15 research outputs found

    Comparing Beliefs, Surveys and Random Walks

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    Survey propagation is a powerful technique from statistical physics that has been applied to solve the 3-SAT problem both in principle and in practice. We give, using only probability arguments, a common derivation of survey propagation, belief propagation and several interesting hybrid methods. We then present numerical experiments which use WSAT (a widely used random-walk based SAT solver) to quantify the complexity of the 3-SAT formulae as a function of their parameters, both as randomly generated and after simplification, guided by survey propagation. Some properties of WSAT which have not previously been reported make it an ideal tool for this purpose -- its mean cost is proportional to the number of variables in the formula (at a fixed ratio of clauses to variables) in the easy-SAT regime and slightly beyond, and its behavior in the hard-SAT regime appears to reflect the underlying structure of the solution space that has been predicted by replica symmetry-breaking arguments. An analysis of the tradeoffs between the various methods of search for satisfying assignments shows WSAT to be far more powerful that has been appreciated, and suggests some interesting new directions for practical algorithm development.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Colouring random graphs and maximising local diversity

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    We study a variation of the graph colouring problem on random graphs of finite average connectivity. Given the number of colours, we aim to maximise the number of different colours at neighbouring vertices (i.e. one edge distance) of any vertex. Two efficient algorithms, belief propagation and Walksat are adapted to carry out this task. We present experimental results based on two types of random graphs for different system sizes and identify the critical value of the connectivity for the algorithms to find a perfect solution. The problem and the suggested algorithms have practical relevance since various applications, such as distributed storage, can be mapped onto this problem.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Clustering of solutions in hard satisfiability problems

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    We study the structure of the solution space and behavior of local search methods on random 3-SAT problems close to the SAT/UNSAT transition. Using the overlap measure of similarity between different solutions found on the same problem instance we show that the solution space is shrinking as a function of alpha. We consider chains of satisfiability problems, where clauses are added sequentially. In each such chain, the overlap distribution is first smooth, and then develops a tiered structure, indicating that the solutions are found in well separated clusters. On chains of not too large instances, all solutions are eventually observed to be in only one small cluster before vanishing. This condensation transition point is estimated to be alpha_c = 4.26. The transition approximately obeys finite-size scaling with an apparent critical exponent of about 1.7. We compare the solutions found by a local heuristic, ASAT, and the Survey Propagation algorithm up to alpha_c.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Behavior of heuristics and state space structure near SAT/UNSAT transition

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    We study the behavior of ASAT, a heuristic for solving satisfiability problems by stochastic local search near the SAT/UNSAT transition. The heuristic is focused, i.e. only variables in unsatisfied clauses are updated in each step, and is significantly simpler, while similar to, walksat or Focused Metropolis Search. We show that ASAT solves instances as large as one million variables in linear time, on average, up to 4.21 clauses per variable for random 3SAT. For K higher than 3, ASAT appears to solve instances at the ``FRSB threshold'' in linear time, up to K=7.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, longer version available as MSc thesis of first author at http://biophys.physics.kth.se/docs/ardelius_thesis.pd

    Focused Local Search for Random 3-Satisfiability

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    A local search algorithm solving an NP-complete optimisation problem can be viewed as a stochastic process moving in an 'energy landscape' towards eventually finding an optimal solution. For the random 3-satisfiability problem, the heuristic of focusing the local moves on the presently unsatisfiedclauses is known to be very effective: the time to solution has been observed to grow only linearly in the number of variables, for a given clauses-to-variables ratio α\alpha sufficiently far below the critical satisfiability threshold αc≈4.27\alpha_c \approx 4.27. We present numerical results on the behaviour of three focused local search algorithms for this problem, considering in particular the characteristics of a focused variant of the simple Metropolis dynamics. We estimate the optimal value for the ``temperature'' parameter η\eta for this algorithm, such that its linear-time regime extends as close to αc\alpha_c as possible. Similar parameter optimisation is performed also for the well-known WalkSAT algorithm and for the less studied, but very well performing Focused Record-to-Record Travel method. We observe that with an appropriate choice of parameters, the linear time regime for each of these algorithms seems to extend well into ratios α>4.2\alpha > 4.2 -- much further than has so far been generally assumed. We discuss the statistics of solution times for the algorithms, relate their performance to the process of ``whitening'', and present some conjectures on the shape of their computational phase diagrams.Comment: 20 pages, lots of figure

    Monte Carlo algorithms are very effective in finding the largest independent set in sparse random graphs

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    The effectiveness of stochastic algorithms based on Monte Carlo dynamics in solving hard optimization problems is mostly unknown. Beyond the basic statement that at a dynamical phase transition the ergodicity breaks and a Monte Carlo dynamics cannot sample correctly the probability distribution in times linear in the system size, there are almost no predictions nor intuitions on the behavior of this class of stochastic dynamics. The situation is particularly intricate because, when using a Monte Carlo based algorithm as an optimization algorithm, one is usually interested in the out of equilibrium behavior which is very hard to analyse. Here we focus on the use of Parallel Tempering in the search for the largest independent set in a sparse random graph, showing that it can find solutions well beyond the dynamical threshold. Comparison with state-of-the-art message passing algorithms reveals that parallel tempering is definitely the algorithm performing best, although a theory explaining its behavior is still lacking.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Decentralized Constraint Satisfaction

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    We show that several important resource allocation problems in wireless networks fit within the common framework of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Inspired by the requirements of these applications, where variables are located at distinct network devices that may not be able to communicate but may interfere, we define natural criteria that a CSP solver must possess in order to be practical. We term these algorithms decentralized CSP solvers. The best known CSP solvers were designed for centralized problems and do not meet these criteria. We introduce a stochastic decentralized CSP solver and prove that it will find a solution in almost surely finite time, should one exist, also showing it has many practically desirable properties. We benchmark the algorithm's performance on a well-studied class of CSPs, random k-SAT, illustrating that the time the algorithm takes to find a satisfying assignment is competitive with stochastic centralized solvers on problems with order a thousand variables despite its decentralized nature. We demonstrate the solver's practical utility for the problems that motivated its introduction by using it to find a non-interfering channel allocation for a network formed from data from downtown Manhattan