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    Comparison of two mathematical formulations for the offline routing of personal rapid transit system vehicles

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    Solusi Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Sistem Distribusi LNG Papua Dengan Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization

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    Pembangunan dan pengembangan infrastruktur di Pulau Papua menjadi salah satu fokus utama pemerintah agar masyarakat di Papua dapat merasakan keadilan yang merata terhadap penggunaan energi listrik. Demi mewujudkan hal tersebut, pemerintah melalui PLN perlu mendistribusikan Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) ke 13 terminal regasification yang tersebar di Papua untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakar Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas (PLTG) yang ada. Dalam mengoptimalkan sistem distribusi LNG, algoritma Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) digunakan sebagai metode optimasi untuk mencari minimum total operational cost berdasarkan rute yang paling optimal. ACO menggunakan data variabel atau parameter seperti, demand pembangkit, kapasitas muatan carrier, jarak antar titik tujuan dan pengiriman, kecepatan kapal, biaya transportasi, dan inventory sebagai data input. Dengan menerapkan constraint waktu dan kapasitas, maka permasalahan yang dihadapi pada penelitian ini dapat digolongkan menjadi Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CVRPTW). Hasil optimasi sistem distribusi dengan fungsi obyektif berupa minimum cost menunjukan penugasan LNG carrier sebanyak satu unit dengan kapasitas 10,000 m3 untuk melayani rute Tangguh-Raja Ampat-Sarmi-Jayapura-Fakfak-Tangguh dan dua unit dengan ukuran 19,500 m3 untuk melayani rute Tangguh-Biak-Nabire-Serui-Manokwari-Sorong-Tangguh dan Tangguh-Bintuni-Kaimana-Timika-Merauke-Tangguh dengan total biaya transportasi dan inventory sebesar 706,578,015.Analisaeconomicassessmentmenunjukkanbahwadenganmarginhargapenjualan706,578,015. Analisa economic assessment menunjukkan bahwa dengan margin harga penjualan 2.00, Payback Period (PBP) bisa didapatkan pada tahun ke 20 dengan nilai Net Present Value (NPV) positif sebesar 83,149,782berdasarkannilaidiscountrateyangdigunakanadalah5======================================================================InfrastructuredevelopmentonPapuaIslandisoneofthegovernment′smainfocusesinordertoequitablejusticeinPapuatousetheelectricity.Therefore,thegovernmentthroughPLNneedstodistributeLiquifiedNaturalGas(LNG)to13regasificationterminalinPapuatomeettheexistingfuelneedsoftheGasPowerPlant(PLTG).InoptimizingtheLNGdistributionsystem,theAntColonyOptimization(ACO)algorithmisusedasanoptimizationmethodtofindtheminimumtotaloperationalcostbasedonthemostoptimalroute.ACOusesvariableorparameterdatasuchasgeneratordemand,carrierloadcapacity,distancebetweendestinationpointsandshipping,shipspeed,transportationcosts,andinventoryasinputdata.Byapplyingtimeandcapacityconstraints,thisproblemcanbeclassifiedintoCapacitatedVehicleRoutingProblemwithTimeWindows(CVRPTW).Inordertoachieveminimumtotaloperationalcost,theresultsshowisneededtoassignmentoneunitLNGcarrierwith10,000m3capacitytoservetherouteofTangguh−RajaAmpat−Sarmi−Jayapura−Fakfak−Tangguhandtwounitsof19,500m3capacitytoserveTangguh−Biak−Nabire−Serui−Manokwari−Sorong−TangguhandTangguh−Bintuni−Kaimana−Timika−Merauke−Tangguhwithtotaltransportationandinventorycostsof83,149,782 berdasarkan nilai discount rate yang digunakan adalah 5%. ======================================================================Infrastructure development on Papua Island is one of the government's main focuses in order to equitable justice in Papua to use the electricity. Therefore, the government through PLN needs to distribute Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) to 13 regasification terminal in Papua to meet the existing fuel needs of the Gas Power Plant (PLTG). In optimizing the LNG distribution system, the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is used as an optimization method to find the minimum total operational cost based on the most optimal route. ACO uses variable or parameter data such as generator demand, carrier load capacity, distance between destination points and shipping, ship speed, transportation costs, and inventory as input data. By applying time and capacity constraints, this problem can be classified into Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (CVRPTW). In order to achieve minimum total operational cost, the results show is needed to assignment one unit LNG carrier with 10,000 m3 capacity to serve the route of Tangguh-Raja Ampat-Sarmi-Jayapura-Fakfak-Tangguh and two units of 19,500 m3 capacity to serve Tangguh-Biak-Nabire-Serui-Manokwari-Sorong-Tangguh and Tangguh-Bintuni-Kaimana-Timika-Merauke-Tangguh with total transportation and inventory costs of 706,578,015. Economic assessment analysis shows that with a sales price margin of 2.00,thePaybackPeriod(PBP)canbeobtainedinthe10thyearwithapositiveNetPresentValue(NPV)valueof 2.00, the Payback Period (PBP) can be obtained in the 10th year with a positive Net Present Value (NPV) value of 83,149,782 based on the value of the 5% discount rate