2,768 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Fingerprint Database Indexing Methods

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    International audienceNowadays, there are large country-sized fingerprint databases for identification purposes, for border access controls and also for Visa issuance procedures around the world. Fingerprint indexing techniques aim to speed up the research process in automatic fingerprint identification systems. Therefore, several preselection, classification and indexing techniques have been proposed in the literature. However, the proposed systems have been evaluated with different experimental protocols, that makes it difficult to assess their performances. The main objective of this paper is to provide a comparative study of fingerprint indexing methods using a common experimental protocol. Four fingerprint indexing methods, using naive, cascade, matcher and Minutiae Cylinder Code (MCC) approaches are evaluated on FVC databases from the Fingerprint Verification Competition (FVC) using the Cumulative Matches Curve (CMC) and for the first time using also the computing time required. Our study shows that MCC gives the best compromise between identification accuracy and computation time

    Identifying individuals from average quality fingerprint reference templates, when the best do not provide the best results !

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    International audienceThe fingerprint is one of the most used biometric modalities because of its persistence, uniqueness characteristics and ease of acquisition. Nowadays, there are large country-sized fingerprint databases for identification purposes, for border access controls and also for Visa issuance procedures around the world. The objective usually is to identify an input fingerprint among a large fingerprint database. In order to achieve this goal, different fingerprint pre-selection, classification or indexing techniques have been developed to speed up the research process to avoid comparison of the input fingerprint template against each fingerprint in the database. Although these methods are fairly accurate for identification process, we think that all of them assume the hypothesis to have a good quality of the fingerprint template for the first step of enrollment. In this paper, we show how the quality of reference templates can impact the performance of identification algorithms. We collect information and implement differents methods from the state of the art of fingerprint identification. Then, for these differents methods, we vary the quality of reference templates by using NFIQ2 metric quality. This allowed us to build a benchmark in order to evaluate the impact of these different enrollment scenarios on identification

    Ordering of Huge Biometric Information in Database System

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    The word biometrics is derived from the Greek words 'bios' and 'metric' which means living and calculation appropriately. Biometrics is the electronic identification of indi-viduals based on their physiological and biological features. Biometric attributes are data take out from biometric test which can be used for contrast with a biometric testi-monial. Biometrics composed methods for incomparable concede humans based upon one or more inherent material or behavioral characteristics. In Computer Science, bio-metrics is employed as a kind of recognition access management and access command. Biometrics has quickly seemed like an auspicious technology for attestation and has already found a place in the most sophisticated security areas. A systematic clustering technique has been there for partitioning huge biometric databases throughout recogni-tion. As we tend to are still obtaining the higher bin-miss rate, so this work is predicated on conceiving an ordering strategy for recognition of huge biometric database and with larger precision. This technique is based on the modified B+ tree that decreases the disk accesses. It reduced the information retrieval time and feasible error rates. The ordering technique is employed to proclaims a person’s identity with a reduced rate of differentia-tion instead of searching the whole database. The response time degenerates, further-more because the accuracy of the system deteriorates as the size of the database in-creases. Hence, for vast applications, the requirement to reduce the database to a little fragment seems to attain higher speeds and improved accuracy

    Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in a Database

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    In this paper, the duplicate detection method is to retrieve the best matching model video for a given query video using fingerprint. We have used the Color Layout Descriptor method and Opponent Color Space to extract feature from frame and perform k-means based clustering to generate fingerprints which are further encoded by Vector Quantization. The model-to-query video distance is computed using a new distance measure to find the similarity. To perform efficient search coarse-to-fine matching scheme is used to retrieve best match. We perform experiments on query videos and real time video with an average duration of 60 sec; the duplicate video is detected with high similarity

