12 research outputs found

    Investigating the Impact of Independent Rule Fitnesses in a Learning Classifier System

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    Achieving at least some level of explainability requires complex analyses for many machine learning systems, such as common black-box models. We recently proposed a new rule-based learning system, SupRB, to construct compact, interpretable and transparent models by utilizing separate optimizers for the model selection tasks concerning rule discovery and rule set composition.This allows users to specifically tailor their model structure to fulfil use-case specific explainability requirements. From an optimization perspective, this allows us to define clearer goals and we find that -- in contrast to many state of the art systems -- this allows us to keep rule fitnesses independent. In this paper we investigate this system's performance thoroughly on a set of regression problems and compare it against XCSF, a prominent rule-based learning system. We find the overall results of SupRB's evaluation comparable to XCSF's while allowing easier control of model structure and showing a substantially smaller sensitivity to random seeds and data splits. This increased control can aid in subsequently providing explanations for both training and final structure of the model.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2202.0167

    Optimality-based Analysis of XCSF Compaction in Discrete Reinforcement Learning

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    Learning classifier systems (LCSs) are population-based predictive systems that were originally envisioned as agents to act in reinforcement learning (RL) environments. These systems can suffer from population bloat and so are amenable to compaction techniques that try to strike a balance between population size and performance. A well-studied LCS architecture is XCSF, which in the RL setting acts as a Q-function approximator. We apply XCSF to a deterministic and stochastic variant of the FrozenLake8x8 environment from OpenAI Gym, with its performance compared in terms of function approximation error and policy accuracy to the optimal Q-functions and policies produced by solving the environments via dynamic programming. We then introduce a novel compaction algorithm (Greedy Niche Mass Compaction - GNMC) and study its operation on XCSF's trained populations. Results show that given a suitable parametrisation, GNMC preserves or even slightly improves function approximation error while yielding a significant reduction in population size. Reasonable preservation of policy accuracy also occurs, and we link this metric to the commonly used steps-to-goal metric in maze-like environments, illustrating how the metrics are complementary rather than competitive

    Hybridizing and applying computational intelligence techniques

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    As computers are increasingly relied upon to perform tasks of increasing complexity affecting many aspects of society, it is imperative that the underlying computational methods performing the tasks have high performance in terms of effectiveness and scalability. A common solution employed to perform such complex tasks are computational intelligence (CI) techniques. CI techniques use approaches influenced by nature to solve problems in which traditional modeling approaches fail due to impracticality, intractability, or mathematical ill-posedness. While CI techniques can perform considerably better than traditional modeling approaches when solving complex problems, the scalability performance of a given CI technique alone is not always optimal. Hybridization is a popular process by which a better performing CI technique is created from the combination of multiple existing techniques in a logical manner. In the first paper in this thesis, a novel hybridization of two CI techniques, accuracy-based learning classifier systems (XCS) and cluster analysis, is presented that improves upon the efficiency and, in some cases, the effectiveness of XCS. A number of tasks in software engineering are performed manually, such as defining expected output in model transformation testing. Especially since the number and size of projects that rely on tasks that must be performed manually, it is critical that automated approaches are employed to reduce or eliminate manual effort from these tasks in order to scale efficiently. The second paper in this thesis details a novel application of a CI technique, multi-objective simulated annealing, to the task of test case model generation to reduce the resulting effort required to manually update expected transformation output --Abstract, page iv

    Hypothesis Testing with Classifier Systems

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    This thesis presents a new ML algorithm, HCS, taking inspiration from Learning Classifier Systems, Decision Trees and Statistical Hypothesis Testing, aimed at providing clearly understandable models of medical datasets. Analysis of medical datasets has some specific requirements not always fulfilled by standard Machine Learning methods. In particular, heterogeneous and missing data must be tolerated, the results should be easily interpretable. Moreover, often the combination of two or more attributes leads to non-linear effects not detectable for each attribute on its own. Although it has been designed specifically for medical datasets, HCS can be applied to a broad range of data types, making it suitable for many domains. We describe the details of the algorithm, and test its effectiveness on five real-world datasets

    Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning of Spoken Dialogue Strategies

