3 research outputs found

    Accesibilidad caminable a servicios colectivos en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito: una aproximación desde la geografía cuantitativa

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    Based on a spatial equity and efficiency concept, the present research shows the calculation of a neighborhood-level accessibility index to collective services for Quito city. Due to COVID-19, various academic and technical areas related to urban planning suggested the importance of walkable proximity to goods and services. The article purpose is to provide methodological approaches that allow quantifying this proximity for informed decision making. The population data, at the block level, were analyzed starting from the census sectors  and population distribution for 2010, using as a measure the distance, real and ideal, from the centroid of each neighborhood to the closest collective services. Among the main findings it is emphasize that the applied methodology allows identify, through design and urban planning, priority intervention areas.  Also, the age group disaggregation analysis suggests some sources of inequity in access, which should be addressed as a primary’s issues. This type of analysis should be complemented by considering other dimensions of services accessibility.La presente investigación muestra los resultados del cálculo de un índice de accesibilidad a nivel barrial a los servicios colectivos, considerando los conceptos de equidad y eficiencia espacial, en el área urbana de la ciudad de Quito. Por la COVID-19, varios sectores académicos y técnicos relacionados con la planificación urbana han sugerido la importancia de la proximidad caminable a bienes y servicios. El propósito de este artículo es aportar con aproximaciones metodológicas que permitan cuantificar esta proximidad para la toma de decisiones informada.  Los datos de población fueron analizados a partir de la distribución de los sectores censales y de la población a nivel de manzanas para el año 2010, utilizando como medida la distancia, real e ideal, desde el centroide de cada barrio a los servicios colectivos más cercanos. Entre los principales hallazgos se destaca que la metodología empleada permite identificar áreas prioritarias para la intervención a través del diseño y la planificación urbana, en tanto que la desagregación del análisis por grupos de edad sugiere algunas fuentes de inequidad en el acceso, las cuales deben ser atendidas de manera prioritaria. Este tipo de análisis debe complementarse considerando las otras dimensiones de accesibilidad a los servicios

    Geographic Description and Analysis of Factors Affecting the Demand for, and Supply of General Practice Services in New Zealand

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    General Practitioner (GP) shortages are an international problem. NZ is simultaneously experiencing an increase in GP demand due to a rising chronic health burden and a decrease in GP supply due to problems with recruitment, retention and retirement. This study used a mixed methods research methodology, mixing qualitative Action Research principles with quantitative analysis. These methods were applied to data collected on the location of 1064 general practices, 186 teaching practices and 495 medical students’ origin in order to determine the feasibility of utilising GIS technology in primary care research. This geographic data was combined with demographic data from the 2013 census in a GIS database to analyse for factors related to need and supply of general practice services. The network analysis has produced the most current and up-to-date picture of general practice accessibility in New Zealand. The data resulting from these analysis comprises of general practices or ‘points of supply’, linked to thirty-minute service area polygons containing 2013 census demographic information including the NZDep Score. This method has shown that physical accessibility to general practices varies considerably throughout New Zealand but that inaccessibility in the South Island of NZ is related more to rurality than socio-economic disadvantage. Urbanisation of both population and health services is having a marked effect upon accessibility for rural regions. However the presence of clinics in rural areas is reducing the shortage of medical services and increasing the access of these populations to health professionals. The analysis of the teaching practice data showed that practices that are located within moderately to high deprivation areas were more likely to have trained students in 2014. This may have beneficial effects on GP shortages in high need areas as positive training exposure is linked to a higher likelihood of selecting General Practice as a speciality. The geographical origin of students is also associated with future career choices. This study found that the medical students were more likely to originate from the least deprived regions of NZ so exposure to high need communities is particularly important. GIS has much to offer primary care research, however its’ most effective use relies on an understanding of the software, its application to the NZ context and potential access to a specialist for assistance with data analysis