4 research outputs found

    The Need of an Optimal QoS Repository and Assessment Framework in Forming a Trusted Relationship in Cloud: A Systematic Review

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    © 2017 IEEE. Due to the cost-effectiveness and scalable features of the cloud the demand of its services is increasing every next day. Quality of Service (QOS) is one of the crucial factor in forming a viable Service Level Agreement (SLA) between a consumer and the provider that enable them to establish and maintain a trusted relationship with each other. SLA identifies and depicts the service requirements of the user and the level of service promised by provider. Availability of enormous service solutions is troublesome for cloud users in selecting the right service provider both in terms of price and the degree of promised services. On the other end a service provider need a centralized and reliable QoS repository and assessment framework that help them in offering an optimal amount of marginal resources to requested consumer. Although there are number of existing literatures that assist the interaction parties to achieve their desired goal in some way, however, there are still many gaps that need to be filled for establishing and maintaining a trusted relationship between them. In this paper we tried to identify all those gaps that is necessary for a trusted relationship between a service provider and service consumer. The aim of this research is to present an overview of the existing literature and compare them based on different criteria such as QoS integration, QoS repository, QoS filtering, trusted relationship and an SLA

    Comparing time series with machine learning-based prediction approaches for violation management in cloud SLAs

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    © 2018 In cloud computing, service level agreements (SLAs) are legal agreements between a service provider and consumer that contain a list of obligations and commitments which need to be satisfied by both parties during the transaction. From a service provider's perspective, a violation of such a commitment leads to penalties in terms of money and reputation and thus has to be effectively managed. In the literature, this problem has been studied under the domain of cloud service management. One aspect required to manage cloud services after the formation of SLAs is to predict the future Quality of Service (QoS) of cloud parameters to ascertain if they lead to violations. Various approaches in the literature perform this task using different prediction approaches however none of them study the accuracy of each. However, it is important to do this as the results of each prediction approach vary according to the pattern of the input data and selecting an incorrect choice of a prediction algorithm could lead to service violation and penalties. In this paper, we test and report the accuracy of time series and machine learning-based prediction approaches. In each category, we test many different techniques and rank them according to their order of accuracy in predicting future QoS. Our analysis helps the cloud service provider to choose an appropriate prediction approach (whether time series or machine learning based) and further to utilize the best method depending on input data patterns to obtain an accurate prediction result and better manage their SLAs to avoid violation penalties

    Formulating and managing viable SLAs in cloud computing from a small to medium service provider's viewpoint: A state-of-the-art review

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd In today's competitive world, service providers need to be customer-focused and proactive in their marketing strategies to create consumer awareness of their services. Cloud computing provides an open and ubiquitous computing feature in which a large random number of consumers can interact with providers and request services. In such an environment, there is a need for intelligent and efficient methods that increase confidence in the successful achievement of business requirements. One such method is the Service Level Agreement (SLA), which is comprised of service objectives, business terms, service relations, obligations and the possible action to be taken in the case of SLA violation. Most of the emphasis in the literature has, until now, been on the formation of meaningful SLAs by service consumers, through which their requirements will be met. However, in an increasingly competitive market based on the cloud environment, service providers too need a framework that will form a viable SLA, predict possible SLA violations before they occur, and generate early warning alarms that flag a potential lack of resources. This is because when a provider and a consumer commit to an SLA, the service provider is bound to reserve the agreed amount of resources for the entire period of that agreement – whether the consumer uses them or not. It is therefore very important for cloud providers to accurately predict the likely resource usage for a particular consumer and to formulate an appropriate SLA before finalizing an agreement. This problem is more important for a small to medium cloud service provider which has limited resources that must be utilized in the best possible way to generate maximum revenue. A viable SLA in cloud computing is one that intelligently helps the service provider to determine the amount of resources to offer to a requesting consumer, and there are number of studies on SLA management in the literature. The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, it presents a comprehensive overview of existing state-of-the-art SLA management approaches in cloud computing, and their features and shortcomings in creating viable SLAs from the service provider's viewpoint. From a thorough analysis, we observe that the lack of a viable SLA management framework renders a service provider unable to make wise decisions in forming an SLA, which could lead to service violations and violation penalties. To fill this gap, our second contribution is the proposal of the Optimized Personalized Viable SLA (OPV-SLA) framework which assists a service provider to form a viable SLA and start managing SLA violation before an SLA is formed and executed. The framework also assists a service provider to make an optimal decision in service formation and allocate the appropriate amount of marginal resources. We demonstrate the applicability of our framework in forming viable SLAs through experiments. From the evaluative results, we observe that our framework helps a service provider to form viable SLAs and later to manage them to effectively minimize possible service violation and penalties

    Comparative analysis of consumer profile-based methods to predict SLA violation

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    © 2015 IEEE. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and a consumer which specifies in detail the level of service expected from the service provider, obligations, commitment and objectives. In the cloud computing environment, both the cloud provider and the cloud consumer want to know of a likely service violation before the actual violation occurs and to adjust the scaling of the cloud resources appropriately. A consumer's previous resource usage profile is a key element in determining the possibility of service violation in the cloud computing environment, which has not been an area of research focus so far. In this paper, we analyze and compare QoS prediction by considering the consumer's previous resource usage profile in various conditions. From comparative analysis, we observe that by combining a consumer's previous resource usage profile history along with the previous resource usage profile history of its nearest neighbors, we obtain an optimal result