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    Institute for Communicating and Collaborative SystemsFrom a system developer's perspective, designing a spoken dialogue system can be a time-consuming and difficult process. A developer may spend a lot of time anticipating how a potential user might interact with the system and then deciding on the most appropriate system response. These decisions are encoded in a dialogue strategy, essentially a mapping between anticipated user inputs and appropriate system outputs. To reduce the time and effort associated with developing a dialogue strategy, recent work has concentrated on modelling the development of a dialogue strategy as a sequential decision problem. Using this model, reinforcement learning algorithms have been employed to generate dialogue strategies automatically. These algorithms learn strategies by interacting with simulated users. Some progress has been made with this method but a number of important challenges remain. For instance, relatively little success has been achieved with the large state representations that are typical of real-life systems. Another crucial issue is the time and effort associated with the creation of simulated users. In this thesis, I propose an alternative to existing reinforcement learning methods of dialogue strategy development. More specifically, I explore how XCS, an evolutionary reinforcement learning algorithm, can be used to find dialogue strategies that cover large state spaces. Furthermore, I suggest that hand-coded simulated users are sufficient for the learning of useful dialogue strategies. I argue that the use of evolutionary reinforcement learning and hand-coded simulated users is an effective approach to the rapid development of spoken dialogue strategies. Finally, I substantiate this claim by evaluating a learned strategy with real users. Both the learned strategy and a state-of-the-art hand-coded strategy were integrated into an end-to-end spoken dialogue system. The dialogue system allowed real users to make flight enquiries using a live database for an Edinburgh-based airline. The performance of the learned and hand-coded strategies were compared. The evaluation results show that the learned strategy performs as well as the hand-coded one (81% and 77% task completion respectively) but takes much less time to design (two days instead of two weeks). Moreover, the learned strategy compares favourably with previous user evaluations of learned strategies

    Three-cornered coevolution learning classifier systems for classification

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    This thesis introduces a Three-Cornered Coevolution System that is capable of addressing classification tasks through coevolution (coadaptive evolution) where three different agents (i.e. a generation agent and two classification agents) learn and adapt to the changes of the problems without human involvement. In existing pattern classification systems, humans usually play a major role in creating and controlling the problem domain. In particular, humans set up and tune the problem’s difficulty. A motivation of the work for this thesis is to design and develop an automatic pattern generation and classification system that can generate various sets of exemplars to be learned from and perform the classification tasks autonomously. The system should be able to automatically adjust the problem’s difficulty based on the learners’ ability to learn (e.g. determining features in the problem that affect the learners’ performance in order to generate various problems for classification at different levels of difficulty). Further, the system should be capable of addressing the classification tasks through coevolution (coadaptive evolution), where the participating agents learn and adapt to the changes of the problems without human participation. Ultimately, Learning Classifier System (LCS) is chosen to be implemented in the participating agents. LCS has several potential characteristics, such as interpretability, generalisation capability and variations in representation, that are suitable for the system. The work can be broken down into three main phases. Phase 1 is to develop an automated evolvable problem generator to autonomously generate various problems for classification, Phase 2 is to develop the Two-Cornered Coevolution System for classification, and Phase 3 is to develop the Three-Cornered Coevolution System for classification. Phase 1 is necessary in order to create a set of problem domains for classification (i.e. image-based data or artificial data) that can be generated automatically, where the difficulty levels of the problem can be adjusted and tuned. Phase 2 is needed to investigate the generation agent’s ability to autonomously tune and adjust the problem’s difficulty based on the classification agent’s performance. Phase 2 is a standard coevolution system, where two different agents evolve to adapt to the changes of the problem. The classification agent evolves to learn various classification problems, while the generation agent evolves to tune and adjust the problem’s difficulty based on the learner’s ability to learn. Phase 3 is the final research goal. This phase develops a new coevolution system where three different agents evolve to adapt to the changes of the problem. Both of the classification agents evolve to learn various classification problems, while the generation agent evolves to tune and adjust the problem’s difficulty based on the classification agents’ ability to learn. The classification agents use different styles of learning techniques (i.e. supervised or reinforcement learning techniques) to learn the problems. Based on the classification agents’ ability (i.e. the difference in performance between the classification agents) the generation agent adjusts and creates various problems for classification at different levels of difficulty (i.e. various ‘hard’ problems). The Three-Cornered Coevolution System offers a great potential for autonomous learning and provides useful insight into coevolution learning over the standard studies of pattern recognition. The system is capable of autonomously generating various problems, learning and providing insight into each learning system’s ability by determining the problem domains where they perform relatively well. This is in contrast to humans having to determine the problem domains

    Compact Rulesets from XCSI

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    An algorithm is presented for reducing the size of evolved classifier populations. On the Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset, the algorithm produced compact rulesets substantially smaller than the populations, yet performance in cross-validation tests was nearly unchanged. Classifiers of th