430 research outputs found

    Compiler Support for Operator Overloading and Algorithmic Differentiation in C++

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    Multiphysics software needs derivatives for, e.g., solving a system of non-linear equations, conducting model verification, or sensitivity studies. In C++, algorithmic differentiation (AD), based on operator overloading (overloading), can be used to calculate derivatives up to machine precision. To that end, the built-in floating-point type is replaced by the user-defined AD type. It overloads all required operators, and calculates the original value and the corresponding derivative based on the chain rule of calculus. While changing the underlying type seems straightforward, several complications arise concerning software and performance engineering. This includes (1) fundamental language restrictions of C++ w.r.t. user-defined types, (2) type correctness of distributed computations with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library, and (3) identification and mitigation of AD induced overheads. To handle these issues, AD experts may spend a significant amount of time to enhance a code with AD, verify the derivatives and ensure optimal application performance. Hence, in this thesis, we propose a modern compiler-based tooling approach to support and accelerate the AD-enhancement process of C++ target codes. In particular, we make contributions to three aspects of AD. The initial type change - While the change to the AD type in a target code is conceptually straightforward, the type change often leads to a multitude of compiler error messages. This is due to the different treatment of built-in floating-point types and user-defined types by the C++ language standard. Previously legal code constructs in the target code subsequently violate the language standard when the built-in floating-point type is replaced with a user-defined AD type. We identify and classify these problematic code constructs and their root cause is shown. Solutions by localized source transformation are proposed. To automate this rather mechanical process, we develop a static code analyser and source transformation tool, called OO-Lint, based on the Clang compiler framework. It flags instances of these problematic code constructs and applies source transformations to make the code compliant with the requirements of the language standard. To show the overall relevance of complications with user-defined types, OO-Lint is applied to several well-known scientific codes, some of which have already been AD enhanced by others. In all of these applications, except the ones manually treated for AD overloading, problematic code constructs are detected. Type correctness of MPI communication - MPI is the de-facto standard for programming high performance, distributed applications. At the same time, MPI has a complex interface whose usage can be error-prone. For instance, MPI derived data types require manual construction by specifying memory locations of the underlying data. Specifying wrong offsets can lead to subtle bugs that are hard to detect. In the context of AD, special libraries exist that handle the required derivative book-keeping by replacing the MPI communication calls with overloaded variants. However, on top of the AD type change, the MPI communication routines have to be changed manually. In addition, the AD type fundamentally changes memory layout assumptions as it has a different extent than the built-in types. Previously legal layout assumptions have, thus, to be reverified. As a remedy, to detect any type-related errors, we developed a memory sanitizer tool, called TypeART, based on the LLVM compiler framework and the MPI correctness checker MUST. It tracks all memory allocations relevant to MPI communication to allow for checking the underlying type and extent of the typeless memory buffer address passed to any MPI routine. The overhead induced by TypeART w.r.t. several target applications is manageable. AD domain-specific profiling - Applying AD in a black-box manner, without consideration of the target code structure, can have a significant impact on both runtime and memory consumption. An AD expert is usually required to apply further AD-related optimizations for the reduction of these induced overheads. Traditional profiling techniques are, however, insufficient as they do not reveal any AD domain-specific metrics. Of interest for AD code optimization are, e.g., specific code patterns, especially on a function level, that can be treated efficiently with AD. To that end, we developed a static profiling tool, called ProAD, based on the LLVM compiler framework. For each function, it generates the computational graph based on the static data flow of the floating-point variables. The framework supports pattern analysis on the computational graph to identify the optimal application of the chain rule. We show the potential of the optimal application of AD with two case studies. In both cases, significant runtime improvements can be achieved when the knowledge of the code structure, provided by our tool, is exploited. For instance, with a stencil code, a speedup factor of about 13 is achieved compared to a naive application of AD and a factor of 1.2 compared to hand-written derivative code

    Automating embedded analysis capabilities and managing software complexity in multiphysics simulation part I: template-based generic programming

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    An approach for incorporating embedded simulation and analysis capabilities in complex simulation codes through template-based generic programming is presented. This approach relies on templating and operator overloading within the C++ language to transform a given calculation into one that can compute a variety of additional quantities that are necessary for many state-of-the-art simulation and analysis algorithms. An approach for incorporating these ideas into complex simulation codes through general graph-based assembly is also presented. These ideas have been implemented within a set of packages in the Trilinos framework and are demonstrated on a simple problem from chemical engineering

    Automatic differentiation in machine learning: a survey

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    Derivatives, mostly in the form of gradients and Hessians, are ubiquitous in machine learning. Automatic differentiation (AD), also called algorithmic differentiation or simply "autodiff", is a family of techniques similar to but more general than backpropagation for efficiently and accurately evaluating derivatives of numeric functions expressed as computer programs. AD is a small but established field with applications in areas including computational fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and engineering design optimization. Until very recently, the fields of machine learning and AD have largely been unaware of each other and, in some cases, have independently discovered each other's results. Despite its relevance, general-purpose AD has been missing from the machine learning toolbox, a situation slowly changing with its ongoing adoption under the names "dynamic computational graphs" and "differentiable programming". We survey the intersection of AD and machine learning, cover applications where AD has direct relevance, and address the main implementation techniques. By precisely defining the main differentiation techniques and their interrelationships, we aim to bring clarity to the usage of the terms "autodiff", "automatic differentiation", and "symbolic differentiation" as these are encountered more and more in machine learning settings.Comment: 43 pages, 5 figure

    Automatic implementation of material laws: Jacobian calculation in a finite element code with TAPENADE

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    In an effort to increase the versatility of finite element codes, we explore the possibility of automatically creating the Jacobian matrix necessary for the gradient-based solution of nonlinear systems of equations. Particularly, we aim to assess the feasibility of employing the automatic differentiation tool TAPENADE for this purpose on a large Fortran codebase that is the result of many years of continuous development. As a starting point we will describe the special structure of finite element codes and the implications that this code design carries for an efficient calculation of the Jacobian matrix. We will also propose a first approach towards improving the efficiency of such a method. Finally, we will present a functioning method for the automatic implementation of the Jacobian calculation in a finite element software, but will also point out important shortcomings that will have to be addressed in the future.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure
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