1 research outputs found

    An approach to evolve and exploit repertoires of general robot behaviours

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    Recent works in evolutionary robotics have shown the viability of evolution driven by behavioural novelty and diversity. These evolutionary approaches have been successfully used to generate repertoires of diverse and high-quality behaviours, instead of driving evolution towards a single, task-specific solution. Having repertoires of behaviours can enable new forms of robotic control, in which high-level controllers continually decide which behaviour to execute. To date, however, only the use of repertoires of open-loop locomotion primitives has been studied. We propose EvoRBC-II, an approach that enables the evolution of repertoires composed of general closed-loop behaviours, that can respond to the robot's sensory inputs. The evolved repertoire is then used as a basis to evolve a transparent higher-level controller that decides when and which behaviours of the repertoire to execute. Relying on experiments in a simulated domain, we show that the evolved repertoires are composed of highly diverse and useful behaviours. The same repertoire contains sufficiently diverse behaviours to solve a wide range of tasks, and the EvoRBC-II approach can yield a performance that is comparable to the standard tabula-rasa evolution. EvoRBC-II enables automatic generation of hierarchical control through a two-step evolutionary process, thus opening doors for the further exploration of the advantages that can be brought by hierarchical control.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio