1,002 research outputs found

    Automatically building research reading lists

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    All new researchers face the daunting task of familiarizing themselves with the existing body of research literature in their respective fields. Recommender algorithms could aid in preparing these lists, but most current algorithms do not understand how to rate the importance of a paper within the literature, which might limit their effectiveness in this domain. We explore several methods for augmenting exist-ing collaborative and content-based filtering algorithms with measures of the influence of a paper within the web of cita-tions. We measure influence using well-known algorithms, such as HITS and PageRank, for measuring a node’s im-portance in a graph. Among these augmentation methods is a novel method for using importance scores to influence collaborative filtering. We present a task-centered evalua-tion, including both an offline analysis and a user study, of the performance of the algorithms. Results from these stud-ies indicate that collaborative filtering outperforms content-based approaches for generating introductory reading lists


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    The demand to improve physical education process of elementary school pupils by the tools of innovative dancing fitness branch – Zumba Kids is described in the article. Positive changes in dynamics among children have occurred in indicators of functional and physical preparation in conditions of the experiment. The goal of the work is the optimization process of physical education of elementary school pupils by Zumba Kids tools. There were investigated children’s physical development, functional and physical preparation and experimentally was checked the effectiveness of the implementation program of Zumba Kids tolls into process of physical education. There were 54 participants, 26 among them are boys and 28 are girls (the children’s age is 9 years old). The methods of the research are theoretical analysis and literature sources generalization; physiological research methods; pedagogical observation (passing of control standards); pedagogical experiment and mathematical statistics methods. There are presented and scientifically justified the program of implementing Zumba Kids tools into physical education lessons of elementary school pupils. The content of the program consists of the synthesis of energetic modern dances with aerobics, fitness exercises, stretching and also exercises for breathing exercises and muscle relaxation. The elaborated program is realized in the educational process and proved its effectiveness. The results of investigation have shown its positive influence on the functional and physical preparation of elementary school pupils. It was proved by mathematical statistics methods.
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