4 research outputs found

    How to Base Security on the Perfect/Statistical Binding Property of Quantum Bit Commitment?

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    The concept of quantum bit commitment was introduced in the early 1980s for the purpose of basing bit commitments solely on principles of quantum theory. Unfortunately, such unconditional quantum bit commitments still turn out to be impossible. As a compromise like in classical cryptography, Dumais et al. [Paul Dumais et al., 2000] introduce the conditional quantum bit commitments that additionally rely on complexity assumptions. However, in contrast to classical bit commitments which are widely used in classical cryptography, up until now there is relatively little work towards studying the application of quantum bit commitments in quantum cryptography. This may be partly due to the well-known weakness of the general quantum binding that comes from the possible superposition attack of the sender of quantum commitments, making it unclear whether quantum commitments could be useful in quantum cryptography. In this work, following Yan et al. [Jun Yan et al., 2015] we continue studying using (canonical non-interactive) perfectly/statistically-binding quantum bit commitments as the drop-in replacement of classical bit commitments in some well-known constructions. Specifically, we show that the (quantum) security can still be established for zero-knowledge proof, oblivious transfer, and proof-of-knowledge. In spite of this, we stress that the corresponding security analyses are by no means trivial extensions of their classical analyses; new techniques are needed to handle possible superposition attacks by the cheating sender of quantum bit commitments. Since (canonical non-interactive) statistically-binding quantum bit commitments can be constructed from quantum-secure one-way functions, we hope using them (as opposed to classical commitments) in cryptographic constructions can reduce the round complexity and weaken the complexity assumption simultaneously

    complete problem for perfect zero-knowledge quantum proof

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    The main purpose of this paper is to prove that (promise) problem Quantum State Identicalness (abbreviated QSI) is essentially complete for perfect zero-knowledge quantum interactive proof (QPZK). Loosely speaking, problem QSI is to decide whether two efficiently preparable quantum states (captured by quantum circuit of polynomial size) are identical or far apart (in trace distance). It is worthy noting that our result does not have classical counterpart yet; natural complete problem for perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof (PZK) is still unknown. Our proof generalizes Watrous' completeness proof for statistical zero-knowledge quantum interactive proof (QSZK), with an extra idea inspired by Malka to deal with completeness error. With complete problem at our disposal, we can immediately prove (and reprove) several interesting facts about QPZK. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.The main purpose of this paper is to prove that (promise) problem Quantum State Identicalness (abbreviated QSI) is essentially complete for perfect zero-knowledge quantum interactive proof (QPZK). Loosely speaking, problem QSI is to decide whether two efficiently preparable quantum states (captured by quantum circuit of polynomial size) are identical or far apart (in trace distance). It is worthy noting that our result does not have classical counterpart yet; natural complete problem for perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof (PZK) is still unknown. Our proof generalizes Watrous' completeness proof for statistical zero-knowledge quantum interactive proof (QSZK), with an extra idea inspired by Malka to deal with completeness error. With complete problem at our disposal, we can immediately prove (and reprove) several interesting facts about QPZK. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    General Properties of Quantum Bit Commitments

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    While unconditionally-secure quantum bit commitment (allowing both quantum computation and communication) is impossible, researchers turn to study the complexity-based one. A complexity-based canonical (non-interactive) quantum bit commitment scheme refers to a kind of scheme such that the commitment consists of just a single (quantum) message from the sender to the receiver that can be opened later by uncomputing the commit stage. In this work, we study general properties of complexity-based quantum bit commitments through the lens of canonical quantum bit commitments. Among other results, we in particular obtain the following two: 1. Any complexity-based quantum bit commitment scheme can be converted into the canonical (non-interactive) form (with its sum-binding property preserved). 2. Two flavors of canonical quantum bit commitments are equivalent; that is, canonical computationally-hiding statistically-binding quantum bit commitment exists if and only if the canonical statistically-hiding computationally-binding one exists. Combining this result with the first one, it immediately implies (unconditionally) that complexity-based quantum bit commitment is symmetric. Canonical quantum bit commitments can be based on quantum-secure one-way functions or pseudorandom quantum states. But in our opinion, the formulation of canonical quantum bit commitment is so clean and simple that itself can be viewed as a plausible complexity assumption as well. We propose to explore canonical quantum bit commitment from perspectives of both quantum cryptography and quantum complexity theory in the future

    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum