1,806 research outputs found

    Boundedness of the number of nodal domains for eigenfunctions of generic Kaluza-Klein 33-folds

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    This article concerns the number of nodal domains of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on special Riemannian 33-manifolds, namely nontrivial principal S1S^1 bundles PXP \to X over Riemann surfaces equipped with certain S1S^1 invariant metrics, the Kaluza-Klein metrics. We prove for generic Kaluza-Klein metrics that any Laplacian eigenfunction has exactly two nodal domains unless it is invariant under the S1S^1 action. We also construct an explicit orthonormal eigenbasis on the flat 33-torus T3\mathbb{T}^3 for which every non-constant eigenfunction belonging to the basis has two nodal domains.Comment: 59 pages, will appear at Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Calculi, Hodge operators and Laplacians on a quantum Hopf fibration

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    We describe Laplacian operators on the quantum group SUq (2) equipped with the four dimensional bicovariant differential calculus of Woronowicz as well as on the quantum homogeneous space S2q with the restricted left covariant three dimensional differential calculus. This is done by giving a family of Hodge dualities on both the exterior algebras of SUq (2) and S2q . We also study gauged Laplacian operators acting on sections of line bundles over the quantum sphere.Comment: v3, one reference corrected, one reference added. 31 page

    Complex valued Ray-Singer torsion

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    In the spirit of Ray and Singer we define a complex valued analytic torsion using non-selfadjoint Laplacians. We establish an anomaly formula which permits to turn this into a topological invariant. Conjecturally this analytically defined invariant computes the complex valued Reidemeister torsion, including its phase. We establish this conjecture in some non-trivial situations.Comment: Fixed two sign mistakes and added a few more details here and ther

    Holomorphic factorization of determinants of Laplacians using quasi-Fuchsian uniformization

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    For a quasi-Fuchsian group \Ga with ordinary set Ω\Omega, and Δn\Delta_{n} the Laplacian on \n differentials on \Ga\bk\Omega, we define a notion of a Bers dual basis ϕ1,...c,ϕ2d\phi_{1},...c,\phi_{2d} for kerΔn\ker\Delta_{n}. We prove that detΔn/det\det\Delta_{n}/\det , is, up to an anomaly computed by Takhtajan and the second author in \cite{TT1}, the modulus squared of a holomorphic function F(n), where F(n) is a quasi-Fuchsian analogue of the Selberg zeta Z(n). This generalizes the D'Hoker-Phong formula detΔn=cg,nZ(n)\det\Delta_{n}=c_{g,n}Z(n), and is a quasi-Fuchsian counterpart of the result for Schottky groups proved by Takhtajan and the first author in \cite{MT}.Comment: 15 page