855 research outputs found

    NODDI-SH: a computational efficient NODDI extension for fODF estimation in diffusion MRI

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    Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DMRI) is the only non-invasive imaging technique which is able to detect the principal directions of water diffusion as well as neurites density in the human brain. Exploiting the ability of Spherical Harmonics (SH) to model spherical functions, we propose a new reconstruction model for DMRI data which is able to estimate both the fiber Orientation Distribution Function (fODF) and the relative volume fractions of the neurites in each voxel, which is robust to multiple fiber crossings. We consider a Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) inspired single fiber diffusion signal to be derived from three compartments: intracellular, extracellular, and cerebrospinal fluid. The model, called NODDI-SH, is derived by convolving the single fiber response with the fODF in each voxel. NODDI-SH embeds the calculation of the fODF and the neurite density in a unified mathematical model providing efficient, robust and accurate results. Results were validated on simulated data and tested on \textit{in-vivo} data of human brain, and compared to and Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD) for benchmarking. Results revealed competitive performance in all respects and inherent adaptivity to local microstructure, while sensibly reducing the computational cost. We also investigated NODDI-SH performance when only a limited number of samples are available for the fitting, demonstrating that 60 samples are enough to obtain reliable results. The fast computational time and the low number of signal samples required, make NODDI-SH feasible for clinical application

    Rotationally-invariant mapping of scalar and orientational metrics of neuronal microstructure with diffusion MRI

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    We develop a general analytical and numerical framework for estimating intra- and extra-neurite water fractions and diffusion coefficients, as well as neurite orientational dispersion, in each imaging voxel. By employing a set of rotational invariants and their expansion in the powers of diffusion weighting, we analytically uncover the nontrivial topology of the parameter estimation landscape, showing that multiple branches of parameters describe the measurement almost equally well, with only one of them corresponding to the biophysical reality. A comprehensive acquisition shows that the branch choice varies across the brain. Our framework reveals hidden degeneracies in MRI parameter estimation for neuronal tissue, provides microstructural and orientational maps in the whole brain without constraints or priors, and connects modern biophysical modeling with clinical MRI.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, elsarticle two-colum

    The effect of realistic geometries on the susceptibility-weighted MR signal in white matter

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of realistic microstructural geometry on the susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) signal in white matter (WM), with application to demyelination. Methods: Previous work has modeled susceptibility-weighted signals under the assumption that axons are cylindrical. In this work, we explore the implications of this assumption by considering the effect of more realistic geometries. A three-compartment WM model incorporating relevant properties based on literature was used to predict the MR signal. Myelinated axons were modeled with several cross-sectional geometries of increasing realism: nested circles, warped/elliptical circles and measured axonal geometries from electron micrographs. Signal simulations from the different microstructural geometries were compared to measured signals from a Cuprizone mouse model with varying degrees of demyelination. Results: Results from simulation suggest that axonal geometry affects the MR signal. Predictions with realistic models were significantly different compared to circular models under the same microstructural tissue properties, for simulations with and without diffusion. Conclusion: The geometry of axons affects the MR signal significantly. Literature estimates of myelin susceptibility, which are based on fitting biophysical models to the MR signal, are likely to be biased by the assumed geometry, as will any derived microstructural properties.Comment: Accepted March 4 2017, in publication at Magnetic Resonance in Medicin

    Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging in the Diffusion Imaging in Python Project.

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    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) measurements and models provide information about brain connectivity and are sensitive to the physical properties of tissue microstructure. Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) quantifies the degree of non-Gaussian diffusion in biological tissue from dMRI. These estimates are of interest because they were shown to be more sensitive to microstructural alterations in health and diseases than measures based on the total anisotropy of diffusion which are highly confounded by tissue dispersion and fiber crossings. In this work, we implemented DKI in the Diffusion in Python (DIPY) project-a large collaborative open-source project which aims to provide well-tested, well-documented and comprehensive implementation of different dMRI techniques. We demonstrate the functionality of our methods in numerical simulations with known ground truth parameters and in openly available datasets. A particular strength of our DKI implementations is that it pursues several extensions of the model that connect it explicitly with microstructural models and the reconstruction of 3D white matter fiber bundles (tractography). For instance, our implementations include DKI-based microstructural models that allow the estimation of biophysical parameters, such as axonal water fraction. Moreover, we illustrate how DKI provides more general characterization of non-Gaussian diffusion compatible with complex white matter fiber architectures and gray matter, and we include a novel mean kurtosis index that is invariant to the confounding effects due to tissue dispersion. In summary, DKI in DIPY provides a well-tested, well-documented and comprehensive reference implementation for DKI. It provides a platform for wider use of DKI in research on brain disorders and in cognitive neuroscience

