5 research outputs found

    التحقق من البروتوكولات الأمنية باستخدام الطرق الرسمية

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    توجد العديد من الطرق الرسمية المعتمدة Formal Methods لاختبار البروتوكولات الأمنية وكشف كونها آمنة أم لا. أهمها: أفيسبا Avispa، كاسبر Casper، بروفيرف ProVerif، سايثر Scyther. لقد تم التطرق سابقاً إلى تنفيذ مقارنات باستخدام طريقتين فقط من الطرق المذكورة (ProVerif, Scyther). تم في هذا البحث التحقق من البروتوكولات الأمنية والقيام بتنفيذ مقارنة بين الطرق الأربعة المذكورة من حيث نفسها البارامترات التي استخدمت في تنفيذ المقارنة بين الطريقتين سابقاً: أسلوب العمل، لغة البرمجة المستخدمة، واجهة المستخدم، أسلوب الإدخال، وطريقة إظهار النتائج. وتقديم خيارات للمستخدم باختيار الطريقة المناسبة حسب البارامتر المطلوب. تم تنفيذ الاختبار على ستة من البروتوكولات الأمنية المختلفة وهي: بروتوكول التحقق كاو شاو Kao Chow Authentication Protocol، بروتوكول 3-د الآمن 3-D Secure، بروتوكول ندهام-شرودر للمفتاح العمومي Needham-Schroeder Public Key Protocol، بروتوكول تبادل المفاتيح دفي-هلمان Diffie–Hellman key exchange، - بروتوكول اندرو سكيور Andrew Secure RPC Protocol، وبروتوكول مصادقة مصافحة التحدي Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. There are many of Formal Methods for testing security protocols detecting being safe or not. Including Avispa, Casper, ProVerif, Scyther. Previously a comparisons using two of mentioned methods (ProVerif, Scyther). In this, research a comparison between the four mentioned methods in terms of the same used parameters in the previous comparison: working style, the modeling language, user interface, input, and output. As a result, the user provided with options to choose the appropriate method depending on the desired parameter. Six different of security protocols have been tested and finally the results have been compared; these protocols are Kao Chow Authentication Protocol, 3-D Secure Protocol, Needham-Schroeder Public Key Protocol, Diffie–Hellman key exchange, Andrew Secure RPC Protocol, and Challenge Handshake Authentication Protoco

    User-friendly Formal Methods for Security-aware Applications and Protocols

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    Formal support in the design and implementation of security-aware applications increases the assurance in the final artifact. Formal methods techniques work by setting a model that unambiguously defines attacker capabilities, protocol parties behavior, and expected security properties. Rigorous reasoning can be done on the model about the interaction of the external attacker with the protocol parties, assessing whether the security properties hold or not. Unfortunately, formal verification requires a high level of expertise to be used properly and, in complex systems, the model analysis requires an amount of resources (memory and time) that are not available with current technologies. The aim of this thesis is to propose new interfaces and methodologies that facilitate the usage of formal verification techniques applied to security-aware protocols and distributed applications. In particular, this thesis presents: (i) Spi2JavaGUI, a framework for the model-driven development of security protocols, that combines (for the first time in literature) an intuitive user interface, automated formal verification and code generation; (ii) a new methodology that enables the model-driven development and the automated formal analysis of distributed applications, which requires less resources and formal verification knowledge to complete the verification process, when compared to previous approaches; (iii) the formal verification of handover procedures defined by the Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard for mobile communication networks, including the results and all the translation rules from specification documents to formal models, that facilitates the application of formal verification to other parts of the standard in the future

    Comparative Analysis of Formal Model Checking Tools for Security Protocol Verification

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    With the proliferation of universal clients over Internet, use of security protocols is rapidly on rise to minimize associated risks. Security protocols are required to be verified thoroughly before being used to secure applications. There are several approaches and tools exist to verify security protocols. Out of these one of the more suitable is the Formal approach. In this paper, we give an overview of different formal methods and tools available for security protocol verification.by Dhiren R. Patel et al.

    Mobile user authentication system (MUAS) for e-commerce applications.

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    The rapid growth of e-commerce has many associated security concerns. Thus, several studies to develop secure online authentication systems have emerged. Most studies begin with the premise that the intermediate network is the primary point of compromise. In this thesis, we assume that the point of compromise lies within the end-host or browser; this security threat is called the man-in-the-browser (MITB) attack. MITB attacks can bypass security measures of public key infrastructures (PKI), as well as encryption mechanisms for secure socket layers and transport layer security (SSL/TLS) protocol. This thesis focuses on developing a system that can circumvent MITB attacks using a two-phase secure-user authentication system, with phases that include challenge and response generation. The proposed system represents the first step in conducting an online business transaction.The proposed authentication system design contributes to protect the confidentiality of the initiating client by requesting minimal and non-confidential information to bypass the MITB attack and transition the authentication mechanism from the infected browser to a mobile-based system via a challenge/response mechanism. The challenge and response generation process depends on validating the submitted information and ensuring the mobile phone legitimacy. Both phases within the MUAS context mitigate the denial-of-service (DOS) attack via registration information, which includes the client’s mobile number and the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) of the client’s mobile phone.This novel authentication scheme circumvents the MITB attack by utilising the legitimate client’s personal mobile phone as a detached platform to generate the challenge response and conduct business transactions. Although the MITB attacker may have taken over the challenge generation phase by failing to satisfy the required security properties, the response generation phase generates a secure response from the registered legitimate mobile phone by employing security attributes from both phases. Thus, the detached challenge- and response generation phases are logically linked