1,742 research outputs found

    Lie 2-algebra models

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    In this paper, we begin the study of zero-dimensional field theories with fields taking values in a semistrict Lie 2-algebra. These theories contain the IKKT matrix model and various M-brane related models as special cases. They feature solutions that can be interpreted as quantized 2-plectic manifolds. In particular, we find solutions corresponding to quantizations of R^3, S^3 and a five-dimensional Hpp-wave. Moreover, by expanding a certain class of Lie 2-algebra models around the solution corresponding to quantized R^3, we obtain higher BF-theory on this quantized space.Comment: 47 pages, presentation improved, version published in JHE

    New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

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    The book New Approaches in Automation and Robotics offers in 22 chapters a collection of recent developments in automation, robotics as well as control theory. It is dedicated to researchers in science and industry, students, and practicing engineers, who wish to update and enhance their knowledge on modern methods and innovative applications. The authors and editor of this book wish to motivate people, especially under-graduate students, to get involved with the interesting field of robotics and mechatronics. We hope that the ideas and concepts presented in this book are useful for your own work and could contribute to problem solving in similar applications as well. It is clear, however, that the wide area of automation and robotics can only be highlighted at several spots but not completely covered by a single book

    Low rank surrogates for polymorphic fields with application to fuzzy-stochastic partial differential equations

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    We consider a general form of fuzzy-stochastic PDEs depending on the interaction of probabilistic and non-probabilistic ("possibilistic") influences. Such a combined modelling of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties for instance can be applied beneficially in an engineering context for real-world applications, where probabilistic modelling and expert knowledge has to be accounted for. We examine existence and well-definedness of polymorphic PDEs in appropriate function spaces. The fuzzy-stochastic dependence is described in a high-dimensional parameter space, thus easily leading to an exponential complexity in practical computations. To aleviate this severe obstacle in practise, a compressed low-rank approximation of the problem formulation and the solution is derived. This is based on the Hierarchical Tucker format which is constructed with solution samples by a non-intrusive tensor reconstruction algorithm. The performance of the proposed model order reduction approach is demonstrated with two examples. One of these is the ubiquitous groundwater flow model with Karhunen-Loeve coefficient field which is generalized by a fuzzy correlation length

    A Novel Image Similarity Measure Based on Greatest and Smallest Eigen Fuzzy Sets

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    A novel image similarity index based on the greatest and smallest fuzzy set solutions of the max–min and min–max compositions of fuzzy relations, respectively, is proposed. The greatest and smallest fuzzy sets are found symmetrically as the min–max and max–min solutions, respectively, to a fuzzy relation equation. The original image is partitioned into squared blocks and the pixels in each block are normalized to [0, 1] in order to have a fuzzy relation. The greatest and smallest fuzzy sets, found for each block, are used to measure the similarity between the original image and the image reconstructed by joining the squared blocks. Comparison tests with other well-known image metrics are then carried out where source images are noised by applying Gaussian filters. The results show that the proposed image similarity measure is more effective and robust to noise than the PSNR and SSIM-based measures

    Development of Some Spatial-domain Preprocessing and Post-processing Algorithms for Better 2-D Up-scaling

