5 research outputs found

    Determining Factors Influencing Length of Stay and Predicting Length of Stay Using Data Mining in the General Surgery Department

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    Background: Length of stay is one of the most important indicators in assessing hospital performance. A shorter stay can reduce the costs per discharge and shift care from inpatient to less expensive post-acute settings. It can lead to a greater readmission rate, better resource management, and more efficient services. Objective: This study aimed to identify the factors influencing length of hospital stay and predict length of stay in the general surgery department. Methods: In this study, patient information was collected from 327 records in the surgery department of Shariati Hospital using data mining techniques to determine factors influencing length of stay and to predict length of stay using three algorithms, namely decision tree, Naïve Bayes, and k-nearest neighbor algorithms. The data was split into a training data set and a test data set, and a model was built for the training data. A confusion matrix was obtained to calculate accuracy. Results: Four factors presented: surgery type (hemorrhoid), average number of visits per day, number of trials, and number of days of hospitalization before surgery; the most important of these factors was length of stay. The overall accuracy of the decision tree was 88.9% for the training data set. Conclusions: This study determined that all three algorithms can predict length of stay, but the decision tree performs the best

    Aprendizaje automático e inteligencia artificial aplicado a modelos de clasificación y regresión

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    Las técnicas de aprendizaje automático e inteligencia artificial son herramientas basadas en el análisis de datos para poder calcular la probabilidad de que sucedan determinados hechos o resultados, o para identificar la pertenencia a un determinado grupo basándose en sus propiedades. Mediante el uso del aprendizaje supervisado, en el cual se conocen previamente los resultados, se han realizado predicciones gracias a los datos obtenidos de los departamentos de administración y de atención primaria de un hospital, aunque el uso de estas mismas herramientas se puede extrapolar a otras áreas de conocimiento. Concretamente se ha estudiado los días que permanecen ingresados los pacientes debido a la causa que originó su ingreso a nivel hospitalario, donde se innova al no tratar de forma independiente los departamentos del hospital, y también se estudia las tasas de readmisión hospitalaria producidas por los pacientes al volver a ingresar en el hospital por motivos relacionados con la admisión previa, donde se mejoran las tasas predictivas gracias al uso de las técnicas más recientes y al empleo de redes neuronales combinadas con series temporales. Gracias al presente trabajo y a las técnicas utilizadas se conoce el comportamiento actual y futuro de los casos de uso sobre salud analizados, permitiendo incluso aprender con los datos analizados para adaptarse a los nuevos datos que puedan llegar en un futuro, potenciando así su uso

    Determinants of brand sabotage among railways consumer in Pakistan

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    The brands are faced a new form of harmful consumer behavior in recent years. They face consumers who have turned hostile and who are highly determined to cause harm to the brand. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between brand experience, brand reputation, brand relationship quality and consumer brand sabotage with the mediation effect of negative emotion. This study assumed that that brand experience, brand reputation, brand relationship quality and negative emotion contribute towards to the adoption of consumer brand sabotage. The research is based on stimulus organism response theory to fill the gap between branding practices and consumer brand sabotage. The consumer data of this study was collected through systematic intercept survey approach at major railways of Pakistan. The data was analyzed by Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. The result of the study indicates a significant relationship between brand experience towards negative emotion and consumer brand sabotage with the mediation effect of negative emotion. Brand reputation also has a significant relationship between negative emotion and consumer brand sabotage with the mediation effect of negative emotion. Brand relationship quality has insignificant relationship with negative emotion and also consumer brand sabotage with the mediation effect of negative emotion. The research concludes with recommendations, theoretical contribution, practical and managerial contribution and methodological contribution, as well as limitations and suggestions for future research