128,218 research outputs found

    Comparable pairs in families of sets

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    Given a family F\mathcal{F} of subsets of [n][n], we say two sets A,B∈FA, B \in \mathcal{F} are comparable if A⊂BA \subset B or B⊂AB \subset A. Sperner's celebrated theorem gives the size of the largest family without any comparable pairs. This result was later generalised by Kleitman, who gave the minimum number of comparable pairs appearing in families of a given size. In this paper we study a complementary problem posed by Erd\H{o}s and Daykin and Frankl in the early '80s. They asked for the maximum number of comparable pairs that can appear in a family of mm subsets of [n][n], a quantity we denote by c(n,m)c(n,m). We first resolve an old conjecture of Alon and Frankl, showing that c(n,m)=o(m2)c(n,m) = o(m^2) when m=nω(1)2n/2m = n^{\omega(1)} 2^{n/2}. We also obtain more accurate bounds for c(n,m)c(n,m) for sparse and dense families, characterise the extremal constructions for certain values of mm, and sharpen some other known results.Comment: 18 page

    Colouring set families without monochromatic k-chains

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    A coloured version of classic extremal problems dates back to Erd\H{o}s and Rothschild, who in 1974 asked which nn-vertex graph has the maximum number of 2-edge-colourings without monochromatic triangles. They conjectured that the answer is simply given by the largest triangle-free graph. Since then, this new class of coloured extremal problems has been extensively studied by various researchers. In this paper we pursue the Erd\H{o}s--Rothschild versions of Sperner's Theorem, the classic result in extremal set theory on the size of the largest antichain in the Boolean lattice, and Erd\H{o}s' extension to kk-chain-free families. Given a family F\mathcal{F} of subsets of [n][n], we define an (r,k)(r,k)-colouring of F\mathcal{F} to be an rr-colouring of the sets without any monochromatic kk-chains F1⊂F2⊂⋯⊂FkF_1 \subset F_2 \subset \dots \subset F_k. We prove that for nn sufficiently large in terms of kk, the largest kk-chain-free families also maximise the number of (2,k)(2,k)-colourings. We also show that the middle level, ([n]⌊n/2⌋)\binom{[n]}{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor}, maximises the number of (3,2)(3,2)-colourings, and give asymptotic results on the maximum possible number of (r,k)(r,k)-colourings whenever r(k−1)r(k-1) is divisible by three.Comment: 30 pages, final versio

    On pairs of definable orthogonal families

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    We introduce the notion of an M-family of infinite subsets of \nn which is implicitly contained in the work of A. R. D. Mathias. We study the structure of a pair of orthogonal hereditary families \aaa and \bbb, where \aaa is analytic and \bbb is CC-measurable and an M-family.Comment: 21 pages, no figures. Illinois Journal of Mathematics (to appear

    A Special Class of Almost Disjoint Families

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    The collection of branches (maximal linearly ordered sets of nodes) of the tree <ωω{}^{<\omega}\omega (ordered by inclusion) forms an almost disjoint family (of sets of nodes). This family is not maximal -- for example, any level of the tree is almost disjoint from all of the branches. How many sets must be added to the family of branches to make it maximal? This question leads to a series of definitions and results: a set of nodes is {\it off-branch} if it is almost disjoint from every branch in the tree; an {\it off-branch family} is an almost disjoint family of off-branch sets; {\frak o}=\min\{|{\Cal O}|: {\Cal O} is a maximal off-branch family}\}. Results concerning o\frak o include: (in ZFC) a≤o{\frak a}\leq{\frak o}, and (consistent with ZFC) o\frak o is not equal to any of the standard small cardinal invariants b\frak b, a\frak a, d\frak d, or c=2ω{\frak c}=2^\omega. Most of these consistency results use standard forcing notions -- for example, Con(b=a<o=d=c)Con({\frak b}={\frak a}<{\frak o}={\frak d}={\frak c}) comes from starting with a model of ZFC+CHZFC+CH and adding ω2\omega_2-many Cohen reals. Many interesting open questions remain, though -- for example, Con(o<d)Con({\frak o}<{\frak d})
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