710 research outputs found

    Structure of Heterogeneous Networks

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    Heterogeneous networks play a key role in the evolution of communities and the decisions individuals make. These networks link different types of entities, for example, people and the events they attend. Network analysis algorithms usually project such networks unto simple graphs composed of entities of a single type. In the process, they conflate relations between entities of different types and loose important structural information. We develop a mathematical framework that can be used to compactly represent and analyze heterogeneous networks that combine multiple entity and link types. We generalize Bonacich centrality, which measures connectivity between nodes by the number of paths between them, to heterogeneous networks and use this measure to study network structure. Specifically, we extend the popular modularity-maximization method for community detection to use this centrality metric. We also rank nodes based on their connectivity to other nodes. One advantage of this centrality metric is that it has a tunable parameter we can use to set the length scale of interactions. By studying how rankings change with this parameter allows us to identify important nodes in the network. We apply the proposed method to analyze the structure of several heterogeneous networks. We show that exploiting additional sources of evidence corresponding to links between, as well as among, different entity types yields new insights into network structure

    Benchmarking Measures of Network Influence

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    Identifying key agents for the transmission of diseases (ideas, technology, etc.) across social networks has predominantly relied on measures of centrality on a static base network or a temporally flattened graph of agent interactions. Various measures have been proposed as the best trackers of influence, such as degree centrality, betweenness, and kk-shell, depending on the structure of the connectivity. We consider SIR and SIS propagation dynamics on a temporally-extruded network of observed interactions and measure the conditional marginal spread as the change in the magnitude of the infection given the removal of each agent at each time: its temporal knockout (TKO) score. We argue that the exhaustive approach of the TKO score makes it an effective benchmark measure for evaluating the accuracy of other, often more practical, measures of influence. We find that none of the common network measures applied to the induced flat graphs are accurate predictors of network propagation influence on the systems studied; however, temporal networks and the TKO measure provide the requisite targets for the hunt for effective predictive measures

    Contextual Centrality: Going Beyond Network Structures

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    Centrality is a fundamental network property which ranks nodes by their structural importance. However, structural importance may not suffice to predict successful diffusions in a wide range of applications, such as word-of-mouth marketing and political campaigns. In particular, nodes with high structural importance may contribute negatively to the objective of the diffusion. To address this problem, we propose contextual centrality, which integrates structural positions, the diffusion process, and, most importantly, nodal contributions to the objective of the diffusion. We perform an empirical analysis of the adoption of microfinance in Indian villages and weather insurance in Chinese villages. Results show that contextual centrality of the first-informed individuals has higher predictive power towards the eventual adoption outcomes than other standard centrality measures. Interestingly, when the product of diffusion rate pp and the largest eigenvalue λ1\lambda_1 is larger than one and diffusion period is long, contextual centrality linearly scales with eigenvector centrality. This approximation reveals that contextual centrality identifies scenarios where a higher diffusion rate of individuals may negatively influence the cascade payoff. Further simulations on the synthetic and real-world networks show that contextual centrality has the advantage of selecting an individual whose local neighborhood generates a high cascade payoff when pλ1<1p \lambda_1 < 1. Under this condition, stronger homophily leads to higher cascade payoff. Our results suggest that contextual centrality captures more complicated dynamics on networks and has significant implications for applications, such as information diffusion, viral marketing, and political campaigns
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