2 research outputs found

    Random Actuation Pattern Optimization by Genetic Algorithm for Ultrasonic Structural Health Monitoring of Plates

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    The objective of this research is to investigate an optimized two-dimensional random pattern of uniformly excited points using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique for structural health monitoring. The point excitations generate ultrasonic waves in both isotropic and anisotropic materials that can be effective in diagnosing structural defects. The formed ultrasonic waves can constructively interfere and send out an intense wave beam to a predetermined target. The constructed wave beams can be steered to different directions with variable target distances. In the GA, the cost function is constructed to reduce main lobe beamwidth, eliminate grating lobes and suppress sidelobes’ levels. Mathematical modelling, finite element simulations, and optimizations are successively performed to achieve the objectives. Secondly Firstly, a mathematical beamforming model is developed to describe the excitation pattern of which each point is excited at the same time delay with a uniform weighting factor. The derived methodology accounts for enclosing all excitations within a certain aperture. The centroid of the emitting sources is also kept at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate within a slight tolerance range. For the near field, in isotropic materials, the excitation points lay on equally spaced circular arcs centered at the target point. In anisotropic materials, such as composites, the wave amplitude and phase velocity are highly dependent on fiber directions. Because of anisotropic nature, the excitation geometry becomes quite complicated. Secondly, finite element models for aluminum and composite plates are simulated to extract wave characteristics, such as displacement amplitudes, phase velocity profiles and slowness curves. These data are implemented later in the optimization algorithm. A quarter plate of radius 150mm and 1.125mm thickness is modelled as a three-dimensional solid part. A concentrated force with a 2.5 cycle-Hanning window sinusoidal signal is applied at the center of the plate and the boundaries are chosen to be symmetrical. Radial sensors at 5 degrees increments are positioned at 50mm from the excitation source to measure wave properties. The simulation results show that the amplitude and velocity are uniform for isotropic materials whereas the waves propagate rapidly with higher amplitudes along the fibers in anisotropic materials. Thirdly, after collecting all the required information, a GA optimization technique is applied to generate the excitation population of x- and y-coordinates. The pre-determined population is permutated, cross-overed and mutated so that additional possibilities are produced. The same process is repeated for many generations until the local optimum result is obtained. Finally, the near field beamforming is plotted in MATLAB at different actuation point numbers for the isotropic and anisotropic materials. The results are then compared to other linear, circular and planar patterns found in literature

    A New Design Method Framework for Open Origami Design Problems

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    With the development of computer science and manufacturing techniques, modern origami is no longer just used for making artistic shapes as its traditional counterpart was many centuries ago. Instead, the outstanding lightweight and high flexibility of origami structures has expanded their engineering application in aerospace, medical devices, and architecture. In order to support the automatic design of more complex modern origami structures, several computational origami design methods have been established. However these methods still focus on the problem of determining a crease pattern to fold into an exact pre-determined shape. And these methods apply deductive logic and function for only one type of topological origami structure. In order to drop the topological constraints on the shapes, this dissertation introduces the research on the development and implementation of the abductive evolutionary design methods to open origami design problems, which is asking for their designs to achieve geometric and functional requirements instead of an exact shape. This type of open origami design problem has no formal computational solutions yet. Since the open origami design problem requires searching for solutions among arbitrary candidates without fixing to a certain topological formation, it is NP-complete in computational complexity. Therefore, this research selects the genetic algorithm (GA) and one of its variations – the computational evolutionary embryogeny (CEE) – to solve origami problems. The dissertation made two major contributions. One contribution is on creating the GA-based/abstract design method framework on open origami design problems. The other contribution is on the geometric representation of origami designs that directs the definition and mapping of their genetic representation and physical representation. This research introduced two novel geometric representations, which are the “ice-cracking” and the pixelated multicellular representation (PMR). The proposed design methods and the adapted evolutionary operators have been testified by two open origami design problems of making flat-foldable shapes with desired profile area and rigid-foldable 3D water containers with desired volume. The results have proved the proposed methods widely applicable and highly effective in solving the open origami design problems