11 research outputs found

    Multilingual Adaptation of RNN Based ASR Systems

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    In this work, we focus on multilingual systems based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs), trained using the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss function. Using a multilingual set of acoustic units poses difficulties. To address this issue, we proposed Language Feature Vectors (LFVs) to train language adaptive multilingual systems. Language adaptation, in contrast to speaker adaptation, needs to be applied not only on the feature level, but also to deeper layers of the network. In this work, we therefore extended our previous approach by introducing a novel technique which we call "modulation". Based on this method, we modulated the hidden layers of RNNs using LFVs. We evaluated this approach in both full and low resource conditions, as well as for grapheme and phone based systems. Lower error rates throughout the different conditions could be achieved by the use of the modulation.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2018

    A Study of All-Convolutional Encoders for Connectionist Temporal Classification

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    Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) is a popular sequence prediction approach for automatic speech recognition that is typically used with models based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs). We explore whether deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can be used effectively instead of RNNs as the "encoder" in CTC. CNNs lack an explicit representation of the entire sequence, but have the advantage that they are much faster to train. We present an exploration of CNNs as encoders for CTC models, in the context of character-based (lexicon-free) automatic speech recognition. In particular, we explore a range of one-dimensional convolutional layers, which are particularly efficient. We compare the performance of our CNN-based models against typical RNNbased models in terms of training time, decoding time, model size and word error rate (WER) on the Switchboard Eval2000 corpus. We find that our CNN-based models are close in performance to LSTMs, while not matching them, and are much faster to train and decode.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP-201

    Subword and Crossword Units for CTC Acoustic Models

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to create an unit set for CTC based speech recognition systems. By using Byte Pair Encoding we learn an unit set of an arbitrary size on a given training text. In contrast to using characters or words as units this allows us to find a good trade-off between the size of our unit set and the available training data. We evaluate both Crossword units, that may span multiple word, and Subword units. By combining this approach with decoding methods using a separate language model we are able to achieve state of the art results for grapheme based CTC systems.Comment: Current version accepted at Interspeech 201

    Decoupling music notation to improve end-to-end Optical Music Recognition

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    Inspired by the Text Recognition field, end-to-end schemes based on Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks (CRNN) trained with the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss function are considered one of the current state-of-the-art techniques for staff-level Optical Music Recognition (OMR). Unlike text symbols, music-notation elements may be defined as a combination of (i) a shape primitive located in (ii) a certain position in a staff. However, this double nature is generally neglected in the learning process, as each combination is treated as a single token. In this work, we study whether exploiting such particularity of music notation actually benefits the recognition performance and, if so, which approach is the most appropriate. For that, we thoroughly review existing specific approaches that explore this premise and propose different combinations of them. Furthermore, considering the limitations observed in such approaches, a novel decoding strategy specifically designed for OMR is proposed. The results obtained with four different corpora of historical manuscripts show the relevance of leveraging this double nature of music notation since it outperforms the standard approaches where it is ignored. In addition, the proposed decoding leads to significant reductions in the error rates with respect to the other cases.This paper is part of the project I+D+i PID2020-118447RA-I00 (MultiScore), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. The first author is supported by grant FPU19/04957 from the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades. The second author is supported by grant ACIF/2021/356 from “Programa I+D+i de la Generalitat Valenciana“. The third author is supported by grant APOSTD/2020/256 from “Programa I+D+i de la Generalitat Valenciana”