3,506 research outputs found

    Comparing competences on academia and occupational contexts based on similarity measures

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    This paper is a first contribution of a schema to match professional and work competences through similarity measures. In this contribution we focus on the determination of connections between university profiles based in standards (body of knowledge and thesauri) similarity measures and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Our first experiments proved that this hybrid schema got a promise results in the recognition of competency patterns in order to apply in the laboral contex

    Career patterns and competences of PhDs in science and engineering

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    Based on a retrospective survey of science and engineering (S&E) PhDs from a UK research-based university with 7-10 years job histories and the design-based non-parametric analysing methods, this thesis drew on theories on careers, organisational knowledge and learning and labour markets to explore the interrelationship between knowledge flow and careers of science and engineering PhDs. The results showed that employment outside the conventional technical occupations is the main destination for the survey respondents. This labour market segment is not only successful at retaining its members, but is also the destination of the other career types. Furthermore, S&E PhDs in the conventional technical occupations draw quite a lot of knowledge from S&E doctoral training in their jobs, even from the subject-specific dimension of it. By contrast, members in employment outside the conventional technical occupations are less likely to perceive knowledge and skills from doctoral training to be useful in their jobs, and when they do, the emphasis is more on general analytical skills and problem solving capabilities.The results also revealed the distinctive labour market features of different S&E PhD labour market segments: the sharp contrast of the core and peripheral workers in academic/public research, the highly hybrid labour market form in employment outside the conventional technical occupations and the relatively more structured labour market features in technical positions in private sector manufacturing. Regardless of the differences, nonetheless, as a whole, organisational life is still a prominent feature of the S&E PhD labour markets. Furthermore, the extent to which fluid job mobility contributes to S&E PhDs' individual knowledge flow depends on the types of knowledge under discussion. The emerging occupations associated with the knowledge economy are characterised by high inter-organisational mobility and by an emphasis of sector-specific and general knowledge. However, even for sector-specific and general knowledge, we have demonstrated that to a certain extent, these types of knowledge and skills are sticky to organisations. Hence, S&E PhD experts and knowledge workers' careers and individual knowledge flow are not really boundaryless but moderately localised within organisations.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceESRCGBUnited Kingdo

    Stem Cells

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    Engineers' education in digital era

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     The Fourth Industrial Revolution has already taken around the world. Decision taking at industries is more and more dependent on new technologies and processes, which demand updating and adjustment of the engineering education. Through a systematized literature revision, this article aims to search, select and prioritize bibliographic sources which reflect relevant initiatives that may work as a reference for engineering bachelor´s degree courses. 50 most relevant articles were selected and analyzed from 4,333 articles published in the Scopus database. The results show the 10 main authors, the 9 main journals and the 10 main institutions among the 50 most relevant articles, as references in the analyzed sample. Regarding aspects for the improvement of engineers education, one can highlight PBL (Project-Based Learning), Competency-Based Education and focus on holistic education. This research may encourage reflection, awareness and improvement by the ones interested in the study of engineers' education, by integrating market demand, learners' expectations and academic excellence, in order to contribute to the growth of scientific and practical knowledge and of society technological development.

    Engineers' education in digital era

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     The Fourth Industrial Revolution has already taken around the world. Decision taking at industries is more and more dependent on new technologies and processes, which demand updating and adjustment of the engineering education. Through a systematized literature revision, this article aims to search, select and prioritize bibliographic sources which reflect relevant initiatives that may work as a reference for engineering bachelor´s degree courses. 50 most relevant articles were selected and analyzed from 4,333 articles published in the Scopus database. The results show the 10 main authors, the 9 main journals and the 10 main institutions among the 50 most relevant articles, as references in the analyzed sample. Regarding aspects for the improvement of engineers education, one can highlight PBL (Project-Based Learning), Competency-Based Education and focus on holistic education. This research may encourage reflection, awareness and improvement by the ones interested in the study of engineers' education, by integrating market demand, learners' expectations and academic excellence, in order to contribute to the growth of scientific and practical knowledge and of society technological development.