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    Image super-resolution is an area of great interest in recent years and is extensively used in applications like video streaming, multimedia, internet technologies, consumer electronics, display and printing industries. Image super-resolution is a process of increasing the resolution of a given image without losing its integrity. Its most common application is to provide better visual effect after resizing a digital image for display or printing. One of the methods of improving the image resolution is through the employment of a 2-D interpolation. An up-scaled image should retain all the image details with very less degree of blurring meant for better visual quality. In literature, many efficient 2-D interpolation schemes are found that well preserve the image details in the up-scaled images; particularly at the regions with edges and fine details. Nevertheless, these existing interpolation schemes too give blurring effect in the up-scaled images due to the high frequency (HF) degradation during the up-sampling process. Hence, there is a scope to further improve their performance through the incorporation of various spatial domain pre-processing, post-processing and composite algorithms. Therefore, it is felt that there is sufficient scope to develop various efficient but simple pre-processing, post-processing and composite schemes to effectively restore the HF contents in the up-scaled images for various online and off-line applications. An efficient and widely used Lanczos-3 interpolation is taken for further performance improvement through the incorporation of various proposed algorithms. The various pre-processing algorithms developed in this thesis are summarized here. The term pre-processing refers to processing the low-resolution input image prior to image up-scaling. The various pre-processing algorithms proposed in this thesis are: Laplacian of Laplacian based global pre-processing (LLGP) scheme; Hybrid global pre-processing (HGP); Iterative Laplacian of Laplacian based global pre-processing (ILLGP); Unsharp masking based pre-processing (UMP); Iterative unsharp masking (IUM); Error based up-sampling(EU) scheme. The proposed algorithms: LLGP, HGP and ILLGP are three spatial domain preprocessing algorithms which are based on 4th, 6th and 8th order derivatives to alleviate nonuniform blurring in up-scaled images. These algorithms are used to obtain the high frequency (HF) extracts from an image by employing higher order derivatives and perform precise sharpening on a low resolution image to alleviate the blurring in its 2-D up-sampled counterpart. In case of unsharp masking based pre-processing (UMP) scheme, the blurred version of a low resolution image is used for HF extraction from the original version through image subtraction. The weighted version of the HF extracts are superimposed with the original image to produce a sharpened image prior to image up-scaling to counter blurring effectively. IUM makes use of many iterations to generate an unsharp mask which contains very high frequency (VHF) components. The VHF extract is the result of signal decomposition in terms of sub-bands using the concept of analysis filter bank. Since the degradation of VHF components is maximum, restoration of such components would produce much better restoration performance. EU is another pre-processing scheme in which the HF degradation due to image upscaling is extracted and is called prediction error. The prediction error contains the lost high frequency components. When this error is superimposed on the low resolution image prior to image up-sampling, blurring is considerably reduced in the up-scaled images. Various post-processing algorithms developed in this thesis are summarized in following. The term post-processing refers to processing the high resolution up-scaled image. The various post-processing algorithms proposed in this thesis are: Local adaptive Laplacian (LAL); Fuzzy weighted Laplacian (FWL); Legendre functional link artificial neural network(LFLANN). LAL is a non-fuzzy, local based scheme. The local regions of an up-scaled image with high variance are sharpened more than the region with moderate or low variance by employing a local adaptive Laplacian kernel. The weights of the LAL kernel are varied as per the normalized local variance so as to provide more degree of HF enhancement to high variance regions than the low variance counterpart to effectively counter the non-uniform blurring. Furthermore, FWL post-processing scheme with a higher degree of non-linearity is proposed to further improve the performance of LAL. FWL, being a fuzzy based mapping scheme, is highly nonlinear to resolve the blurring problem more effectively than LAL which employs a linear mapping. Another LFLANN based post-processing scheme is proposed here to minimize the cost function so as to reduce the blurring in a 2-D up-scaled image. Legendre polynomials are used for functional expansion of the input pattern-vector and provide high degree of nonlinearity. Therefore, the requirement of multiple layers can be replaced by single layer LFLANN architecture so as to reduce the cost function effectively for better restoration performance. With single layer architecture, it has reduced the computational complexity and hence is suitable for various real-time applications. There is a scope of further improvement of the stand-alone pre-processing and postprocessing schemes by combining them through composite schemes. Here, two spatial domain composite schemes, CS-I and CS-II are proposed to tackle non-uniform blurring in an up-scaled image. CS-I is developed by combining global iterative Laplacian (GIL) preprocessing scheme with LAL post-processing scheme. Another highly nonlinear composite scheme, CS-II is proposed which combines ILLGP scheme with a fuzzy weighted Laplacian post-processing scheme for more improved performance than the stand-alone schemes. Finally, it is observed that the proposed algorithms: ILLGP, IUM, FWL, LFLANN and CS-II are better algorithms in their respective categories for effectively reducing blurring in the up-scaled images

    Técnica local basada en conjuntos difusos de tipo 2 para mejorar la imagen de manchas

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    The proposed approach in the paper comes under “Advanced Soft Computing Based Medical Image Processing Research” and the work has been conducted by Dr. Dibya Jyoti Bora (Assistant Professor), School of Computing Sciences, The Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam in the year 2018-2019. Introduction: HE stain images, although considered as the golden standard for medical image diagnosis, are still found to suffer from poor contrast and degradation in color quality. In this paper, a Type-2 fuzzy set-based enhancement technique is proposed for HE stain image enhancement with special care towards color-based computations and measurements. Methods: This paper introduces a new approach based on Type-2 fuzzy set for HE stain image enhancement where Bicubic Interpolation plays an important part. Unsharp Masking is also employed as a post enhancement factor. Results: From the results, it is clearly visible that cell nuclei and other cell bodies are easily distinguishable from each other in the enhanced result produced by our proposed approach. It implies that vagueness in the edges surrounding the objects in the original image is removed to an acceptable level. Conclusions: The proposed approach is found to be, through both subjective and objective evaluations, an efficient preprocessing technique for a better HE stain image analysis. Originality: The ideas involved in this paper are original. If work by other researchers are mentioned in any part of the paper, then they are cited properly. Limitation: The relatively high time complexity is the only limitation associated with the proposed approach.El enfoque propuesto en el artículo se encuentra en el proyecto “Investigación avanzada de procesamiento de imágenes médicas basadas en computación suave”, el trabajo ha sido realizado por el doctor Dibya Jyoti Bora (profesor asistente), de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Assam Kaziranga, Jorhat, Assam en el año 2018-2019. Introducción: las imágenes de tinción HE, aunque consideradas como el estándar ideal para el diagnóstico de imágenes médicas, aún sufren de poco contraste y degradación en la calidad del color. En este documento se propone una técnica de mejora basada en conjuntos difusos tipo 2 para optimizar la imagen de tinción HE con especial cuidado hacia los cálculos y mediciones basados en el color. Métodos: este documento presenta un nuevo enfoque basado en el conjunto difuso tipo 2 para mejorar laimagen de tinción HE, donde la interpolación bicúbica juega un papel importante. La máscara de desenfoque también se emplea como factor de mejora posterior. Resultados: a partir de los resultados es claramente visible que los núcleos celulares y otros cuerpos celulares son fácilmente distinguibles entre sí en el resultado mejorado producido por el enfoque propuesto. Esto implica que la vaguedad en los bordes que rodean los objetos en la imagen original se elimina a un nivel aceptable. Conclusiones: se encuentra que el enfoque es, a través de evaluaciones tanto subjetivas como objetivas, una técnica de preprocesamiento eficiente para un mejor análisis de imagen de tinción HE. Originalidad: las ideas involucradas en este documento son originales. Si el trabajo de otros investigadores se menciona en alguna parte del artículo se citan correctamente. Limitación: la complejidad de tiempo relativamente alta es la única limitación asociada con el enfoque propuesto