4 research outputs found

    Deep Sequential Models for Task Satisfaction Prediction

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    Detecting and understanding implicit signals of user satisfaction are essential for experimentation aimed at predicting searcher satisfaction. As retrieval systems have advanced, search tasks have steadily emerged as accurate units not only to capture searcher's goals but also in understanding how well a system is able to help the user achieve that goal. However, a major portion of existing work on modeling searcher satisfaction has focused on query level satisfaction. The few existing approaches for task satisfaction prediction have narrowly focused on simple tasks aimed at solving atomic information needs. In this work we go beyond such atomic tasks and consider the problem of predicting user's satisfaction when engaged in complex search tasks composed of many different queries and subtasks. We begin by considering holistic view of user interactions with the search engine result page (SERP) and extract detailed interaction sequences of their activity. We then look at query level abstraction and propose a novel deep sequential architecture which leverages the extracted interaction sequences to predict query level satisfaction. Further, we enrich this model with auxiliary features which have been traditionally used for satisfaction prediction and propose a unified multi-view model which combines the benefit of user interaction sequences with auxiliary features. Finally, we go beyond query level abstraction and consider query sequences issued by the user in order to complete a complex task, to make task level satisfaction predictions. We propose a number of functional composition techniques which take into account query level satisfaction estimates along with the query sequence to predict task level satisfaction. Through rigorous experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed deep sequential models significantly outperform established baselines at both query and task satisfaction prediction. Our findings have implications on metric development for gauging user satisfaction and on designing systems which help users accomplish complex search tasks

    Comparing client and server dwell time estimates for click-level satisfaction prediction

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    Automatic Online Evaluation of Intelligent Assistants

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    ABSTRACT Voice-activated intelligent assistants, such as Siri, Google Now, and Cortana, are prevalent on mobile devices. However, it is challenging to evaluate them due to the varied and evolving number of tasks supported, e.g., voice command, web search, and chat. Since each task may have its own procedure and a unique form of correct answers, it is expensive to evaluate each task individually. This paper is the first attempt to solve this challenge. We develop consistent and automatic approaches that can evaluate different tasks in voice-activated intelligent assistants. We use implicit feedback from users to predict whether users are satisfied with the intelligent assistant as well as its components, i.e., speech recognition and intent classification. Using this approach, we can potentially evaluate and compare different tasks within and across intelligent assistants according to the predicted user satisfaction rates. Our approach is characterized by an automatic scheme of categorizing user-system interaction into task-independent dialog actions, e.g., the user is commanding, selecting, or confirming an action. We use the action sequence in a session to predict user satisfaction and the quality of speech recognition and intent classification. We also incorporate other features to further improve our approach, including features derived from previous work on web search satisfaction prediction, and those utilizing acoustic characteristics of voice requests. We evaluate our approach using data collected from a user study. Results show our approach can accurately identify satisfactory and unsatisfactory sessions

    Automatic Online Evaluation of Intelligent Assistants

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    Voice-activated intelligent assistants, such as Siri, Google Now, and Cortana, are prevalent on mobile devices. However, it is chal-lenging to evaluate them due to the varied and evolving number of tasks supported, e.g., voice command, web search, and chat. Since each task may have its own procedure and a unique form of correct answers, it is expensive to evaluate each task individually. This pa-per is the first attempt to solve this challenge. We develop con-sistent and automatic approaches that can evaluate different tasks in voice-activated intelligent assistants. We use implicit feedback from users to predict whether users are satisfied with the intelligent assistant as well as its components, i.e., speech recognition and in-tent classification. Using this approach, we can potentially evaluate and compare different tasks within and across intelligent assistants according to the predicted user satisfaction rates. Our approach is characterized by an automatic scheme of categorizing user-system interaction into task-independent dialog actions, e.g., the user is commanding, selecting, or confirming an action. We use the action sequence in a session to predict user satisfaction and the quality of speech recognition and intent classification. We also incorporate other features to further improve our approach, including features derived from previous work on web search satisfaction prediction, and those utilizing acoustic characteristics of voice requests. We evaluate our approach using data collected from a user study. Re-sults show our approach can accurately identify satisfactory and un-satisfactory sessions