3 research outputs found

    A framework for compositional verification of security protocols

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    Automatic security protocol analysis is currently feasible only for small protocols. Since larger protocols quite often are composed of many small protocols, compositional analysis is an attractive, but non-trivial approach. We have developed a framework for compositional analysis of a large class of security protocols. The framework is intended to facilitate automatic as well as manual verification of large structured security protocols. Our approach is to verify properties of component protocols in a multi-protocol environment, then deduce properties about the composed protocol. To reduce the complexity of multi-protocol verification, we introduce a notion of protocol independence and prove a number of theorems that enable analysis of independent component protocols in isolation. To illustrate the applicability of our framework to real-world protocols, we study a key establishment sequence in WiMAX consisting of three subprotocols. Except for a small amount of trivial reasoning, the analysis is done using automatic tools

    A class of theory-decidable inference systems

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2004-2005Dans les deux dernières décennies, l’Internet a apporté une nouvelle dimension aux communications. Il est maintenant possible de communiquer avec n’importe qui, n’importe où, n’importe quand et ce, en quelques secondes. Alors que certains systèmes de communication distribués, comme le courriel, le chat, . . . , sont plutôt informels et ne nécessitent aucune sécurité, d’autres comme l’échange d’informations militaires ou encore médicales, le commerce électronique, . . . , sont très formels et nécessitent de très hauts niveaux de sécurité. Pour atteindre les objectifs de sécurité voulus, les protocoles cryptographiques sont souvent utilisés. Cependant, la création et l’analyse de ces protocoles sont très difficiles. Certains protocoles ont été montrés incorrects plusieurs années après leur conception. Nous savons maintenant que les méthodes formelles sont le seul espoir pour avoir des protocoles parfaitement corrects. Ce travail est une contribution dans le domaine de l’analyse des protocoles cryptographiques de la façon suivante: • Une classification des méthodes formelles utilisées pour l’analyse des protocoles cryptographiques. • L’utilisation des systèmes d’inférence pour la mod´elisation des protocoles cryptographiques. • La définition d’une classe de systèmes d’inférence qui ont une theorie décidable. • La proposition d’une procédure de décision pour une grande classe de protocoles cryptographiquesIn the last two decades, Internet brought a new dimension to communications. It is now possible to communicate with anyone, anywhere at anytime in few seconds. While some distributed communications, like e-mail, chat, . . . , are rather informal and require no security at all, others, like military or medical information exchange, electronic-commerce, . . . , are highly formal and require a quite strong security. To achieve security goals in distributed communications, it is common to use cryptographic protocols. However, the informal design and analysis of such protocols are error-prone. Some protocols were shown to be deficient many years after their conception. It is now well known that formal methods are the only hope of designing completely secure cryptographic protocols. This thesis is a contribution in the field of cryptographic protocols analysis in the following way: • A classification of the formal methods used in cryptographic protocols analysis. • The use of inference systems to model cryptographic protocols. • The definition of a class of theory-decidable inference systems. • The proposition of a decision procedure for a wide class of cryptographic protocols

    Model based security guarantees and change

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    Achieving security in practical systems is a hard task. As it is the case for other critical system properties (i.e. safety), security should be a concern through all the phases of software development, starting with the very early phases of requirements and design, because of the potential impact of unwanted behaviour. Moreover, it remains a critical concern throughout a system's life-span, because functionality driven updates or re-engineering of a system can have an impact on its security. The cost of using formal methods is clearly justified for critical applications. But in the context of a wider class of industrial applications answers to two questions are important: What are the gains and limitations of light-weight formal security guarantees achieved at different abstraction levels? What are the advantages of those techniques for reasoning about change? For the first question, we discuss different detailed modelling techniques, ranging from UML models to CPU cache modelling at the level of binary code. To tackle the second question, we discuss results on compositionality and incremental verification techniques which, besides being useful tools for verification in general, allow re-utilization of existing verification results in case of changes in the models. We apply these techniques to exemplary security properties with focus on confidentiality, and pin down security assumptions and guarantees of information flow control across levels of abstraction