91,076 research outputs found

    Diffusion Process in a Flow

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    We establish circumstances under which the dispersion of passive contaminants in a forced, deterministic or random, flow can be consistently interpreted as a Markovian diffusion process. In case of conservative forcing the repulsive case only, F⃗=∇⃗V\vec{F}=\vec{\nabla }V with V(x⃗,t)V(\vec{x},t) bounded from below, is unquestionably admitted by the compatibility conditions. A class of diffusion processes is exemplified, such that the attractive forcing is allowed as well, due to an appropriate compensation coming from the "pressure" term. The compressible Euler flows form their subclass, when regarded as stochastic processes. We establish circumstances under which the dispersion of passive contaminants in a forced, deterministic or random, flow can be consistently interpreted as a Markovian diffusion process. In case of conservative forcing the repulsive case only, F⃗=∇⃗V\vec{F}=\vec{\nabla }V with V(x⃗,t)V(\vec{x},t) bounded from below, is unquestionably admitted by the compatibility conditions. A class of diffusion processes is exemplified, such that the attractive forcing is allowed as well, due to an appropriate compensation coming from the "pressure" term. The compressible Euler flows form their subclass, when regarded as stochastic processes.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    An exact solution method for binary equilibrium problems with compensation and the power market uplift problem

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    We propose a novel method to find Nash equilibria in games with binary decision variables by including compensation payments and incentive-compatibility constraints from non-cooperative game theory directly into an optimization framework in lieu of using first order conditions of a linearization, or relaxation of integrality conditions. The reformulation offers a new approach to obtain and interpret dual variables to binary constraints using the benefit or loss from deviation rather than marginal relaxations. The method endogenizes the trade-off between overall (societal) efficiency and compensation payments necessary to align incentives of individual players. We provide existence results and conditions under which this problem can be solved as a mixed-binary linear program. We apply the solution approach to a stylized nodal power-market equilibrium problem with binary on-off decisions. This illustrative example shows that our approach yields an exact solution to the binary Nash game with compensation. We compare different implementations of actual market rules within our model, in particular constraints ensuring non-negative profits (no-loss rule) and restrictions on the compensation payments to non-dispatched generators. We discuss the resulting equilibria in terms of overall welfare, efficiency, and allocational equity

    Farm households' preference for cash-based compensation versus livelihood-enhancing programs: A choice experiment to inform avian flu compensation policy in Nigeria

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    In this paper we attempt to bridge the resilience school of thought and incentive compatibility in livestock disease control policies through a pilot choice experiment study conducted on 104 farm households in the Nasarawa state of Nigeria. The aim of this study was to shed light on farm households' valuation of various compensation plan attributes and trade-offs among these attributes. In the experiment presented here, compensation plan was defined broadly to include not just the traditional attributes, such as the number of days it takes to receive the payment, the compensation rate, and the method of payment, but also more diverse interventions, such as training in biosecurity measures and access to bank loans, which are expected to have longer-term impacts on households' livelihood outcomes. We analyzed the data using various discrete choice models, the best-fitting of which was the random parameter (or mixed) logit model with interactions, which enabled us to capture both unobserved and observed heterogeneity in farm households' preferences for the compensation plan attributes. The results reveal that overall, study households preferred compensation plans that made payment in fewer days, provided facilitated credit access, and offered biosecurity training. Households with better-educated heads and those with lower income levels valued compensation plans that provided credit access and biosecurity training the most. These findings are expected to inform the design of efficient, effective, equitable, and targeted compensation policies, which could not only reduce the livestock disease risk but also improve the resilience of poor farm households' livelihoods against future poultry-related or other idiosyncratic shocks.avian flu, choice experiment method, compensation scheme, conditional logit model, livestock disease, random parameter logit model,

    The Supreme Court Gets the Ball Rolling: NCAA v. Alston and Title IX

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    Student-athlete compensation has been a consistent topic of controversy over the past few years, as critics question the legitimacy of the NCAA’s notion of amateurism and proponents favor the status quo. The Supreme Court decision in NCAA v. Alston has only served to intensify the debate, opening the door to alternative compensation structures. Despite a unanimous ruling in favor of the athletes, the limited holding of the case has only produced further questions. In his scathing concurrence, Justice Kavanaugh raises one such question: how does a student-athlete compensation structure comply with Title IX? This Comment seeks to address that question by analyzing two possible compensation regimes and their compatibility with Title IX

    Unemployment vs. In-work Benefits with Search Unemployment and Observable Abilities

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    This paper explores the optimal interaction between the tax system and unemployment compensation in insuring people against the risks of involuntary unemployment and low ability.To that end, we introduce search unemployment in a model of optimal non-linear income taxation.We find that the optimal search subsidy (i.e. the difference between the in-work benefit and the unemployment benefit) increases if, for efficient agents, the participation constraint (governing job search) becomes relatively more important than the incentive compatibility constraint (determining hours worked).The relation between unemployment benefits and the optimal level of in-work benefits (the number of people exerting positive work effort) is U (inversely U) shaped.unemployment;taxation;redistribution;unemployment insurance

    Load characterization in medium voltage of an electric distribution utility related to active filters

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    The behavior of the actual load of an electric energy distribution utility by means of voltage and current measurements is analyzed in this paper. Steady and transient states are taken into account. The main attention is fixed in points where present shunt compensation is installed. Results of field measurements and the connection and disconnection of capacitor banks are shown. Studies for future compensation are detailed and the possible advantages of active filter incorporation are analyzed in order to replace or complement the existing compensation. The minimal requirements are established in order to consider the design of the active filters and their compatibility with the existing installations.Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para Redes y Equipos Eléctricos (IITREE

    Exploring Policy Models For Extended Time Off

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    Whether it’s a personal health condition, the birth of a new child, or the need to address a serious health issue of an aging parent, many, if not most workers, find that at certain points in their lives, they will need an extended amount of time off from work. We refer to this as Extended Time Off (EXTO). In addition, there is a growing body of research that outlines the potential benefits of paid time off for workers, their families (and in particular children), as well as some research suggesting a benefit to employers providing paid EXTO. While the U.S. provides 12 weeks of job protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act to some workers, this time off from work goes largely unpaid for most workers
