2 research outputs found

    Strategi Rationing Pada Situasi Rasio Demand Terhadap Supply Berfluktuasi

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    Pada keadaan aktual, kuantitas demand dan supply pemenuhannya seringkali berubah-ubah. Hal tersebut menimbulkan fluktuasi rasio demand terhadap supply. Pada kondisi dimana demand lebih besar daripada supply, perusahaan yang memiliki beberapa kelas pelanggan dihadapkan pada masalah yang disebut rationing. Aktivitas utama rationing adalah perlakuan alokasi permintaan dan service level yang berbedabeda pada masing-masing kelas pelanggan sesuai dengan tingkat prioritasnya. Pertimbangan atau kriteria didalam melakukan kebijakan rationing umumnya adalah faktor kepentingan, karakteristik dan nilai strategis yang berbeda-beda, hal ini menyebabkan rationing perlu dilakukan guna meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan. Dalam tesis ini disusun tiga skenario implementasi rationing pada sistem persediaan continuous-review (Q, r). Pada tiga skenario terdapat dua kelas pelanggan dengan karakteristik demand yang berfluktuasi. Pada skenario pertama akan diberikan service level pada kelas pelanggan berdasarkan partiality rationing strategy, skenario kedua berdasarkan weighted rationing strategy, dan yang ketiga berdasarkan static rationing strategy. Ketiga skenario kemudian akan diimplementasikan berdasarkan pertimbangan dua aspek yaitu aspek kepentingan perusahaan dan kepentingan pelanggan. Tiga skenario diatas diukur dan dievaluasi berdasarkan dua kriteria yakni service level dan total profit. ========== In actual situation, the quantity of demand and supply fulfillment often changes. This causes the ratio of demand to supply fluctuates. In conditions when demand is greater than supply, the company that has some classes of customers are encounters a problem called rationing. The main activity of rationing is to allocate the supply and service level differentiation on each customer according to its priority level. Considerations or criteria in making rationing policy generally are factors of interest, the characteristics and value of different strategic, this situation indicates is necessary to be done to improve company profitability. In this thesis three scenarios in inventory rationing of continuous review (Q,r) are proposed. There are two demand classes with fluctuated demand characteristic on those three screnarios. In the first scenario, service level allocated to demand classes based on partiality rationing strategy, the second scenario is based on weighted rationing strategy, and the third scenario is based on static rationing strategy. Those three scenarios then implemented based on the consideration of two aspects namely company or industry and customers needs and assessed based on two criteria namely service level and total profit

    Component rationing for available-to-promise scheduling in configure-to-order systems

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    We address the problem of rationing common components among multiple products in a configure-to-order system with order configuration uncertainty. The objective of this problem is to maximize expected revenue by implementing a threshold rationing policy. Under this policy, a product is available to promise if fulfilling the order for the product will not cause the inventory of any one of its required components to fall below the component's threshold level for that product. The problem is modeled as a two-stage stochastic integer program and solved using the sample average approximation approach. A heuristic is developed to generate good feasible solutions and lower bound estimates. Using industry data, we examine the benefit of component rationing as compared to a First-Come-First-Served policy and show that this benefit is correlated to the average revenue per product and the variability in the revenue across products whose components are constrained.Supply chain management Stochastic programming Configure-to-order manufacturing Heuristics Optimization Inventory rationing