2 research outputs found

    Time series for incidences, orders and invoicing forecast

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    The use of series study for forecasting is particularly relevant. Its use in a business context can somehow adjust the business strategy. In this context, the work reported in this article corresponds to an empirical study in which the best way to predict using several classical methods in the context of econometrics was identified. The results presented show significant differences in function of the analysed realities. Forecast errors associated with incidents are less than orders or invoicing. One of the relevant results of the work presented here was the creation of a solution that can be used by managers for decision making

    Integração de métodos preditivos em sistemas de informação na Quidgest

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    Mestrado em Métodos Quantitativos para a Decisão Económica e EmpresarialA utilização de estudo de séries temporais para previsão é particularmente relevante, juntamente com necessidade de os sistemas de informação terem ferramentas de Business Inteligence. A sua utilização em contexto empresarial permite de alguma forma ajustar a estratégia do negócio de uma forma interativa. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em propor uma solução que permita que sistemas de informação disponham de componentes de data science, mais especificamente para a análise de séries temporais. A abordagem metodológica enquadra-se no que se designa design science research. Partindo da revisão da literatura, foi apresentada uma solução conceptual. Esta solução foi implementada e permitiu validar a exequibilidade da proposta. Esta solução permitiu ainda comparar várias abordagens para análise de séries temporais.The use of time series study for forecasting is particularly relevant, along with the need for information systems to have Business Intelligence tools. Its use in business context allows in some way to adjust the strategy of the business in an interactive way. The objective of this work is to propose a solution that allows information systems to have data science components, more specifically for the analysis of time series. The methodological approach followed is the design science research. This resulted in a conceptual proposal that was implemented. The implementation allows to validate the feasibility of the proposal. This solution also allowed to compare several approaches for time series analysis. The results presented show significant differences in function of the analyzed realities. The relevant result of this report presented here was the creation of a solution that can be used by managers for decision making and integrable in information systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio