlying cryptographic primitives for every protocol time and again. We would therefore like to get rid of reduction proofs for real-world key exchange protocols as much as possible and in many cases altogether, also for higher-level protocols which use the exchanged keys. So far some first steps have been taken in this direction. But existing work is still quite limited, and, for example, does not support Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange, a prevalent cryptographic primitive for real-world protocols. In this paper, building on work by Küsters and Tuengerthal, we provide an ideal functionality in the universal composability setting which supports several common cryptographic primitives, including DH key exchange. This functionality helps to avoid reduction proofs in the analysis of real-world protocols and often eliminates them completely. We also propose a new general ideal key exchange functionality which allows higher-level protocols to use exchanged keys in an ideal way. As a proof of concept, we apply our framework to three practical DH key exchange protocols, namely ISO 9798-3, SIGMA, and OPTLS

    Towards Modular Foundations for Protocol Security

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    Universally composable (UC) security is the most widely used framework for analyzing the security of cryptographic protocols. Many variants and simplifications of the framework have been proposed and developed, nonetheless, many practitioners find UC proofs to be both difficult to construct and understand. We remedy this situation by proposing a new framework for protocol security. We believe that our framework provides proofs that are both easier to write, but also more rigorous, and easier to understand. Our work is based on state-separable proofs allowing for modular proofs, by decomposing complicated protocols into simple components

    Théorèmes de composition pour CryptoVerif et application à TLS 1.3

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    We present composition theorems for security protocols, to compose a key exchange protocol and a symmetric-key protocol that uses the exchanged key. Our results rely on the computational model of cryptography and are stated in the framework of the tool CryptoVerif. They support key exchange protocols that guarantee injective or non-injective authentication. They also allow random oracles shared between the composed protocols. To our knowledge, they are the first composition theorems for key exchange stated for a computational protocol verification tool, and also the first to allow such flexibility.As a case study, we apply our composition theorems to a proof of TLS 1.3 Draft-18. This work fills a gap in a previous paper that informally claimsa compositional proof of TLS 1.3, without formally justifying it.Nous présentons des théorèmes de composition pour les protocoles cryptographiques, pour composer un protocole d'échange de clés et un protocole à clé symétrique qui utilise la clé échangée. Nous résultats reposent sur le modèle calculatoire de la cryptographie et sont formulés dans le cadre de l'outil CryptoVerif. Ils autorisent des protocoles d'échange de clés qui garantissent l'authentification injective ou non-injective. Ils autorisent aussi le partage d'oracles aléatoires entre les protocole composés. À notre connaissance, ils sont les premiers théorèmes de composition pour l'échange de clés formulés pour un outil de vérification de protocole dans le modèle calculatoire, et aussi les premiers à autoriser une telle flexibililté.Comme étude de cas, nous appliquons nos théorèmes de composition à une preuve de TLS 1.3 brouillon 18. Ce travail fournit un élément manquant dans un article précédent qui donne informellement une preuve compositionnelle de TLS 1.3, sans la justifier formellement

    iUC: Flexible Universal Composability Made Simple

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    Proving the security of complex protocols is a crucial and very challenging task. A widely used approach for reasoning about such protocols in a modular way is universal composability. A perfect model for universal composability should provide a sound basis for formal proofs and be very flexible in order to allow for modeling a multitude of different protocols. It should also be easy to use, including useful design conventions for repetitive modeling aspects, such as corruption, parties, sessions, and subroutine relationships, such that protocol designers can focus on the core logic of their protocols. While many models for universal composability exist, including the UC, GNUC, and IITM models, none of them has achieved this ideal goal yet. As a result, protocols cannot be modeled faithfully and/or using these models is a burden rather than a help, often even leading to underspecified protocols and formally incorrect proofs. Given this dire state of affairs, the goal of this work is to provide a framework for universal composability which combines soundness, flexibility, and usability in an unmatched way. Developing such a security framework is a very difficult and delicate task, as the long history of frameworks for universal composability shows. We build our framework, called iUC, on top of the IITM model, which already provides soundness and flexibility while lacking sufficient usability. At the core of iUC is a single simple template for specifying essentially arbitrary protocols in a convenient, formally precise, and flexible way. We illustrate the main features of our framework with example functionalities and realizations