19 research outputs found

    Comparing Cooccurrence Probabilities and Markov Random Fields for Texture Analysis of SAR Sea Ice Imagery

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    Susceptibility of texture measures to noise: an application to lung tumor CT images

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    Five different texture methods are used to investigate their susceptibility to subtle noise occurring in lung tumor Computed Tomography (CT) images caused by acquisition and reconstruction deficiencies. Noise of Gaussian and Rayleigh distributions with varying mean and variance was encountered in the analyzed CT images. Fisher and Bhattacharyya distance measures were used to differentiate between an original extracted lung tumor region of interest (ROI) with a filtered and noisy reconstructed versions. Through examining the texture characteristics of the lung tumor areas by five different texture measures, it was determined that the autocovariance measure was least affected and the gray level co-occurrence matrix was the most affected by noise. Depending on the selected ROI size, it was concluded that the number of extracted features from each texture measure increases susceptibility to noise

    Bayesian entropy estimation applied to non-gaussian robust image segmentation

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    We introduce a new approach for robust image segmentation combining two strategies within a Bayesian framework. The first one is to use a Markov random field (MRF) which allows to introduce prior information with the purpose of image edges preservation. The second strategy comes from the fact that the probability density function (pdf) of the likelihood function is non-Gaussian or unknown, so it should be approximated by an estimated version, which is obtained by using the classical non-parametric or kernel density estimation. This lead us to the definition of a new maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator based on the minimization of the entropy of the estimated pdf of the likelihood function and the MRF at the same time, named MAP entropy estimator (MAPEE). Some experiments were made for different kind of images degraded with impulsive noise (salt & pepper) and the segmentation results are very satisfactory and promising

    Semi-Huber potential function for image segmentation

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    In this work, a novel model of Markov random field is presented, named Semi-Huber potential function, applied to image segmentation in presence of noise. The main difference with respect to other models that have been taken as a reference, is that the number of parameters in the proposed model is significatively smaller. The idea is to choose adequate parameter values heuristically for a good segmentation of the image. In that sense, experiment results show that the proposed model allows a faster and easier parameter adjustment with razonable computation times

    New approach of entropy estimation for robust image segmentation

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    In this work we introduce a new approach for robust image segmentation. The idea is to combine two strategies within a Bayesian framework. The first one is to use a Márkov Random Field (MRF), which allows to introduce prior information with the purpose of preserve the edges in the image. The second strategy comes from the fact that the probability density function (pdf) of the likelihood function is non Gaussian or unknown, so it should be approximated by an estimated version, and for this, it is used the classical non-parametric or kernel density estimation. This two strategies together lead us to the definition of a new maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator based on the minimization of the entropy of the estimated pdf of the likelihood function and the MRF at the same time, named MAP entropy estimator (MAPEE). Some experiments were made for different kind of images degraded with impulsive noise and the segmentation results are very satisfactory and promising

    Evolutionary-based Image Segmentation Methods

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