132,937 research outputs found

    Image Processing Application Development: From Rapid Prototyping to SW/HW Co-simulation and Automated Code Generation

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    Nowadays, the market-place offers quite powerful and low cost reconfigurable hardware devices and a wide range of software tools which find application in the image processing field. However, most of the image processing application designs and their latter deployment on specific hardware devices is still carried out quite costly by hand. This paper presents a new approach to image processing application development, which tackles the historic question of how filling the gap existing between rapid throwaway software designs and final software/hardware implementations. A new graphical component-based tool has been implemented which allows to comprehensively develop this kind of applications, from functional and architectural prototyping stages to software/hardware co-simulation and final code generation. Building this tool has been possible thanks to the synergy that arises from the integration of several of the pre-existent software and hardware image processing libraries and tools.COSIVA (TIC 2000-1765-C03-02),EFTCOR (DPI2002-11583-E), PMPDI-UPCT-2004Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Hardware-software model co-simulation for GPU IP development

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    This Master's thesis project aims to explore the possibility of a mixed simulation environment in which parts of a software model for emulating a hardware design may be swapped with their corresponding RTL description. More specifically, this work focuses on the sofware model for Arm's next-generation Mali GPU, which is used to understand system on chip properties, including functionality and performance. A component of this model (written in C++) is substituted with its hardware model (written in SystemVerilog) to be able to run simulations in a system context at a faster emulation speed, and with higher accuracy in the results compared to a pure-software model execution. For this, a "co-simulation" environment is developed, using SystemVerilog's DPI-C as the main communication interface between C++ and SystemVerilog. The proposed environment contains new software and hardware blocks to enable the desired objective without major modifications in neither the software Mali model nor the substituted component. Metrics and results for characterizing this co-simulation environment are also provided, namely timing accuracy, data correctness and simulation time with respect to other previously available simulation options. These results hope to show that the proposed environment may open new use-cases and improve development and verification time of hardware components in a system such as the Mali GPU.The possibility of combining hardware designs and software in the same simulation environment opens new options and improves significantly the flexibility of verification processes as well as characterization time of electronic designs. A practical method to realize this is developed and presented in this work for the case of a real Graphics Processing Unit IP. Nowadays electronics designers and manufacturers compete in an increasingly faster race to be able to provide the best and most efficient solutions to the market's expectations. The easiest example is the tendency of smartphone designers to provide a brand-new mobile phone model every year to meet consumers' demand. To meet these tighter and tighter deadlines, these companies need to find new ways of designing and verifying their products faster and more efficiently. In this context enters the work presented in this thesis: One of many possible solutions to improve the verification time of a hardware unit/block. Digital electronic circuits are commonly designed and modelled using Hardware Design Languages (HDLs), which are similar to computer languages such as C or Java, but different in the sense that HDLs actually describe the physical layout and connections of a digital circuit. These HDL designs can be simulated to verify their correct performance and characteristics with very high detail but, at the same time, this type of simulations are costly in terms of computational time and resources, due to the nature of the magnitudes and mechanisms being replicated on the computer running the simulation. On the other hand, software is written in computer languages directly, compiled to machine language and run sequentially by computers, in a much faster and efficient manner. Therefore, what if the best of the two could be combined to simulate a digital design in which only a specific internal block is described in a HDL while the rest of the design is a software program? This would allow to reduce the simulation time of that block greatly, while at the same type preserve the accuracy that a simulation of a HDL design can provide. This thesis work is based on a specific part of Arm's next-generation Mali Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), for which a solution for mixing hardware and software in the same simulation is proposed. For this specific case, such mechanism will allow to improve the development and testing time of new features for a Mali hardware IP, while at the same time open new use-cases for future work in this direction

    Virtual Cycle-accurate Hardware and Software Co-simulation Platform for Cellular IoT