    Open BOK on Software Engineering Educational Context: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In this review, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on Open Body of Knowledge (BOK) is presented. Moreover, the theoretical base to build a model for knowledge description was created, and it was found that there is a lack of guidelines to describe knowledge description because of the dramatically increasing number of requirements to produce an Open BOK, the difficulty of comparing related BOK contents, and the fact that reusing knowledge description is a very laborious task. In this sense, this review can be considered as a first step in building a model that can be used for describing knowledge description in Open BOK. Finally, in order to improve the educational context, a comparison among BOK, structure, and evolution is conducted.This work is supported partially by RTI2018-096846-B-C21 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and ADIAN grant IT980-16 (BasqueGovernment)

    An emotion-based model of criminal investigators' competences in Polícia de Segurança Pública

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    Competence is a core concept in HRM as it offers the possibility of being the strategic reference around which all HR practices are articulated. Competence models and profiling have been developing by integrating extant literature but are yet to fully grasp the role emotions play in daily organizational life. The present research is set to explore emotion-based competence modelling by focusing on an emotional demanding profession: that of criminal investigator, linking with recruitment and selection as well as initial training. After reviewing the institutional context in which criminal investigators work (PSP), the study starts by exploring police recruitment and selection, and initial training practices in European police forces, focusing both on officials and officers. Findings showed divergences both between police forces and careers thus showing no emergent pattern on these issues. More importantly, no emotion-driven practices was reported. The research evolved to explore how emotions could be mapped under the performance agenda conditioning the entire building of competence model as proposed by Bartram and Roe (2005). With a sample of 703 questionnaires filled in by criminal investigators we collected data on emotional commands, personality, abilities, knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to test a sequential set of relations between these constructs. Findings from SEM analysis show streams of associations linking emotional commands up to specific competences, moderated at certain level by values. The resulting syncretic model addressed both competences and emotions (at the lowest layer), following a modelling methodology in sequenced layers (interfaces) which rendered it a different composition and relation between layers. Findings suggest that it is possible to structure a competence model for criminal investigators with emotions considered at the ground layer as the emotional foundations of human personality (Davis & Panksepp, 2011) expressed as the Emotion Command Systems.A competência é um conceito central na GRH, pois oferece a possibilidade de ser a referência estratégica em torno da qual todas as práticas de RH podem ser articuladas. Os modelos e perfis de competência existentes têm sido desenvolvidos através da integração da literatura, mas ainda não integram bem o papel que as emoções desempenham nas organizações. A presente investigação pretende explorar os modelos de competências com base em emoções, concentrando-se numa profissão emocionalmente exigente: a do investigador criminal, articulando com o recrutamento e seleção, bem como com a formação inicial. Depois de caracterizar o contexto institucional em que trabalham os investigadores criminais da PSP, o estudo começa por explorar o recrutamento e seleção de polícias bem como as práticas de formação inicial nas forças de segurança europeias, focando quer oficiais quer agentes. Os resultados mostraram divergências entre forças de segurança e entre as duas carreiras, não tendo sido possível identificar qualquer padrão emergente. Adicionalmente, não foram identificadas práticas de base emocional. A investigação evoluiu para explorar como mapear as emoções numa perspectiva do desempenho, condicionando todo o modelo de construção de competências proposto por Bartram e Roe (2005). Com uma amostra de 703 questionários preenchidos por investigadores criminais, recolhemos dados sobre comandos emocionais, personalidade, aptidões, conhecimentos, habilidades, atitudes e valores para testar um conjunto sequencial de relações entre estes construtos. Os resultados de análises de equações estruturais mostram fluxos de associações que ligam os sistemas de comando emocional a competências específicas, moderados num determinado interface pelos valores. O modelo sincrético resultante incorporou quer competências quer emoções (na camada basilar), seguindo uma metodologia de modelação em interfaces, o que lhe conferiu uma composição e relação diferentes entre os interfaces. Os resultados sugerem a possibilidade de estruturar um modelo de competências para investigadores criminais assente em emoções, expressas como os fundamentos emocionais da personalidade humana (Davis & Panksepp, 2011) designados por sistemas de comando emocional
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