    Graph indexing and retrieval based on graph prototypes

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    [ANGLÈS] Taking a query from a high number of data stored into a database, as fast as possible, is a recurrent problem in the field of computer sciences practically since its origins. At the existence of this problem, it’s necessary to add, moreover, the fact that actually databases contains data types of more diverse and unexpected character possible. Now we are not talking about originating databases which only contained sets of numbers or characters strings. (...) All that I want to make into the present work and I think that was achieved as far as possible, has been to develop and to present a methodology to carry out this process. The Metric Trees of prototypes are based on a well-known strategy, which is based on grouping the data stored in database at the smartest possible way. But also we has added the concept of a graph prototype. A structure that contains information of a set of instances represented by graphs, used until now for classification and recognition. In this thesis we have used graphs as representatives of elements that have to be queried in databases. Note that graphs have the capacity to represent complex objects, for this reason the number of graph databases is increasing. Due to in the literature appears different ways to build a prototype, the work presented here shows a comparative study between the main methods. Combining these two concepts, the Metric Tree and the graph prototype, we propose the construction of metric trees where the graph prototypes are routing nodes to help to decide the way to explore when we make a search in the tree. We have used Metric Trees to make classification and to find all instances that are lower than a maximum distance. (...)[CATALÀ] El trobar-nos davant una gran quantitat de dades i tenir que fer cerques d’aquestes el més ràpid possible és un problema recurrent en el camp de les ciències de la computació pràcticament des dels seus orígens. A l'existència d'aquest problema, se li ha d’afegir, a més a més, el fet de que actualment les bases de dades emmagatzemen tipus de dades de la naturalesa més diversa i molts cops inesperada possible. Ja no parlem de les bases de dades originaries que únicament contenien números o cadenes caràcters. (...) El que he volgut en aquest treball i penso que en la mesura del que era possible s'ha aconseguit, és desenvolupar i presentar una metodologia per portar a terme aquest procés. Els Metric Trees de prototips, que es basen en la ja coneguda estratègia d'agrupar les dades que anem guardant a una base de dades de la forma més intel·ligent possible per no haver d’explorar totes les instàncies que tenim quan volem fer una cerca, però a més a més s'ha afegit el concepte de prototip. Una estructura, que agrupa la informació d'un conjunt d'instàncies, utilitzada fins ara per a fer classificació i reconeixement. Conjugant aquests dos conceptes, el de Metric Tree i el de prototip, plantejem la construcció d'arbres de cerca on els prototips siguin els nodes intermedis, que ens ajudin a decidir quin camí explorar quan volem fer una cerca sobre l'arbre. I utilitzant, aquests tant per a fer classificació com per a buscar totes les instàncies que estiguin una distància més petita d’una distància máxima. Tot això tenint present, que les dades amb que treballem són grafs, és a dir que la metodologia presentada, té la versatilitat de poder-se aplicar, a qualsevol tipus d'informació que es pugui representar d'aquesta manera. (...

    A Review of Wavelet Based Fingerprint Image Retrieval

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    A digital image is composed of pixels and information about brightness of image and RGB triples are used to encode color information. Image retrieval problem encountered when searching and retrieving images that is relevant to a user’s request from a database. In Content based image retrieval, input goes in the form of an image. In these images, different features are extracted and then the other images from database are retrieved accordingly. Biometric distinguishes the people by their physical or behavioral qualities. Fingerprints are viewed as a standout amongst the most solid for human distinguishment because of their uniqueness and ingenuity. To retrieve fingerprint images on the basis of their textural features,by using different wavelets. From the input fingerprint image, first of all center point area is selected and then its textural features are extracted and stored in database. When a query image comes then again its center point is selected and then its texture feature are extracted. Then these features are matched for similarity and then resultant image is displayed. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15026

    Combination of molecular similarity measures using data fusion

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    Many different measures of structural similarity have been suggested for matching chemical structures, each such measure focusing upon some particular type of molecular characteristic. The multi-faceted nature of biological activity suggests that an appropriate similarity measure should encompass many different types of characteristic, and this article discusses the use of data fusion methods to combine the results of searches based on multiple similarity measures. Experiments with several different types of dataset and activity suggest that data fusion provides a simple, but effective, approach to the combination of individual similarity measures. The best results were generally obtained with a fusion rule that sums the rank positions achieved by each molecule in searches using individual measures
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