229 research outputs found

    Output privacy in secure multiparty computation

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    Abstract. In secure multiparty computation, a set of mutually mistrusting players engage in a protocol to compute an arbitrary, publicly known polynomial-sized function of the party’s private inputs, in a way that does not reveal (to an adversary controlling some of the players) any knowledge about the remaining inputs, beyond what can be deduced from the obtained output(s). Since its introduction by Yao [39], and Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson [29], this powerful paradigm has received a lot of attention. All throughout, however, very little attention has been given to the privacy of the players ’ outputs. Yet, disclosure of (part of) the output(s) may have serious consequences for the overall security of the application e.g., when the computed output is a secret key; or when the evaluation of the function is part of a larger computation, so that the function’s output(s) will be used as input(s) in the next phase. In this work, we define the notion of private-output multiparty computation. This newly revised notion encompasses (as a particular case) the classical definition and allows a set of players to jointly compute the output of a common function in such a way that the execution of the protocol reveals no information (to an adversary controlling some of the players) about (some part of) the outputs (other than what follows from the description of the function itself). Next, we formall

    Efficient Multiparty Computations with Dishonest Minority

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    We consider verifiable secret sharing (VSS) and multiparty computation (MPC) in the secure channels model, where a broadcast channel is given and a non-zero error probability is allowed. In this model Rabin and Ben-Or proposed VSS and MPC protocols, secure against an adversary that can corrupt any minority of the players. In this paper, we rst observe that a subprotocol of theirs, known as weak secret sharing (WSS), is not secure against an adaptive adversary, contrary to what was believed earlier. We then propose new and adaptively secure protocols for WSS, VSS and MPC that are substantially more efficient than the original ones. Our protocols generalize easily to provide security against general Q2 adversaries

    On the Communication Complexity of Secure Computation

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    Information theoretically secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a central primitive of modern cryptography. However, relatively little is known about the communication complexity of this primitive. In this work, we develop powerful information theoretic tools to prove lower bounds on the communication complexity of MPC. We restrict ourselves to a 3-party setting in order to bring out the power of these tools without introducing too many complications. Our techniques include the use of a data processing inequality for residual information - i.e., the gap between mutual information and G\'acs-K\"orner common information, a new information inequality for 3-party protocols, and the idea of distribution switching by which lower bounds computed under certain worst-case scenarios can be shown to apply for the general case. Using these techniques we obtain tight bounds on communication complexity by MPC protocols for various interesting functions. In particular, we show concrete functions that have "communication-ideal" protocols, which achieve the minimum communication simultaneously on all links in the network. Also, we obtain the first explicit example of a function that incurs a higher communication cost than the input length in the secure computation model of Feige, Kilian and Naor (1994), who had shown that such functions exist. We also show that our communication bounds imply tight lower bounds on the amount of randomness required by MPC protocols for many interesting functions.Comment: 37 page

    On Regenerating Codes and Proactive Secret Sharing: Relationships and Implications

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    We look at two basic coding theoretic and cryptographic mechanisms developed separately and investigate relationships between them and their implications. The first mechanism is Proactive Secret Sharing (PSS), which allows randomization and repair of shares using information from other shares. PSS enables constructing secure multi-party computation protocols that can withstand mobile dynamic attacks. This self-recovery and the redundancy of uncorrupted shares allows a system to overcome recurring faults throughout its lifetime, eventually finishing the computation (or continuing forever to maintain stored data). The second mechanismis Regenerating Codes (RC) which were extensively studied and adopted in distributed storage systems. RC are error correcting (or erasure handling) codes capable of recovering a block of a distributively held codeword from other servers\u27 blocks. This self-healing nature enables more robustness of a code distributed over different machines. Given that the two mechanisms have a built-in self-healing (leading to stabilizing) and that both can be based on Reed Solomon Codes, it is natural to formally investigate deeper relationships between them. We prove that a PSS scheme can be converted into an RC scheme, and that under some conditions RC can be utilized to instantiate a PSS scheme. This allows us, in turn, to leverage recent results enabling more efficient polynomial interpolation (due to Guruswami and Wooters) to improve the efficiency of a PSS scheme. We also show that if parameters are not carefully calibrated, such interpolation techniques (allowing partial word leakage) may be used to attack a PSS scheme over time. Secondly, the above relationships give rise to extended (de)coding notions. Our first example is mapping the generalized capabilities of adversaries (called generalized adversary structures) from the PSS realm into the RC one. Based on this we define a new variant of RC we call Generalized-decoding Regenerating Code (GRC) where not all network servers have a uniform sub-codeword (motivated by non-uniform probability of attacking different servers case). We finally highlight several interesting research directions due to our results, e.g., designing new improved GRC, and more adaptive RC re-coding techniques

    Making Code Voting Secure against Insider Threats using Unconditionally Secure MIX Schemes and Human PSMT Protocols

