26,733 research outputs found

    Complex spherical codes with three inner products

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    Let XX be a finite set in a complex sphere of dd dimension. Let D(X)D(X) be the set of usual inner products of two distinct vectors in XX. A set XX is called a complex spherical ss-code if the cardinality of D(X)D(X) is ss and D(X)D(X) contains an imaginary number. We would like to classify the largest possible ss-codes for given dimension dd. In this paper, we consider the problem for the case s=3s=3. Roy and Suda (2014) gave a certain upper bound for the cardinalities of 33-codes. A 33-code XX is said to be tight if XX attains the bound. We show that there exists no tight 33-code except for dimensions 11, 22. Moreover we make an algorithm to classify the largest 33-codes by considering representations of oriented graphs. By this algorithm, the largest 33-codes are classified for dimensions 11, 22, 33 with a current computer.Comment: 26 pages, no figur

    Rigidity of spherical codes

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    A packing of spherical caps on the surface of a sphere (that is, a spherical code) is called rigid or jammed if it is isolated within the space of packings. In other words, aside from applying a global isometry, the packing cannot be deformed. In this paper, we systematically study the rigidity of spherical codes, particularly kissing configurations. One surprise is that the kissing configuration of the Coxeter-Todd lattice is not jammed, despite being locally jammed (each individual cap is held in place if its neighbors are fixed); in this respect, the Coxeter-Todd lattice is analogous to the face-centered cubic lattice in three dimensions. By contrast, we find that many other packings have jammed kissing configurations, including the Barnes-Wall lattice and all of the best kissing configurations known in four through twelve dimensions. Jamming seems to become much less common for large kissing configurations in higher dimensions, and in particular it fails for the best kissing configurations known in 25 through 31 dimensions. Motivated by this phenomenon, we find new kissing configurations in these dimensions, which improve on the records set in 1982 by the laminated lattices.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figure

    Experimental study of energy-minimizing point configurations on spheres

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    In this paper we report on massive computer experiments aimed at finding spherical point configurations that minimize potential energy. We present experimental evidence for two new universal optima (consisting of 40 points in 10 dimensions and 64 points in 14 dimensions), as well as evidence that there are no others with at most 64 points. We also describe several other new polytopes, and we present new geometrical descriptions of some of the known universal optima.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Experimental Mathematic

    Three-point bounds for energy minimization

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    Three-point semidefinite programming bounds are one of the most powerful known tools for bounding the size of spherical codes. In this paper, we use them to prove lower bounds for the potential energy of particles interacting via a pair potential function. We show that our bounds are sharp for seven points in RP^2. Specifically, we prove that the seven lines connecting opposite vertices of a cube and of its dual octahedron are universally optimal. (In other words, among all configurations of seven lines through the origin, this one minimizes energy for all potential functions that are completely monotonic functions of squared chordal distance.) This configuration is the only known universal optimum that is not distance regular, and the last remaining universal optimum in RP^2. We also give a new derivation of semidefinite programming bounds and present several surprising conjectures about them.Comment: 30 page

    Symmetric Informationally Complete Quantum Measurements

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    We consider the existence in arbitrary finite dimensions d of a POVM comprised of d^2 rank-one operators all of whose operator inner products are equal. Such a set is called a ``symmetric, informationally complete'' POVM (SIC-POVM) and is equivalent to a set of d^2 equiangular lines in C^d. SIC-POVMs are relevant for quantum state tomography, quantum cryptography, and foundational issues in quantum mechanics. We construct SIC-POVMs in dimensions two, three, and four. We further conjecture that a particular kind of group-covariant SIC-POVM exists in arbitrary dimensions, providing numerical results up to dimension 45 to bolster this claim.Comment: 8 page

    Lecture notes: Semidefinite programs and harmonic analysis

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    Lecture notes for the tutorial at the workshop HPOPT 2008 - 10th International Workshop on High Performance Optimization Techniques (Algebraic Structure in Semidefinite Programming), June 11th to 13th, 2008, Tilburg University, The Netherlands.Comment: 31 page

    Complex spherical codes with two inner products

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    A finite set XX in a complex sphere is called a complex spherical 22-code if the number of inner products between two distinct vectors in XX is equal to 22. In this paper, we characterize the tight complex spherical 22-codes by doubly regular tournaments, or skew Hadamard matrices. We also give certain maximal 2-codes relating to skew-symmetric DD-optimal designs. To prove them, we show the smallest embedding dimension of a tournament into a complex sphere by the multiplicity of the smallest or second-smallest eigenvalue of the Seidel matrix.Comment: 10 pages, to appear in European Journal of Combinatoric