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    Modern embedded development flows often depend on FPGA board usage for pre-ASIC system verification. The purpose of this project is to instead explore the usage of Electronic System Level (ESL) hardware-software co-simulation through the usage of ARM SoC Designer tool to create a virtual prototype of a cellular IoT modem and thereafter compare the benefits of including such a methodology into the early development cycle. The virtual system is completely developed and executed on a host computer, without the requirement of additional hardware. The virtual prototype hardware is based on C++ ARM verified cycle-accurate models generated from RTL hardware descriptions, High-level synthesis (HLS) pre-synthesis SystemC HW accelerator models and behavioural models which implement the ARM Cycle-accurate Simulation Interface (CASI). The micro-controller of the virtual system which is based on an ARM Cortex-M processor, is capable of executing instructions from a memory module. This report documents the virtual prototype implementation and compares both the software performance and cycle-accuracy of various virtual micro-controller configurations to a commercial reference development board. By altering factors such as memory latencies and bus interconnect subsystem arbitration in co-simulations, the software cycle-count performance of the development board was shown possible to reproduce within a 5% error margin, at the cost of approximately 266 times slower execution speed. Furthermore, the validity of two HLS pre-synthesis hardware models is investigated and proven to be functionally accurate within three clock cycles of individual block latency compared to post-synthesis FPGA synthesized implementations. The final virtual prototype system consisted of the micro-controller and two cellular IoT hardware accelerators. The system runs a FreeRTOS 9.0.0 port, executing a multi-threaded program at an average clock cycle simulation frequency of 10.6 kHz.-Designing and simulating embedded computer systems virtually. Cellular internet of things (IoT) is a new technology that will enable the interconnection of everything: from street lights and parking meters to your gas or water meter at home, wireless cellular networks will allow information to be shared between devices. However, in order for these systems to provide any useful data, they need to include a computer chip with a system to manage the communication itself, enabling the connection to a cellular network and the actual transmission and reception of data. Such a chip is called an embedded chip or system. Traditionally, the design and verification of digital embedded systems, that is to say a system which has both hardware and software components, had to be done in two steps. The first step consists of designing all the hardware, testing it, integrating it and producing it physically on silicon in order to verify the intended functionality of all the components. The second step thus consists of taking the hardware that has been developed and designing the software: a program which will have to execute in complete compliance to the hardware that has been previously developed. This poses two main issues: the software engineers cannot begin their work properly until the hardware is finished, which makes the process very long, and the fact that the hardware has been printed on silicon greatly restricts the possibility of doing changes to accommodate late system requirement alterations; which is quite likely for a tailor-made application specific system such as a cellular IoT chip. A currently widespread technology used to mitigate the previously mentioned negative aspects of embedded design, is the employment of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) development boards which often contain a micro-controller (with a processor and some memories), and a gate array connected to it. The FPGA part consists of a lattice of digital logic gates which can be programmed to interconnect and represent the functionality of the hardware being designed. The processor can thus execute software instructions placed on the memories and the hardware being developed can be programmed into the gate array in order to integrate and verify a full hardware and software system. Nevertheless, this boards are expensive and limit the design to the hardware components available commercially in the different off-the-shelf models, e.g. a specific processor which might not be the desired one. Now imagine there is a way to design hardware components such as processors in the traditional way, however once the hardware has been implemented it can be integrated together with software without the need of printing a physical silicon chip specifically for this purpose. That would be extremely convenient and would save lots of time, would it not? Fortunately, this is already possible due to Electronic System Level (ESL) design, which is compilation of techniques that allow to design, simulate and partially verify a digital chip, all within any normal laptop or desktop computer. Moreover, some ESL tools such as the one investigated in this project, allow you to even simulate a program code written specifically for this hardware; this is known as virtual hardware software co-simulation. The reliability of simulation must however be considered when compared to a traditional two-step methodology or FPGA board usage to verify a full system. This is because a virtual hardware simulation can have several degrees of accuracy, depending on the specificity of component models that make up the virtual prototype of the digital system. Therefore, in order to use co-simulation techniques with a high degree of confidence for verification, the highest accuracy degree should be employed if possible to guarantee that what is being simulated will match the reality of a silicon implementation. The clock cycle-accurate level is one of the highest accuracy system simulation methods available, and it consists of representing the digital states of all hardware components such as signals and registers, in a cycle-by-cycle manner. By using the ARM SoC Designer ESL tool, we have co-designed and co-simulated several microcontrollers on a detailed, cycle-accurate level and confirmed its behaviour by comparing it to a physical reference target development board. Finally, a more complex virtual prototype of a cellular IoT system was also simulated, including a micro-controller running a a real-time operating system (RTOS), hardware accelerators and serial data interfacing. Parts of this virtual prototype where compared to an FPGA board to evaluate the pros and cons of incorporating virtual system simulation into the development cycle and to what extent can ESL methods substitute traditional verification techniques. The ease of interchanging hardware, simplicity of development, simulation speed and the level of debug capabilities available when developing in a virtual environment are some of the aspects of ARM SoC Designer discussed in this thesis. A more in depth description of the methodology and results can be found in the report titled "Virtual Cycle-accurate Hardware and Software Co-simulation Platform for Cellular IoT"

    Advanced Testing Chain Supporting the Validation of Smart Grid Systems and Technologies

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    New testing and development procedures and methods are needed to address topics like power system stability, operation and control in the context of grid integration of rapidly developing smart grid technologies. In this context, individual testing of units and components has to be reconsidered and appropriate testing procedures and methods need to be described and implemented. This paper addresses these needs by proposing a holistic and enhanced testing methodology that integrates simulation/software- and hardware-based testing infrastructure. This approach presents the advantage of a testing environment, which is very close to f i eld testing, includes the grid dynamic behavior feedback and is risks-free for the power system, for the equipment under test and for the personnel executing the tests. Furthermore, this paper gives an overview of successful implementation of the proposed testing approach within different testing infrastructure available at the premises of different research institutes in Europe.Comment: 2018 IEEE Workshop on Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG
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