25,064 research outputs found

    McKinsey Algebras and Topological Models of S4.1

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    The aim of this paper is to show that every topological space gives rise to a wealth of topological models of the modal logic S4.1. The construction of these models is based on the fact that every space defines a Boolean closure algebra (to be called a McKinsey algebra) that neatly reflects the structure of the modal system S4.1. It is shown that the class of topological models based on McKinsey algebras contains a canonical model that can be used to prove a completeness theorem for S4.1. Further, it is shown that the McKinsey algebra MKX of a space X endoewed with an alpha-topologiy satisfies Esakia's GRZ axiom

    Topological Semantics and Decidability

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    It is well-known that the basic modal logic of all topological spaces is S4S4. However, the structure of basic modal and hybrid logics of classes of spaces satisfying various separation axioms was until present unclear. We prove that modal logics of T0T_0, T1T_1 and T2T_2 topological spaces coincide and are S4.Wealsoexaminebasichybridlogicsoftheseclassesandprovetheirdecidability;aspartofthis,wefindoutthatthehybridlogicsof. We also examine basic hybrid logics of these classes and prove their decidability; as part of this, we find out that the hybrid logics of T_1andT2 and T_2 spaces coincide.Comment: presentation changes, results about concrete structure adde

    Some applications of the ultrapower theorem to the theory of compacta

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    The ultrapower theorem of Keisler-Shelah allows such model-theoretic notions as elementary equivalence, elementary embedding and existential embedding to be couched in the language of categories (limits, morphism diagrams). This in turn allows analogs of these (and related) notions to be transported into unusual settings, chiefly those of Banach spaces and of compacta. Our interest here is the enrichment of the theory of compacta, especially the theory of continua, brought about by the immigration of model-theoretic ideas and techniques
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