127,972 research outputs found

    A protocol for multidimensional assessment in university online courses

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    This paper presents a protocol developed for multidimensional assessment for e-learning experiences based on socioconstructivist principles. First, we describe the structure of an e-learning course where the protocol as been developed and tested; second, we describe the protocol and how it has been used in that course. We believe this protocol is a useful tool for a twofold reason: on the one hand, it takes into account the complexity of the pedagogical architecture of socioconstructivist courses – where many teaching models and learning strategies are mixed, different individual and collaborative activities are proposed and students are asked to build a variety of final products. On the other hand, it promotes students’ assumption of responsibility and active role, with a particular reference to self-assessment competences. Instances of how we have applied the protocol will be described in the paper. The assessment protocol we present here is complex, nevertheless flexible. Therefore, although we have tested it in a specific course, it could also be used in similar or simpler course

    Marketing education, distance learning and hypermedia: teaching current issues in marketing in a virtual campus

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    This article reports on a project at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC: The Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona) to develop an innovative package of hypermedia-based learning materials for a new course entitled 'Current Issues in Marketing'. The UOC is a distance university entirely based on a virtual campus. The learning materials project was undertaken in order to benefit from the advantages which new communication technologies offer to the teaching of marketing in distance education. The article reviews the main issues involved in incorporating new technologies in learning materials, the development of the learning materials, and their functioning within the hypermedia based virtual campus of the UOC. An empirical study is then carried out in order to evaluate the attitudes of students to the project. Finally, suggestions for improving similar projects in the future are put forward.Aquest article informa sobre un projecte de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya per a desenvolupar un paquet innovador de materials didàctics hipermèdia basat en un nou curs titulat "Qüestions Actuals de Màrqueting". La UOC és una universitat a distància es basa íntegrament en un campus virtual. El projecte es va dur a terme els materials d'aprenentatge per tal de beneficiar-se dels avantatges que ofereixen les noves tecnologies de comunicació a l'ensenyament del màrqueting en l'educació a distància. L'article repassa els principals temes implicats en la incorporació de noves tecnologies en materials d'aprenentatge, el desenvolupament dels materials d'aprenentatge, i el seu funcionament dins del hipermèdia basat en el campus virtual de la UOC. Després s'ha portat a terme un estudi empíric per a avaluar les actituds dels estudiants del projecte. Finalment, es presenten suggeriments per a la millora de projectes similars en el futur.Este artículo informa sobre un proyecto de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya para desarrollar un paquete innovador de materiales didácticos hipermedia basado en un nuevo curso titulado "Cuestiones Actuales de Marketing". La UOC es una universidad a distancia se basa íntegramente en un campus virtual. El proyecto de materiales didácticos se llevó a cabo con el fin de beneficiarse de las ventajas que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación para la enseñanza del marketing en la educación a distancia. El artículo repasa los principales temas implicados en la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías en materiales docentes, el desarrollo de los materiales didácticos, y su funcionamiento dentro del hipermedia basado en el campus virtual de la UOC. Entonces se ha llevado a cabo un estudio empírico para evaluar las actitudes de los estudiantes al proyecto. Por último, se presentan sugerencias para la mejora de proyectos similares en el futuro

    AM-OER: An Agile Method for the Development of Open Educational Resources

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    Open Educational Resources have emerged as important elements of education in the contemporary society, promoting life-long and personalized learning that transcends social, eco- nomic and geographical barriers. To achieve the potential of OERs and bring impact on education, it is necessary to increase their development and supply. However, one of the current challenges is how to produce quality and relevant OERs to be reused and adapted to different contexts and learning situations. In this paper we proposed an agile method for the development of OERs – AM-OER, grounded on agile practices from Software Engineering. Learning Design practices from the OULDI project (UK Open University) are also embedded into the AM-OER aiming at improving quality and facilitating reuse and adaptation of OERs. In order to validate AM-OER, an experiment was conducted by applying it in the development of an OER on software testing. The results showed preliminary evidences on the applicability, effectiveness and ef ciency of the method in the development of OERs