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationMyocardial microstructure plays an important role in sustaining the orchestrated beating motion of the heart. Several microstructural components, including myocytes and auxiliary cells, extracellular space, and blood vessels provide the infrastructure for normal heart function, including excitation propagation, myocyte contraction, delivery of oxygen and nutrients, and removing byproduct wastes. Cardiac diseases cause deleterious changes to some or all of these microstructural components in the detrimental process of cardiac remodeling. Since heart failure is among the leading causes of death in the world, new and novel tools to noninvasively characterize heart microstructure are needed for monitoring and staging of cardiac disease. In this regards, diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides a promising framework to probe and quantify tissue microstructure without the need for exogenous contrast agent. As diffusion in 3-dimensional space is characterized by the diffusion tensor, MR diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is being used to noninvasively measure anisotropic diffusion, and thus the magnitude and spatial orientation of microstructural organization of tissues, including the heart. However, even though in vivo cardiac DTI has become more clinically available, to date the origin and behavior of different microstructural components on the measured DTI signal remain to be explicitly specified. The presented studies in this work demonstrate that DTI can be used as a noninvasive and contrast-free imaging modality to characterize myocyte size and density, extracellular collagen content, and the directional magnitude of blood flow. The identified applications are expected to provide metrics to enable physicians to detect, quantify, and stage different microstructural components during progression of cardiac disease

    Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Recent Advances and Applications

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    Quantitative diffusion imaging techniques enable the characterization of tissue microstructural properties of the human brain “in vivo”, and are widely used in neuroscientific and clinical contexts. In this review, we present the basic physical principles behind diffusion imaging and provide an overview of the current diffusion techniques, including standard and advanced techniques as well as their main clinical applications. Standard diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) offers sensitivity to changes in microstructure due to diseases and enables the characterization of single fiber distributions within a voxel as well as diffusion anisotropy. Nonetheless, its inability to represent complex intravoxel fiber topologies and the limited biological specificity of its metrics motivated the development of several advanced diffusion MRI techniques. For example, high-angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) techniques enabled the characterization of fiber crossing areas and other complex fiber topologies in a single voxel and supported the development of higher-order signal representations aiming to decompose the diffusion MRI signal into distinct microstructure compartments. Biophysical models, often known by their acronym (e.g., CHARMED, WMTI, NODDI, DBSI, DIAMOND) contributed to capture the diffusion properties from each of such tissue compartments, enabling the computation of voxel-wise maps of axonal density and/or morphology that hold promise as clinically viable biomarkers in several neurological and neuroscientific applications; for example, to quantify tissue alterations due to disease or healthy processes. Current challenges and limitations of state-of-the-art models are discussed, including validation efforts. Finally, novel diffusion encoding approaches (e.g., b-tensor or double diffusion encoding) may increase the biological specificity of diffusion metrics towards intra-voxel diffusion heterogeneity in clinical settings, holding promise in neurological applications

    Brain Microstructure: Impact of the Permeability on Diffusion MRI

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    Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) enables a non invasive in-vivo characterization of the brain tissue. The disentanglement of each microstructural property reflected on the total dMRI signal is one of the hottest topics in the field. The dMRI reconstruction techniques ground on assumptions on the signal model and consider the neurons axons as impermeable cylinders. Nevertheless, interactions with the environment is characteristic of the biological life and diffusional water exchange takes place through cell membranes. Myelin wraps axons with multiple layers constitute a barrier modulating exchange between the axon and the extracellular tissue. Due to the short transverse relaxation time (T2) of water trapped between sheets, myelin contribution to the diffusion signal is often neglected. This thesis aims to explore how the exchange influences the dMRI signal and how this can be informative on myelin structure. We also aimed to explore how recent dMRI signal reconstruction techniques could be applied in clinics proposing a strategy for investigating the potential as biomarkers of the derived tissue descriptors. The first goal of the thesis was addressed performing Monte Carlo simulations of a system with three compartments: intra-axonal, spiraling myelin and extra-axonal. The experiments showed that the exchange time between intra- and extra-axonal compartments was on the sub-second level (and thus possibly observable) for geometries with small axon diameter and low number of wraps such as in the infant brain and in demyelinating diseases. The second goal of the thesis was reached by assessing the indices derived from three dimensional simple harmonics oscillator-based reconstruction and estimation (3D-SHORE) in stroke disease. The tract-based analysis involving motor networks and the region-based analysis in grey matter (GM) were performed. 3D-SHORE indices proved to be sensitive to plasticity in both white matter (WM) and GM, highlighting their viability as biomarkers in ischemic stroke. The overall study could be considered the starting point for a future investigation of the interdependence of different phenomena like exchange and relaxation related to the established dMRI indices. This is valuable for the accurate dMRI data interpretation in heterogeneous tissues and different physiological conditions

    Histological validation of the brain cell body imaging with diffusion MRI at ultrahigh field

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    Biophysical modelling of diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) data can help to gain more insight into brain microstructure. However, models need to be validated. This work validates a recently-developed technique for non-invasive mapping of brain cell-body (soma) size/ density with DW-MRI, by using ultrahigh-field DW-MRI experiments and histology of mouse brain. Predictions from numerical simulations are experimentally confirmed and brain’s maps of MR-measured soma size/density are shown to correspond very well with histology. We provide differential contrasts between cell layers that are less expressed in tensor analyses, leading to novel complementary contrasts of the brain tissue. Limitations and future research directions are discussed
