160 research outputs found

    Compact E-Cash and Simulatable VRFs Revisited

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    Abstract. Efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs are a powerful tool for solving many cryptographic problems. We apply the recent Groth-Sahai (GS) proof system for pairing product equations (Eurocrypt 2008) to two related cryptographic problems: compact e-cash (Eurocrypt 2005) and simulatable verifiable random functions (CRYPTO 2007). We present the first efficient compact e-cash scheme that does not rely on a random oracle. To this end we construct efficient GS proofs for signature possession, pseudo randomness and set membership. The GS proofs for pseudorandom functions give rise to a much cleaner and substantially faster construction of simulatable verifiable random functions (sVRF) under a weaker number theoretic assumption. We obtain the first efficient fully simulatable sVRF with a polynomial sized output domain (in the security parameter).

    Practical Compact E-Cash

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    Compact e-cash schemes allow a user to withdraw a wallet containing kk coins in a single operation, each of which the user can spend unlinkably. One big open problem for compact e-cash is to allow multiple denominations of coins to be spent efficiently without executing the spend protocol a number of times. In this paper, we give a (\emph{partial}) solution to this open problem by introducing two additional protocols, namely, compact spending and batch spending. Compact spending allows spending all the kk coins in one operation while batch spending allows spending any number of coins in the wallet in a single execution. We modify the security model of compact e-cash to accommodate these added protocols and present a generic construction. While the spending and compact spending protocol are of constant time and space complexities, complexities of batch spending is linear in the number of coins to be spent together. Thus, we regard our solution to the open problem as {\it partial}. We provide two instantiations under the qq-SDH assumption and the LRSW assumption respectively and present security arguments for both instantiations in the random oracle model

    Practical Compact E-Cash with Arbitrary Wallet Size

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    Compact e-cash schemes allow users to withdraw a wallet containing KK coins and to spend each coin unlinkably. We present the first compact e-cash scheme with arbitrary wallet size kKk \leq K while the spending protocol is of constant time and space complexity. Known compact e-cash schemes are constructed from either verifiable random functions or bounded accumulators. We use both building blocks to construct the new scheme which is secure under the qq-SDH, the yy-DDHI and the SXDH assumptions in the random oracle model

    More Compact E-Cash with Efficient Coin Tracing

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    In 1982, Chaum \cite{Chaum82} pioneered the anonymous e-cash which finds many applications in e-commerce. In 1993, Brands \cite{Brands93apr,Brands93,Brands93tm} and Ferguson \cite Ferguson93c,Ferguson93} published on single-term offline anonymous e-cash which were the first practical e-cash. Their constructions used blind signatures and were inefficient to implement multi-spendable e-cash. In 1995, Camenisch, Hohenberger, and Lysyanskaya \cite{CaHoLy05} gave the first compact 22^\ell-spendable e-cash, using zero-knowledge-proof techniques. They left an open problem of the simultaneous attainment of O(1)O(1)-unit wallet size and efficient coin tracing. The latter property is needed to revoke {\em bad} coins from over-spenders. In this paper, we solve \cite{CaHoLy05}\u27s open problem, and thus enable the first practical compact e-cash. We use a new technique whose security reduces to a new intractability Assumption: the {\em Decisional Harmonic-Relationed Diffie-Hellman (DHRDH) Assumption}

    Anonymous reputation based reservations in e-commerce (AMNESIC)

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    Online reservation systems have grown over the last recent years to facilitate the purchase of goods and services. Generally, reservation systems require that customers provide some personal data to make a reservation effective. With this data, service providers can check the consumer history and decide if the user is trustable enough to get the reserve. Although the reputation of a user is a good metric to implement the access control of the system, providing personal and sensitive data to the system presents high privacy risks, since the interests of a user are totally known and tracked by an external entity. In this paper we design an anonymous reservation protocol that uses reputations to profile the users and control their access to the offered services, but at the same time it preserves their privacy not only from the seller but the service provider

    Validation-free offchain transactions with unlinkable double spend detection

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    The so-called layer-two protocols are a class of blockchain scaling solutions. They allow to minimize onchain traffic, and therefore make state transitions (payments, for example) faster and more suitable for everyday use, while still preventing double spend attacks. Unfortunately, these solutions also have some downsides and tradeoffs (channel capacity, route availability, operator availability, etc.). In this work we study the possibility of simplifying and improving existing protocols for offchain transactions and describe a scheme that, without transaction validation, allows to detect a double The so-called layer-two protocols are a class of blockchain scaling solutions. They allow to minimize onchain traffic, and therefore make state transitions (payments, for example) faster and more suitable for everyday use, while still preventing double spend attacks. Unfortunately, these solutions also have some downsides and tradeoffs (channel capacity, route availability, operator availability, etc.). In this work we study the possibility of simplifying and improving existing protocols for offchain transactions and describe a scheme that, without transaction validation, allows to detect a doubl

    KeyForge: Mitigating Email Breaches with Forward-Forgeable Signatures

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    Email breaches are commonplace, and they expose a wealth of personal, business, and political data that may have devastating consequences. The current email system allows any attacker who gains access to your email to prove the authenticity of the stolen messages to third parties -- a property arising from a necessary anti-spam / anti-spoofing protocol called DKIM. This exacerbates the problem of email breaches by greatly increasing the potential for attackers to damage the users' reputation, blackmail them, or sell the stolen information to third parties. In this paper, we introduce "non-attributable email", which guarantees that a wide class of adversaries are unable to convince any third party of the authenticity of stolen emails. We formally define non-attributability, and present two practical system proposals -- KeyForge and TimeForge -- that provably achieve non-attributability while maintaining the important protection against spam and spoofing that is currently provided by DKIM. Moreover, we implement KeyForge and demonstrate that that scheme is practical, achieving competitive verification and signing speed while also requiring 42% less bandwidth per email than RSA2048