45 research outputs found

    Автоматизирано генериране на тестови въпроси, оценяващи знания по таксономията на Блум

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    Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2010 гСъвременно направление в развитието на системите за е-обучение е адаптиране към когнитивните способности и знания на обучаваните. При електронното тестване, например, вече се говори не само за набор от стандартни тестови въпроси (напр. с множествен избор), но и за тестове, измерващи равнището на знания (напр. по таксономията на Блум). В работата се предлага и експериментира методика как оценени знания на обучавани (в дадена предметна област) да се използват за конструиране на следващи тестови въпроси. Методиката е общоприложима (не зависи от областта, дисциплината, обучаваните и др.) и адаптивна (вкл. с автоматизирано генериране на тестови въпроси относно понятия и отношения в конкретната предметна област).Асоциация "Развитие на информационното общество", Институт по математика и информатика при БАН, Пловдивски университе

    Finalizing of UP2UML Project

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    The outcomes of the Upskilling UML are represented. Our team participated in this European project funded by the European Commission under the Leonardo da Vinci program between October 2005 and November 2007. The project aims to enhance UML skills for software development in small and medium enterprises. A proper new learning content for UML was designed and developed. Besides, innovative course production tools were applied and new training approaches were tested and their methodological results were delivered. In the context of general description of the project outcomes we represent here the contribution of our team

    Adaptive courseware design based on learner character

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    During last decade, a great advance has been done in both theoretical research and software construction of Adaptive Hypermedia Systems (AHS). The article discusses the practical approach taken for authoring and instructional design of adaptive courseware based on learner character, namely learner goals and preferences, learner style, and learner performance and satisfaction level. This approach is adopted at pilot test of ADOPTA - adaptive technology-enhanced platform for edutainment. The authoring process relies strongly on an enhanced learning object metadata support, where learning styles are used for adaptive navigation within the narrative storyboard graph. On other side, both learner knowledge and satisfaction level determine adaptive content selection

    Empirical Study of the Implementation of M – Learning in Takoradi Technical University

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    The use of mobile phones in the world especially most developed countries have become part of everyday life and majority of people carry them all the time (Smura et al., 2009). Students in tertiary institutions are noted to be among the highest users of mobile devices and since m-learning enables mobility and mobile learning, allowing teaching and learning to extend to spaces beyond the traditional classroom, the researchers conducted an empirical study on the possible implementation of m-learning in Takoradi Technical University. The researchers used the variables of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)-perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude towards use and behavioural intention to use as the bases for modelling the questionnaire and it was found out that almost all (99.3%) of the students are aware of m-learning but about only a third (28.6%) uses the mobile devices for m-learning while 37.1% of the respondents use their mobile devices for social media. The researchers therefore concluded it is highly possible to implement m-learning in Takoradi Technical University with little or no training for students if there is enough education. Keywords: perceived ease of use, usefulness, attitude toward use, behavioural intention and m-learning. DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/8-1-0

    Collaborative Learning and Authoring in the Frame of e-Projects

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    It is presented a research on the application of a collaborative learning and authoring during all delivery phases of e-learning programmes or e-courses offered by educational institutions. The possibilities for modelling of an e-project as a specific management process based on planned, dynamically changing or accidentally arising sequences of learning activities, is discussed. New approaches for project-based and collaborative learning and authoring are presented. Special types of test questions are introduced which allow test generation and authoring based on learners’ answers accumulated in the frame of given e-course. Experiments are carried out in an e-learning environment, named BEST

    Електронна терапия и корекция на заекването

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    Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, май, 2010 г.Широкото разпространение на информационните технологии създава условия за приложение на нови методи и форми на виртуално консултиране и терапия при коригиране на комуникативни нарушения. В работата се представя Web-базирана система за консултиране и терапия на заекването, вкл. автоматизирано оценяване на плавността и техниката на речта.Асоциация "Развитие на информационното общество", Институт по математика и информатика при БАН, Пловдивски университе

    Generalized Nets Model of an E-Learning System Software Architecture

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    The paper has been presented at the International Conference Pioneers of Bulgarian Mathematics, Dedicated to Nikola Obreshko ff and Lubomir Tschakaloff , Sofi a, July, 2006.Component-based software engineering and software architecture are tightly connected areas in computer science. Software architecture presents the functionality of the system as decomposition into components, the properties of these components and the connectors between them. This paper illustrates a methodology for application of the theory of Generalized Nets (GNs) as a language for description of software systems architecture. According to this methodology, every component in the system, as well as every connector is represented by a single GN transition. This way the positions of the transition describe the ports of components and connectors in the system. This paper introduces a model of the component-based architecture of the e-learning system ARCADE, which is created, with respect to the proposed methodology for description with GNs. The four main subsystems are regarded as components in the GNs model. Their additional sub-modules are presented as the services provided by the components. Method calls are regarded as the connectors between these components. Further, the GNs model is compared with the existing UML diagrams, specifying the design of ARCADE

    Comparative Study of the Inference Mechanisms in PROLOG and SPIDER

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    Control Network Programming (CNP) is a graphical nonprocedural programming style whose built-in inference engine (interpreter) is based on search in a recursive network. This paper is the third in a series of reports that share a common objective – comparison between the CNP language SPIDER and the logic programming language PROLOG. The focus here is on the comparative investigation of their interpreters, presented in a generic formal frame – reduction of goals. As a result of juxtaposing their pseudo-codes the advantages of SPIDER are outlined

    Managing Knowledge as Business Rules

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    In today’s business environment, it is a certainty that will manage to survive especially those organizations which are striving to adapt quickly and with low costs to the new demands of market competition. Knowledge represented by internal business rules of an organization can help crystallize their orientation in order to ensure a competitive advantage in the market. In this context and in a relatively short time, a new trend in software development has arisen, ex-tending current methods and putting a strong emphasis on business rules. This article outlines the importance of managing business rules in an organized manner using dedicated software products and furthermore presents a general prototype for a business rules repository.Business Rules, Management, Knowledge, Rule Engine, Repository Prototype