3 research outputs found

    Implementation of a Verbal Compiler: The Need to Develop Audio Language to Keep Pace with Rapid Development becomes a Necessity

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    This research paper aims to make essential developments in Speech Recognition SR the compiler gives the user a choice to choose the type of output whether it is textual or conversational audio Many large companies have developed such Speech Recognition Systems SRS especially the companies producing Smartphones Computers and Laptops If translation is taken as a model application they have not yet developed the perfect systems The purpose of this paper is to add facilities to the Speech Recognition SR software so that it can deal with spoken language

    Towards a Universal Variability Language: Master's Thesis

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    While feature diagrams have become the de facto standard to graphically describe variability models in Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE), none of the many textual notations have gained widespread adoption. However, a common textual language would be beneficial for better collaboration and exchange between tools. The main goal of this thesis is to propose a language for this purpose, along with fundamental tool support. The language should meet the needs and preferences of the community, so it can attain acceptance and adoption, without becoming yet another variability language. Its guiding principles are simplicity, familiarity, and flexibility. These enable the language to be easy to learn and to integrate into different tools, while still being expressive enough to represent existing and future models. We incorporate general design principles for Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), discuss usage scenarios collected by the community, analyze existing languages, and gather feedback directly through questionnaires submitted to the community. In the initial questionnaire, the community was in disagreement on whether to use nesting or references to represent the hierarchy. Thus, we presented two proposals to be compared side by side. Of those, the community clearly prefers the one using nesting, as determined by a second questionnaire. We call that proposal the Universal Variability Language (UVL). The community awards good ratings to this language, deems it suitable for teaching and learning, and estimates that it can represent most of the existing models. Evaluations reconsidering the requirements show that it enables the relevant scenarios and can support the editing of large-scale real-world feature models, such as the Linux kernel. We provide a small default library that can be used in Java, containing a parser and a printer for the language. We integrated it into the variability tool FeatureIDE, demonstrating its utility in quickly adding support for the proposed language. Overall, we can conclude that UVL is well-suited for a base language level of a universal textual variability language. Along with the acquired insights into the requirements for such a language, it can pose as the basis for the SPLE community to commit to a common language. As exchange and collaboration would be simplified, higher-quality research could be conducted and better tools developed, serving the whole community

    Echoes of Scripture and the Jewish Pseudepigrapha in the Pastoral Epistles: Including a Method of Identifying High-interest Parallels

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    Within Biblical studies, the term ‘echoes of Scripture’ is often used to describe a detailed study of verbal parallels (or potential references) between the New Testament and the Jewish Scriptures (i.e. Christian Old Testament). This present study expands upon this tradition by seeking to identify verbal parallels between the Pastoral Epistles and two different sets of source texts: the Septuagint and the Greek manuscripts of the Jewish Pseudepigrapha. The parallels are detected using a method that is analogous to the syntax analysis phase of a compiler or a natural language processor. As such, the study defines a set of syntax rules for textual references in Ancient Greek literature and then scans these rules to find instances when they are true (or satisfied). Based on the literary theory of allusions, the method relies upon the rarity of the matching words in order to highlight the most likely parallels for further evaluation as potential references. During this search process, the method also generates metadata that can be used to evaluate the relative influence of each set of source texts