3,028 research outputs found

    Incorporating Structured Commonsense Knowledge in Story Completion

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    The ability to select an appropriate story ending is the first step towards perfect narrative comprehension. Story ending prediction requires not only the explicit clues within the context, but also the implicit knowledge (such as commonsense) to construct a reasonable and consistent story. However, most previous approaches do not explicitly use background commonsense knowledge. We present a neural story ending selection model that integrates three types of information: narrative sequence, sentiment evolution and commonsense knowledge. Experiments show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on a public dataset, ROCStory Cloze Task , and the performance gain from adding the additional commonsense knowledge is significant

    CARE: Commonsense-Aware Emotional Response Generation with Latent Concepts

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    Rationality and emotion are two fundamental elements of humans. Endowing agents with rationality and emotion has been one of the major milestones in AI. However, in the field of conversational AI, most existing models only specialize in one aspect and neglect the other, which often leads to dull or unrelated responses. In this paper, we hypothesize that combining rationality and emotion into conversational agents can improve response quality. To test the hypothesis, we focus on one fundamental aspect of rationality, i.e., commonsense, and propose CARE, a novel model for commonsense-aware emotional response generation. Specifically, we first propose a framework to learn and construct commonsense-aware emotional latent concepts of the response given an input message and a desired emotion. We then propose three methods to collaboratively incorporate the latent concepts into response generation. Experimental results on two large-scale datasets support our hypothesis and show that our model can produce more accurate and commonsense-aware emotional responses and achieve better human ratings than state-of-the-art models that only specialize in one aspect.Comment: AAAI-202

    Story Ending Generation with Incremental Encoding and Commonsense Knowledge

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    Generating a reasonable ending for a given story context, i.e., story ending generation, is a strong indication of story comprehension. This task requires not only to understand the context clues which play an important role in planning the plot but also to handle implicit knowledge to make a reasonable, coherent story. In this paper, we devise a novel model for story ending generation. The model adopts an incremental encoding scheme to represent context clues which are spanning in the story context. In addition, commonsense knowledge is applied through multi-source attention to facilitate story comprehension, and thus to help generate coherent and reasonable endings. Through building context clues and using implicit knowledge, the model is able to produce reasonable story endings. context clues implied in the post and make the inference based on it. Automatic and manual evaluation shows that our model can generate more reasonable story endings than state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: Accepted in AAAI201

    Keyword-Guided Neural Conversational Model

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    We study the problem of imposing conversational goals/keywords on open-domain conversational agents, where the agent is required to lead the conversation to a target keyword smoothly and fast. Solving this problem enables the application of conversational agents in many real-world scenarios, e.g., recommendation and psychotherapy. The dominant paradigm for tackling this problem is to 1) train a next-turn keyword classifier, and 2) train a keyword-augmented response retrieval model. However, existing approaches in this paradigm have two limitations: 1) the training and evaluation datasets for next-turn keyword classification are directly extracted from conversations without human annotations, thus, they are noisy and have low correlation with human judgements, and 2) during keyword transition, the agents solely rely on the similarities between word embeddings to move closer to the target keyword, which may not reflect how humans converse. In this paper, we assume that human conversations are grounded on commonsense and propose a keyword-guided neural conversational model that can leverage external commonsense knowledge graphs (CKG) for both keyword transition and response retrieval. Automatic evaluations suggest that commonsense improves the performance of both next-turn keyword prediction and keyword-augmented response retrieval. In addition, both self-play and human evaluations show that our model produces responses with smoother keyword transition and reaches the target keyword faster than competitive baselines.Comment: AAAI-202
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