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    Code voting was introduced by Chaum as a solution for using a possibly infected-by-malware device to cast a vote in an electronic voting application. Chaum's work on code voting assumed voting codes are physically delivered to voters using the mail system, implicitly requiring to trust the mail system. This is not necessarily a valid assumption to make - especially if the mail system cannot be trusted. When conspiring with the recipient of the cast ballots, privacy is broken. It is clear to the public that when it comes to privacy, computers and "secure" communication over the Internet cannot fully be trusted. This emphasizes the importance of using: (1) Unconditional security for secure network communication. (2) Reduce reliance on untrusted computers. In this paper we explore how to remove the mail system trust assumption in code voting. We use PSMT protocols (SCN 2012) where with the help of visual aids, humans can carry out mod10\mod 10 addition correctly with a 99\% degree of accuracy. We introduce an unconditionally secure MIX based on the combinatorics of set systems. Given that end users of our proposed voting scheme construction are humans we \emph{cannot use} classical Secure Multi Party Computation protocols. Our solutions are for both single and multi-seat elections achieving: \begin{enumerate}[i)] \item An anonymous and perfectly secure communication network secure against a tt-bounded passive adversary used to deliver voting, \item The end step of the protocol can be handled by a human to evade the threat of malware. \end{enumerate} We do not focus on active adversaries

    Characterization of Secure Multiparty Computation Without Broadcast

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    A major challenge in the study of cryptography is characterizing the necessary and sufficient assumptions required to carry out a given cryptographic task. The focus of this work is the necessity of a broadcast channel for securely computing symmetric functionalities (where all the parties receive the same output) when one third of the parties, or more, might be corrupted. Assuming all parties are connected via a peer-to-peer network, but no broadcast channel (nor a secure setup phase) is available, we prove the following characterization: * A symmetric n-party functionality can be securely computed facing n/3<=t<n/2 corruptions (i.e., honest majority), if and only if it is \emph{(n-2t)-dominated}; a functionality is k-dominated, if \emph{any} k-size subset of its input variables can be set to determine its output. * Assuming the existence of one-way functions, a symmetric n-party functionality can be securely computed facing t>=n/2 corruptions (i.e., no honest majority), if and only if it is 1-dominated and can be securely computed with broadcast. It follows that, in case a third of the parties might be corrupted, broadcast is necessary for securely computing non-dominated functionalities (in which small subsets of the inputs cannot determine the output), including, as interesting special cases, the Boolean XOR and coin-flipping functionalities

    Uncovering Algebraic Structures in the MPC Landscape

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    A fundamental problem in the theory of secure multi-party computation (MPC) is to characterize functions with more than 2 parties which admit MPC protocols with information-theoretic security against passive corruption. This question has seen little progress since the work of Chor and Ishai (1996), which demonstrated difficulties in resolving it. In this work, we make significant progress towards resolving this question in the important case of aggregating functionalities, in which m parties P1, . . . , Pm hold inputs x1, . . . , xm and an aggregating party P0 must learn f(x1,...,xm). We uncover a rich class of algebraic structures that are closely related to secure computability, namely, “Commuting Permutations Systems” (CPS) and its variants. We present an extensive set of results relating these algebraic structures among themselves and to MPC, including new protocols, impossibility results and separations. Our results include a necessary algebraic condition and slightly stronger sufficient algebraic condition for a function to admit information-theoretically secure MPC protocols. We also introduce and study new models of minimally interactive MPC (called UNIMPC and UNIMPC*), which not only help in understanding our positive and negative results better, but also open up new avenues for studying the cryptographic complexity landscape of multi-party functionalities. Our positive results include novel protocols in these models, which may be of independent practical interest. Finally, we extend our results to a definition that requires UC security as well as semi-honest security (which we term strong security). In this model we are able to carry out the characterization of all computable functions, except for a gap in the case of aggregating functionalities

    The Price of Low Communication in Secure Multi-Party Computation

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    Traditional protocols for secure multi-party computation among n parties communicate at least a linear (in n) number of bits, even when computing very simple functions. In this work we investigate the feasibility of protocols with sublinear communication complexity. Concretely, we consider two clients, one of which may be corrupted, who wish to perform some “small” joint computation using n servers but without any trusted setup. We show that enforcing sublinear communication complexity drastically affects the feasibility bounds on the number of corrupted parties that can be tolerated in the setting of information-theoretic security. We provide a complete investigation of security in the presence of semi-honest adversaries---static and adaptive, with and without erasures---and initiate the study of security in the presence of malicious adversaries. For semi-honest static adversaries, our bounds essentially match the corresponding bounds when there is no communication restriction---i.e., we can tolerate up to t < (1/2 - \epsilon)n corrupted parties. For the adaptive case, however, the situation is different. We prove that without erasures even a small constant fraction of corruptions is intolerable, and---more surprisingly---when erasures are allowed, we prove that t < (1- \sqrt(0.5) -\epsilon)n corruptions can be tolerated, which we also show to be essentially optimal. The latter optimality proof hinges on a new treatment of probabilistic adversary structures that may be of independent interest. In the case of active corruptions in the sublinear communication setting, we prove that static “security with abort” is feasible when t < (1/2 - \epsilon)n, namely, the bound that is tight for semi-honest security. All of our negative results in fact rule out protocols with sublinear message complexity