4 research outputs found

    Verificação automatizada de sistemas de tempo real criticos

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    A miniaturização das componentes electrónicas permite que os sistemas computacionais tenham uma proliferação acelerada. Estes sistemas estão integrados nos mais diversos meios, por exemplo, no cartão do cidadão, nos telemóveis, nos automóveis, nos aviões, entre outros. Novas exigências surgem com a evolução destes sistemas computacionais. De facto,acapacidadedeprocessamento,porsisó,jánãoésuficienteparaopreenchimento de todos os requisitos industriais. Nos sistemas críticos a segurança e a fiabilidade são os aspectos fundamentais. Apesar de ser importante, não basta reunir condições técnicas para executar um dado conjunto de tarefas num sistema, é preciso que o sistema(como um todo) execute correctamente essas tarefas(cap. 2)

    Conditions d’ordonnançabilité pour un langage dirigé par le temps

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    The goal of this research is to define a time-triggered language for modeling real-time systems and to provide the conditions for their schedulability under Earliest Deadline First (EDF). Time-triggered languages separate the functional part of applications from their timing definition. These languages permit to model the real-time system temporal behavior by assigning system activities to particular time instants. We propose a new time-triggered framework, Extended Timing Definition Language (E-TDL), that enhances the basic task model used in Giotto and TDL while keeping compositional and modular structure brought by the latter. An E-TDL task is characterized by: an offset, a worst case execution time, a Logical Execution Time (a time interval between task release and its termination) and a period.The schedulability analysis of the system based on this new task model should be, in particular for EDF, investigated. We develop, on the concept of the processor demand criterion, conditions for the feasibility of an E-TDL system running on a single CPU under EDF. A necessary and sufficient condition is obtained by considering the global schedules that are made up of execution traces occurring at the same time in distinct modules that are able to switch their modes at predefined instants. We estimate a maximal length of the interval on which the schedulability condition must be checked. A tool suite performing the schedulability analysis of the E-TDL systems is developed.Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse ont pour objectif de proposer un langage de description temporelle pour des systèmes temps-réel et d’établir les conditions de leur ordonnançabilité sous l’algorithme Earliest Deadline First (EDF). Les langages de description temporelle permettent de spécifier le comportement temporel d’une application indépendamment de son comportement fonctionnel. Le programmeur déclare dans ces langages à quels instants précis doivent être déclenchées et terminées les activités du système. Cette gestion du temps, précise et explicite, apporte au système son caractère déterministe. Le langage proposé, Extended Timing Definition Language (E-TDL), étend des langages dirigés par le temps existants, en particulier Giotto et TDL, en introduisant un nouveau modèle de tâche donné par quatre paramètres : phase, pire temps d’exécution, temps d’exécution logique TEL (intervalle de temps séparant le lancement de la tâche et sa terminaison) et période.L’introduction de ce nouveau modèle de tâche nécessite de revisiter en particulier le problème de l’ordonnançabilité des tâches pour EDF. Cette thèse propose et développe une analyse basée sur la fonction de demande pour des ensembles de tâches décrites en E-TDL et s’exécutant en contexte monoprocesseur. Une condition nécessaire et suffisante est obtenue au travers d’une analyse précise des intervalles séparant les activations de tâches au sein de différents modules s’exécutant indépendamment et pouvant changer de mode à des instants prédéfinis. Une borne de la longueur des intervalles sur lesquels doit s’opérer la vérification est déterminée. Un outil mettant en œuvre cette analyse a été développé

    Composable code generation for distributed giotto

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    Abstract. We present a compositional approach to the implementation of hard real-time software running on a distributed platform. We explain how several code suppliers, coordinated by a system integrator, can independently generate different parts of the distributed software. The task structure, interaction, and timing is specified as a Giotto program. Each supplier is given a part of the Giotto program and a timing interface, from which the supplier generates task and scheduling code. The integrator then checks, individually for each supplier, in pseudo-polynomial time, if the supplied code meets its timing specification. If all checks succeed, then the supplied software parts are guaranteed to work together and implement the original Giotto program. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated by a prototype implementation. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.3 [Special-purpose and Application-based Systems]: [Real-time and Embedded Systems