14,841 research outputs found

    Solvability of the Dirichlet, Neumann and the regularity problems for parabolic equations with H\"older continuous coefficients

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    We establish the L2L^2-solvability of Dirichlet, Neumann and regularity problems for divergence-form heat (or diffusion) equations with H\"older-continuous diffusion coefficients, on bounded Lipschitz domains in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. This is achieved through the demonstration of invertibility of the relevant layer-potentials which is in turn based on Fredholm theory and a new systematic approach which yields suitable parabolic Rellich-type estimates

    Rational spectral methods for PDEs involving fractional Laplacian in unbounded domains

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    Many PDEs involving fractional Laplacian are naturally set in unbounded domains with underlying solutions decay very slowly, subject to certain power laws. Their numerical solutions are under-explored. This paper aims at developing accurate spectral methods using rational basis (or modified mapped Gegenbauer functions) for such models in unbounded domains. The main building block of the spectral algorithms is the explicit representations for the Fourier transform and fractional Laplacian of the rational basis, derived from some useful integral identites related to modified Bessel functions. With these at our disposal, we can construct rational spectral-Galerkin and direct collocation schemes by pre-computing the associated fractional differentiation matrices. We obtain optimal error estimates of rational spectral approximation in the fractional Sobolev spaces, and analyze the optimal convergence of the proposed Galerkin scheme. We also provide ample numerical results to show that the rational method outperforms the Hermite function approach

    Hitchhiker's guide to the fractional Sobolev spaces

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    This paper deals with the fractional Sobolev spaces W^[s,p]. We analyze the relations among some of their possible definitions and their role in the trace theory. We prove continuous and compact embeddings, investigating the problem of the extension domains and other regularity results. Most of the results we present here are probably well known to the experts, but we believe that our proofs are original and we do not make use of any interpolation techniques nor pass through the theory of Besov spaces. We also present some counterexamples in non-Lipschitz domains

    Principal eigenvalue of the fractional Laplacian with a large incompressible drift

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    We add a divergence-free drift with increasing magnitude to the fractional Laplacian on a bounded smooth domain, and discuss the behavior of the principal eigenvalue for the Dirichlet problem. The eigenvalue remains bounded if and only if the drift has non-trivial first integrals in the domain of the quadratic form of the fractional Laplacian.Comment: 19 page

    A brief survey of Nigel Kalton's work on interpolation and related topics

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    This is the third of a series of papers surveying some small part of the remarkable work of our friend and colleague Nigel Kalton. We have written it as part of a tribute to his memory. It does not contain new results. This time, rather than concentrating on one particular paper, we attempt to give a general overview of Nigel's many contributions to the theory of interpolation of Banach spaces, and also, significantly, quasi-Banach spaces.Comment: 11 page
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