5 research outputs found

    Eliminating read barriers through procrastination and cleanliness

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    Managed languages use read barriers to interpret forwarding pointers introduced to keep track of copied objects. For example, in a split-heap managed runtime for a multicore environment, an object initially allocated on a local heap may be copied to a shared heap if it becomes the source of a store operation whose target location resides on the shared heap. As part of the copy operation, a forwarding pointer may be established to allow existing references to the local object to reference the copied version. In this paper, we consider the design of a managed runtime that avoids the need for read barriers. Our design is premised on the availability of a sufficient degree of concurrency to stall operations that would otherwise necessitate the copy. Stalled actions are deferred until the next local collection, avoiding exposing forwarding pointers to the mutator. In certain important cases, procrastination is unnecessary- lightweight runtime techniques can sometimes be used to allow objects to be eagerly copied when their set of incoming references is known, or when it can be determined that having multiple copies would not violate program semantics. Experimental results over a range of parallel benchmarks on a number of different architectural platforms including an 864 core Azul Vega 3, and a 48 core Intel SCC, indicate that our approach leads to notable performance gains (20- 32 % on average) without incurring any additional complexity

    Versatile event correlation with algebraic effects

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    We present the first language design to uniformly express variants of n -way joins over asynchronous event streams from different domains, e.g., stream-relational algebra, event processing, reactive and concurrent programming. We model asynchronous reactive programs and joins in direct style, on top of algebraic effects and handlers. Effect handlers act as modular interpreters of event notifications, enabling fine-grained control abstractions and customizable event matching. Join variants can be considered as cartesian product computations with ”degenerate” control flow, such that unnecessary tuples are not materialized a priori. Based on this computational interpretation, we decompose joins into a generic, naive enumeration procedure of the cartesian product, plus variant-specific extensions, represented in terms of user-supplied effect handlers. Our microbenchmarks validate that this extensible design avoids needless materialization. Alongside a formal semantics for joining and prototypes in Koka and multicore OCaml, we contribute a systematic comparison of the covered domains and features. ERC, Advanced Grant No. 321217 ERC, Consolidator Grant No. 617805 DFG, SFB 1053 DFG, SA 2918/2-

    Composable asynchronous events

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    Composable asynchronous events

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