5 research outputs found

    IR2Vec: LLVM IR based Scalable Program Embeddings

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    We propose IR2Vec, a Concise and Scalable encoding infrastructure to represent programs as a distributed embedding in continuous space. This distributed embedding is obtained by combining representation learning methods with flow information to capture the syntax as well as the semantics of the input programs. As our infrastructure is based on the Intermediate Representation (IR) of the source code, obtained embeddings are both language and machine independent. The entities of the IR are modeled as relationships, and their representations are learned to form a seed embedding vocabulary. Using this infrastructure, we propose two incremental encodings:Symbolic and Flow-Aware. Symbolic encodings are obtained from the seed embedding vocabulary, and Flow-Aware encodings are obtained by augmenting the Symbolic encodings with the flow information. We show the effectiveness of our methodology on two optimization tasks (Heterogeneous device mapping and Thread coarsening). Our way of representing the programs enables us to use non-sequential models resulting in orders of magnitude of faster training time. Both the encodings generated by IR2Vec outperform the existing methods in both the tasks, even while using simple machine learning models. In particular, our results improve or match the state-of-the-art speedup in 11/14 benchmark-suites in the device mapping task across two platforms and 53/68 benchmarks in the Thread coarsening task across four different platforms. When compared to the other methods, our embeddings are more scalable, is non-data-hungry, and has betterOut-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) characteristics.Comment: Accepted in ACM TAC

    Programming tools for intelligent systems

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    Les outils de programmation sont des programmes informatiques qui aident les humains à programmer des ordinateurs. Les outils sont de toutes formes et tailles, par exemple les éditeurs, les compilateurs, les débogueurs et les profileurs. Chacun de ces outils facilite une tâche principale dans le flux de travail de programmation qui consomme des ressources cognitives lorsqu’il est effectué manuellement. Dans cette thèse, nous explorons plusieurs outils qui facilitent le processus de construction de systèmes intelligents et qui réduisent l’effort cognitif requis pour concevoir, développer, tester et déployer des systèmes logiciels intelligents. Tout d’abord, nous introduisons un environnement de développement intégré (EDI) pour la programmation d’applications Robot Operating System (ROS), appelé Hatchery (Chapter 2). Deuxièmement, nous décrivons Kotlin∇, un système de langage et de type pour la programmation différenciable, un paradigme émergent dans l’apprentissage automatique (Chapter 3). Troisièmement, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme pour tester automatiquement les programmes différenciables, en nous inspirant des techniques de tests contradictoires et métamorphiques (Chapter 4), et démontrons son efficacité empirique dans le cadre de la régression. Quatrièmement, nous explorons une infrastructure de conteneurs basée sur Docker, qui permet un déploiement reproductible des applications ROS sur la plateforme Duckietown (Chapter 5). Enfin, nous réfléchissons à l’état actuel des outils de programmation pour ces applications et spéculons à quoi pourrait ressembler la programmation de systèmes intelligents à l’avenir (Chapter 6).Programming tools are computer programs which help humans program computers. Tools come in all shapes and forms, from editors and compilers to debuggers and profilers. Each of these tools facilitates a core task in the programming workflow which consumes cognitive resources when performed manually. In this thesis, we explore several tools that facilitate the process of building intelligent systems, and which reduce the cognitive effort required to design, develop, test and deploy intelligent software systems. First, we introduce an integrated development environment (IDE) for programming Robot Operating System (ROS) applications, called Hatchery (Chapter 2). Second, we describe Kotlin∇, a language and type system for differentiable programming, an emerging paradigm in machine learning (Chapter 3). Third, we propose a new algorithm for automatically testing differentiable programs, drawing inspiration from techniques in adversarial and metamorphic testing (Chapter 4), and demonstrate its empirical efficiency in the regression setting. Fourth, we explore a container infrastructure based on Docker, which enables reproducible deployment of ROS applications on the Duckietown platform (Chapter 5). Finally, we reflect on the current state of programming tools for these applications and speculate what intelligent systems programming might look like in the future (Chapter 6)

    Compiler auto-vectorization with imitation learning

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    © 2019 Neural information processing systems foundation. All rights reserved. Modern microprocessors are equipped with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) or vector instruction sets which allow compilers to exploit fine-grained data level parallelism. To exploit this parallelism, compilers employ auto-vectorization techniques to automatically convert scalar code into vector code. Larsen & Amarasinghe (2000) first introduced superword level parallelism (SLP) based vectorization, which is a form of vectorization popularly used by compilers. Current compilers employ hand-crafted heuristics and typically only follow one SLP vectorization strategy which can be suboptimal. Recently, Mendis & Amarasinghe (2018) formulated the instruction packing problem of SLP vectorization by leveraging an integer linear programming (ILP) solver, achieving superior runtime performance. In this work, we explore whether it is feasible to imitate optimal decisions made by their ILP solution by fitting a graph neural network policy. We show that the learnt policy, Vemal, produces a vectorization scheme that is better than the well-tuned heuristics used by the LLVM compiler. More specifically, the learnt agent produces a vectorization strategy that has a 22.6% higher average reduction in cost compared to the LLVM compiler when measured using its own cost model, and matches the runtime performance of the ILP based solution in 5 out of 7 applications in the NAS benchmark suite