61,914 research outputs found

    Competition Over Timeline in Social Networks

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    International audienceSocial networking sites pervade the World Wide Web and have millions of users worldwide. This provides ample opportunity for brands and organisations to reach out to a large and diverse audience. They do so by creating content and spreading it across the social network. Most popular social networks follow a timeline based homepage to display such content to the end users. Content once posted on the timeline, remains visible for a limited time, determined by the rate of content generation in the network. There are various ways by which brands can become more visible on the timeline of their followers, for instance by retransmitting/advertising their content from time to time. Hence, with multiple content creators in the network, there is a competition over a user's timeline, which we analyse in this paper. We first characterise the occupancy distribution of a given user's timeline and then use queueing techniques to analyse the period of time a content is present on a given timeline. We then study the competition between different content creators and characterise the equilibrium rate of content generation. We finally provide some numerical results, which provide insights into the effect of various system parameters

    A Game theoretic approach for competition over visibility in social networks

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    Social Networks have known an important evolution in the last few years. These structures, made up of individuals who are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, constitute the window for members to express their opinions and thoughts by sending posts to their own walls or others' timelines. Actually, when a content arrives, it's located on the top of the timeline pushing away older messages. This situation causes a permanent competition over visibility among subscribers who jump on opponents to promote conflict. Our study presents this competition as a non-cooperative game; each source has to choose frequencies which assure its visibility. We model it, exploring the theory of concave games, to reach a situation of equilibrium; a situation where no player has the ultimate ability to deviate from its current strategy. We formulate the named game, then we analyze it and prove that there is exactly one Nash equilibrium which is the convergence of all players' best responses. We finally provide some numerical results, taking into consideration a system of two sources with a specific frequency space, and analyze the effect of different parameters on sources' visibility on the walls of social networks

    Awarding Innovation: An Assessment of the Digital Media and Learning Competition

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    Increasing availability and accessibility of digital media have changed the ways in which young people learn, socialize, play, and engage in civic life. Seeking to understand how learning environments and institutions should transform to respond to these changes, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (the Foundation) launched the Digital Media and Learning (DML) Initiative in 2005. This report highlights the successes and challenges of one component of the DML Initiative: the DML Competition (the Competition)

    Board games as a teaching tool for technology classes in Compulsory Secondary Education

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    Aquest treball estudia la tècnica coneguda com game-based learning, és a dir, l’ús dels jocs com a eina didàctica. Primer que res, es fa recerca sobre els treballs ja existents i es veu que, tot i haver-hi articles sobre game-based learning, és difícil trobar-ne de relacionats amb la tecnologia, més enllà d’ensenyar a programar. A continuació, es revisen els continguts curriculars i les competències de secundària i es relacionen amb alguns jocs de taula ja existents, dels quals es detallen breument les regles de joc. Es veu que hi ha continguts curriculars, pels quals es difícil trobar un joc que hi encaixi. A més a més, es desenvolupa la idea d’un nou joc de taula, basat en el ja existent Party & Co., per treballar alguns dels continguts curriculars pels quals no s’ha trobat cap joc existent que s’hi escaigui. Finalment, s’explica una experiència duta a terme durant el període de pràctiques en el centre escolar al curs de 3r d’ESO. Es disposava de tres grups i en tots tres es va seguir la mateixa programació: classe introductòria expositiva, una sessió de muntatge de robots LEGO, 4 sessions de programació i un petit test. En un dels tres grups, però, es va fer una classe prèvia extra on es va jugar a un joc de taula anomenat RoboRally. Els objectius eren dobles: que aprenguessin la importància de l’algorísmica i que s’ho passessin bé. Els resultats mostren que aquest grup va treballar més i millor. En el treball s’analitzen els resultats obtinguts

    The Social Medium Selection Game

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    We consider in this paper competition of content creators in routing their content through various media. The routing decisions may correspond to the selection of a social network (e.g. twitter versus facebook or linkedin) or of a group within a given social network. The utility for a player to send its content to some medium is given as the difference between the dissemination utility at this medium and some transmission cost. We model this game as a congestion game and compute the pure potential of the game. In contrast to the continuous case, we show that there may be various equilibria. We show that the potential is M-concave which allows us to characterize the equilibria and to propose an algorithm for computing it. We then give a learning mechanism which allow us to give an efficient algorithm to determine an equilibrium. We finally determine the asymptotic form of the equilibrium and discuss the implications on the social medium selection problem

    Competition and Success in the Meme Pool: a Case Study on Quickmeme.com

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    The advent of social media has provided data and insights about how people relate to information and culture. While information is composed by bits and its fundamental building bricks are relatively well understood, the same cannot be said for culture. The fundamental cultural unit has been defined as a "meme". Memes are defined in literature as specific fundamental cultural traits, that are floating in their environment together. Just like genes carried by bodies, memes are carried by cultural manifestations like songs, buildings or pictures. Memes are studied in their competition for being successfully passed from one generation of minds to another, in different ways. In this paper we choose an empirical approach to the study of memes. We downloaded data about memes from a well-known website hosting hundreds of different memes and thousands of their implementations. From this data, we empirically describe the behavior of these memes. We statistically describe meme occurrences in our dataset and we delineate their fundamental traits, along with those traits that make them more or less apt to be successful

    Broadband in rural and remote areas: the impact of Scottish policy initiatives

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    The ability to participate in the Internet-based economy that is emerging requires access to broadband. However, in many countries, 'digital divides' occur, with those in geographically remote and rural areas being particularly disadvantaged. Through focusing on rural and remote Scotland, the paper identifies three different categories of policy initiatives that have been adopted and their interaction with broader UK and industry wide developments. Whilst these initiatives have encouraged the adoption of broadband, it is argued that UK initiatives are creating a new series of challenges to the adoption of broadband
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