6 research outputs found

    A Fully Parallel LISP2 Compactor with Preservation of the Sliding Properties

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    Efficient Exception Handling in Java Bytecode-to-C Ahead-of-Time Compiler for Embedded

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    Computer Languages, Systems and Structures Volume 34 , Issue 4 (December 2008) Pages: 170-183One of the most promising approaches to Java acceleration in embedded systems is a bytecode-to-C ahead-of-time compiler (AOTC). It improves the performance of a Java virtual machine (JVM) by translating bytecode into C code, which is then compiled into machine code via an existing C compiler. One important design issue in AOTC is efficient exception handling. Since the excepting point and the exception handler may locate in different methods on a call stack, control transfer between them should be streamlined, while an exception would be an ''exceptional'' event, so it should not slow down normal execution paths. Previous AOTCs often employed a technique called stack cutting based on a setjmp()/longjmp() pair, which we found is involved with too much performance overheads. Also, when the AOTC and the interpreter are employed concurrently (e.g., some methods are AOTCed while other methods are interpreted), the performance of normal execution paths is affected more seriously. This paper proposes a simpler solution based on an exception check after each method call, merged with garbage collection check for reducing its overhead. Our evaluation results on SPECjvm98 on Sun's CVM indicate that our technique can improve the performance of stack cutting by more than 25%. A similar performance benefit can be noted on a hybrid execution environment of both the AOTC and the interpreter

    Comparing mark-and sweep and stop-and-copy garbage collection

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    Stop-and-copy garbage collection has been preferred to mark-and-sweep collection in the last decade because its collec-tion time is proportional to the size of reachable data and not to the memory size. This paper compares the CPU overhead and the memory requirements of the two collec-tion algorithms extended with generations, and finds that mark-and-sweep collection requires at most a small amount of additional CPU overhead (3-690) but, requires an aver-age of 20 % (and up to 40%) less memory to achieve the same page fault rate. The comparison is based on results obtained using trace-driven simulation with large Common Lisp programs.

    Garbage collection in distributed systems

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    PhD ThesisThe provision of system-wide heap storage has a number of advantages. However, when the technique is applied to distributed systems automatically recovering inaccessible variables becomes a serious problem. This thesis presents a survey of such garbage collection techniques but finds that no existing algorithm is entirely suitable. A new, general purpose algorithm is developed and presented which allows individual systems to garbage collect largely independently. The effects of these garbage collections are combined, using recursively structured control mechanisms, to achieve garbage collection of the entire heap with the minimum of overheads. Experimental results show that new algorithm recovers most inaccessible variables more quickly than a straightforward garbage collection, giving an improved memory utilisation

    Simple, safe, and efficient memory management using linear pointers

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    Efficient and safe memory management is a hard problem. Garbage collection promises automatic memory management but comes with the cost of increased memory footprint, reduced parallelism in multi-threaded programs, unpredictable pause time, and intricate tuning parameters balancing the program's workload and designated memory usage in order for an application to perform reasonably well. Existing research mitigates the above problems to some extent, but programmer error could still cause memory leak by erroneously keeping memory references when they are no longer needed. We need a methodology for programmers to become resource aware, so that efficient, scalable, predictable and high performance programs may be written without the fear of resource leak. Linear logic has been recognized as the formalism of choice for resource tracking. It requires explicit introduction and elimination of resources and guarantees that a resource cannot be implicitly shared or abandoned, hence must be linear. Early languages based on linear logic focused on Curry-Howard correspondence. They began by limiting the expressive powers of the language and then reintroduced them by allowing controlled sharing which is necessary for recursive functions. However, only by deviating from Curry-Howard correspondence could later development actually address programming errors in resource usage. The contribution of this dissertation is a simple, safe, and efficient approach introducing linear resource ownership semantics into C++ (which is still a widely used language after 30 years since inception) through linear pointer, a smart pointer inspired by linear logic. By implementing various linear data structures and a parallel, multi-threaded memory allocator based on these data structures, this work shows that linear pointer is practical and efficient in the real world, and that it is possible to build a memory management stack that is entirely leak free. The dissertation offers some closing remarks on the difficulties a formal system would encounter when reasoning about a concurrent linear data algorithm, and what might be done to solve these problems

    Instalación de un sistema funcional sobre un computador convencional

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    En esta tesis se tratan dos aspectos fundamentales de los sistemas funcionales, de cuyo tratamiento depende, en gran medida, la eficiencia de tales sistemas. En primer lugar, se presentan y evalúan una serie de soluciones al problema de representación interna en los sistemas funcionales, soluciones basadas en la utilización de estructuras lineales para obtener una mejora en el tiempo de ejecución y en la ocupación de la memoria del sistema. En segundo lugar, se presenta un sistema de evaluación multitarea para reducir programas funcionales, basado en la especificación de varios ficheros de salida. En él, las tareas del sistema evalúan, de forma concurrente, las diversas partes del resultado de un programa y se .comunican entre sí en base a mensajes que permiten detectar y resolver, sin necesidad de abortar la ejecución, bucles de dependencias entre tareas. El sistema reacciona ante estas situaciones de error de forma comedida, de modo que este error no afecta al resto de las tareas del sistema. Se plantea también un mecanismo de gestión de memoria, mecanismo que introduce una tarea especial en el sistema, encargada de la gestión de una memoria común a todo él, y satisface las necesidades de memoria de las tareas de forma, transparente al mecanismo de evaluación.---ABSTRACT---Two fundamental aspects of functional systems, of which their efficiency to a large extent depends, are dealt with in this thesis. Firstly, several solutions to the internal representation problem of functional systems are proposed and evaluated. These solutions are based on the use of linear data structures in order to achieve a shorter execution time and smaller memory requirement. Secondly, a new multitask evaluation system for the reduction of functional programs is described; it is based on the specifücation of several output files. In this evaluation system, the task evaluates in the different parts of the program result concurrently. Tasks communicate one another through messages, which make it possible to detect and solve the dependency loops within tasks. The program does not need to be aborted, the sistem reacts to such error situations in a smooth way, no other tasks are affected. A memory management system is also introduced. This management system inserts a special task, that carries-out the management of a common memory and serves all tasks memory requirements in a transparent mode to the evaluation mechanism