782,881 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of Chronotherapy and Traditional Method of Alopecia Areata Treatment

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    Alopecia areata – is the one of widespread baldness forms, difficultly subjected to treatment. The method of chronotherapy that gains an essential circulation in Ukraine and throughout the world may play the important role in its solution.Aim: to study the clinical effectiveness of chronotherapy for alopecia areata treatment.Materials and methods. For attaining the set aim 108 persons with the diagnosis alopecia areata were examined and treated. Patients were divided in two groups. The main group included 45 persons – treated using the method of chronotherapy. The control group consisted of 67 persons, who received the traditional treatment of alopecia areata. The series of clinical, biochemical and immunological studies, directed on the assessment of the treatment effectiveness, were realized.Results. The treatment of patients with alopecia areata by the method of chronotherapy is statistically reliably more effective than the traditional treatment of this pathology and provides the renewal of hair growth in 53,3 % of patients that is accompanied by normalization of alexin, sulfhydryl groups content, acid phosphatase activity, serine, asparagine acid, valine, threonine, alanine, cystine, leucine, isoleucine concentrations. The offered chronotherapy method has the expressed anabolic effect on patients' organism. The menstrual cycle is normalized, pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms and aldodysmenorrhea disappear, patients' working ability and state of health improve.Conclusions. The obtained data deepen knowledge about the pathogenesis of alopecia areata at the biochemical and immunological levels and favor the rise of the effectiveness of diagnostics and treatment of this pathology. At the study the high chronotherapy effectiveness at treating alopecia areata was revealed and the possibility of its use for the effective treatment of a series of other pathologies was proved

    Learning beyond compliance: a comparative analysis of two cohorts undertaking a first year social work module

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    This paper addresses a current gap in education for sustainable development (ESD), an international educational movement, with a particular focus on teaching and learning innovations. Reflecting upon the mainstream 'business as usual' approaches in the ESD discourse, theories and practices of transformative social work are considered to make a significant contribution to that end. Empirical research was conducted to examine a new pedagogical approach introduced within an established module taught in 9 different groups to first year UK Social Work students during the academic year of 2007/8. The core change investigated was the replacement of detailed weekly instructions for teaching staff. The new guide articulated a pedagogical framework for the course and outlined themes and objectives, leaving detailed planning and delivery to individual teachers. Explorations were made through a comparative analysis of the responses of teaching staff and students for pre- 2007/8 academic years and 2007/8 year respectively. Data were collected using both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The research findings include students' positive view towards the classroom-based learning and some indications of deeper and wider understanding of social justice. Staff reported a renewed sense of professionalism. This research illuminates the potential for learning beyond compliance within existing curriculum frameworks

    Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Financing in Some Countries

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    . This study aims to find the similarities and differences in financing practices that occurred in The Agricultural Bank of Iran, China, Sudan, Malaysia and Baitul Maal wat Tamwil in Indonesia, and to obtain best farmers and agricultural enterpreneurs financing practices. This study used qualitative approach. Case study is selected as strategy in this research. The method of data collecting is documentation. Data is obtained from websites and annual reports of each agricultural bank. The data collected is the bank\u27s policy data on financing distributed to farmers and agricultural enterpreneurs. Agricultural Bank of China uses interest based product. This bank offer flexible loan and flexible time of payment. Agricultural bank in Iran and Sudan offer partnership and constant profit financing products to farmers. Malaysia and BMT Sidogiri in Indonesia offer constant profit contract. But their financing contract, tawarruq and Bay al Wafa are still controversial contracts. Observed agricultural banks have been using sharia priciples, except for Agricultural Bank of China. The financing product that has been used since the time of the Prophet has been applied by the agricultural banks. However, there are still controversial financing used by these banks

    Comparative analysis of FACTS controllers by tuning employing GA and PSO

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    Stability exploration has drawn more attention in contemporary research for huge interconnected power system. It is a complex frame to describe the behaviour of system, hence it can create an overhead for modern computer to analyse the power system stability. The preliminary design and optimization can be achieved by low order liner model. In this paper, the design problems of SMIB-GPSS and SMIB-MBPSS are considered to compare the performance of PSO and GA optimization algorithms. The performance of both optimization techniques are then compared further. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach to improve the power system stability

    Comparative Analysis of Water Resources Management Service Costs for Delta Brantas Irrigation Area

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    A proper fuction of irrigation system needs sustainable water resource management, supported by Water Resources Management Service Costs (BJPSDA). BJPSDA is a partial reimbursement of the cost required for water resource management activities, especially for operation and maintenance activities, must be calculated and set by water resources management. There are two methods that are used to calculate BJPSDA, which is BJPSDA in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 18/PRT/M/2015 and BJPSDA using basic service fee by considering the quality of service and value of economic benefits modelling. This study was conducted by comparing two BJPSDA methods in the Delta Brantas Irrigation Area and will be analyzed descriptively. BJPSDA of irrigation in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 18/PRT/M/2015 is Rp. 255,-/m3, as cost recovery.. BJPSDA of irrigation value using basic service fee by considering the quality of service and value of economic benefit modelling amounted Rp. 338,-/m3, calculated from basic service fee amounted Rp. 177,-/m3, added with NME for agriculture water in Delta Brantas Irrigation Area amounted Rp. 161/m3, as a water value

    A comparative analysis of cervical cancer prevention between Nigeria and Nordic countries that have experienced a decline in cervical cancer incidence.

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    BACKGROUND: A modelling analysis carried out in 2014 suggested that, without cervical cancer screening programmes, the incidence of cervical cancer in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden would have been as high as that in some low- and middle-income countries. We compare programme strategies between Nigeria and these Nordic countries and develop translatable recommendations. METHODS: A literature review using a systematic approach through Medline, Popline, Global Health, CINAHL PLUS, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Google Scholar, Africa Wide and WHO databases was conducted. RESULTS: Fifteen journal articles and two grey literature reports met our criteria. Six descriptive studies from Nigeria noted that services in Nigeria were mainly provided in urban secondary/tertiary facilities and that uptake was low even where screening was free. Trials in Nigeria and Sweden noted that subsidies and free programmes alone did not improve uptake; a Danish trial demonstrated that reminders and invitations issued by general practitioners improved participation. CONCLUSION: Free screening programmes are important but should also consider incentivisation of treatment when needed and demand creation among health workers. Additionally, effective monitoring and evaluation of programme data are key to improving and maintaining quality. More broadly, we suggest that Nigeria can build success through stakeholder-led implementation of well-defined policies with national consensus to ensure coordination and sustainability

    Comparative Analysis of Thaddeus Stevens

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